Introduction To Site Preparation
Introduction To Site Preparation
Introduction To Site Preparation
• The demolition or wrecking of buildings
and other structures
• Clearing of building sites and sale of
materials from demolished structure
Site preparation also entails:
• Blasting
• Test drilling
• land fill
• leveling
• earth-moving
• excavating
• land drainage
• and other land preparation
Site Works
• is part of a construction
project that is not part of a
building or house’s
physical structure. This
usually includes grading,
excavation, construction
and installation of septic
tanks and filtration
systems, driveways and
other utilities.
- This is the 1st task of site
preparation. The site should be in a
cleared and graded contidion. it
involves the removal of trees,
demolishing buildings and removing
any old underground infrastructure or
any other obstacle that might affect
the construction process in the future.
• Preparing the road right-of-way or
construction area is referred to as clearing
and grubbing. During the clearing phase,
trees are felled. Grubbing refers to the
clearing and removal of stumps and
organic debris. Trees should be felled and
cleared a minimum of 1 to 3 m from the top
of the cut or toe of the fill (Figure 105). The
logs can be decked outside the
construction area (Figure 105, B to E) or
skidded away.
- is similar to clearing but the
difference is, it is the
removal of roots that may
remain in the soil.
Clearing Vegetation Procedure.
• After designating the area to be cleared, • It’s especially important to remove stumps
the first step is to remove vegetation. This and roots, as the decaying woody material
begins with undergrowth. After the can cause cracks in concrete structures
undergrowth is cleared away, only large built on the site. We also remove large
vegetation, such as trees and shrubs, is stones and dig out animal burrows and fill
left to be cleared. them with clay. Vegetation within a
• Clearing the undergrowth first creates a surrounding designated workspace area
safer, easier space to do the labor or tree should be cleared. Any trees and shrubs
removal. Tree cutting can be very within at least 30 feet of the construction
dangerous and requires skill and expertise. site should also be cleared.
The trees are cut to leave tall stumps that
are easier to remove. We remove the
stumps using machinery, then focus on
removing the roots.
TASKS - Task associated with clearing of vegetation and trees would include:
• Job preparation and planning prior to the
cleaning of a site.
• Establish and exclusion zone where overhead
electrical services and elctrical parts are
• Identification as to the nature and location of
any underground services.
• Operation of earthmoving plant in the clearing
of vegetaion and trees.
• felling of trees using earthmoving plant.
• manual handling and ergonomic issues
associated with the clearing of the vegetation.
• Personal protective equipement required to be
worn and used when clearing site.
• housekeeping of workplace and work are;
• Monitoring of controls measures in the
performance of work task.
Control Measures- to eliminate or minimize the risk of death injury or illness to
person are adressed in the safe work method statement as per the following sections.
• Bulldozers • Mulchers
-One of the most popular pieces of land-clearing -A mulcher is an eco-friendly piece of equipment
equipment, the bulldozer is commonly used for that uses attachments to cut down bushes and
large projects. It’s also versatile, with attachments trees and level ground without damaging the
like a plow for pulling out bushes and shrubs at root landscape. It grinds bushes and trees into mulch
level and a rake for clearing land of rocks. and returns the material to the ground.
• Hand Tools
- For small jobs you can do on your own,
hand tools like a hatchet or ax are convenient
pieces of land-clearing equipment for cutting
through branches and small trees. You also
might need a shovel and rake to dig out and
clear roots and rocks.
Shallow excavation are those that transmit According to the Terzaghi, excavation is shallow
structural loads to the near surface soils excavation if its depth is equal to or less than its
For most of the residential buildings or buildings Near surface soil should be strong enough Foundation structures should be able to sustain
with moderate height or multistoreyed building on the applied loads without exceeding the safe
soil with sufficient strength, shallow foundation is bearing capacity of the soil.
used from economical consideration.
1. Excavation shall be allowed to progress to the designed formation
2. After reaching the designed formation level, Consultant’s
representative shall be requested in writing to inspect and approve
the formation prior to the commencement of any subsequent
• Great care shall be taken to minimise noise, vibration and dust pollution,
which can cause nuisance and damage, particularly if the site is located in a
built-up area.
• Sides of all excavations should be properly supported using an appropriate
method as detailed in the Method Statement.
Full Open Cut Method
It divided into two major types including sloped full open cut and
cantilever full open cut.
Bracing Excavation Method
Bracing excavation is the placement of horizontal struts in front of
retaining wall to held excavation wall material pressure.
Anchored Excavation Methods
In this technique, anchors are installed to counter act against earth
Island Excavation Methods
In this method, the center of excavation area is dug and excavated
material placed close to the retaining wall to create a slope.
Zoned Excavation Methods
Diaphragm walls are used as a retaining wall in the zoned excavation
method. Deformation of the longer span wall would greater than short
span wall.
Top Down Excavation Methods
In this method, construction begins from
the top to the bottom of excavation and
superstructure construction starts after
the construction of the first slab is
So, slabs are constructed after each
stage of excavation is finished. The slabs
play the same role as struts in holding
earth pressure.
Vibratory hammer
equipment operators
foundation engineers