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SNIE 2011

21/03/2022 1
Chapter 1: Understanding Disabilities and
Definitions of Basic Terms (Impairment, Disability and
 Impairment:- Impairment means a lack/abnormality of
an anatomic, physiological or psychological structure or
function or deviation on a person.
 It refers to any loss or abnormality of physiological,
psychological or anatomical structure or function.
 It is the absence of particular body part or organ.
21/03/2022 2
 Disability:- The term disability is ambiguous as there is no
single agreement on the concept (Mitra, 2006). It is not
synonymous with AKAL-GUDATENGA
 The full inclusion of people with impairments in society can
be inhibited by:
Attitudinal (societal barriers, such as stigma)
Physical barriers (environmental barriers, such as
absence of stairs), and
Policy barriers (systemic barriers)
 Societal, environmental, and systemic barriers are the most
popular disabling factors
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What is disability?

• Models of disability
Traditional model
Medical model
Social model
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 Traditionally, in many cultures around the world people with

physical, sensory or mental impairments were thought as under the
spell of witchcraft, possessed by demons, or as penitent sinners,
being punished by God for wrong-doing by themselves or their
 Disabilities as:
- Will of God/test from God
- Divine punishment
-Based on culturally and religiously-determined fixed knowledge,
views, and practices.
21/03/2022 5
1. Traditional Model

PWDs were considered as

• Dependent This view was Based on Religion
• Subject to charity & Culture in a Society
• Unable to work & to learn

PWDs were Remain Hidden

Behind the Homes
Sign of Shame
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Problem belongs to individual: Disability results directly from
impairment of the person. We will rehabilitate
you so you can overcome
 Disability is considered only as all barriers

a health problem, medical issue.

 Solutions decided by "experts”, EMPLOYMENT

based on diagnosis.

 Focus in elimination or cure of

disability, “normalization”
(includes pre-natal genetic testing &
selective abortion)-eugenics.

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 Brought the emergence of SPECIAL EDUCATION

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 The social model of disability says that disability is caused by the

way society is organised, rather than by someone's impairment.
 The Social Model views disability as a consequence of
environmental, social and attitudinal barriers that prevent
people with impairments from maximum participation in society.
 “the loss or limitation of opportunities to take part in the normal life
of the community on an equal level with others, due to physical or
social barriers’’
 The social model of disability focuses on changes required in
21/03/2022 9
The social model

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Medical vs social model
Medical Social
• Child is valued
• Child is faulty
• Strengths and needs
• Diagnosis and labeling
• Impairment is focus of
• Barriers identified and
solutions developed
• Social model :
Medical model:
• Segregation and alternative
• Resources made available
services • Diversity welcomed; child is
• Re-entry if normal enough or welcomed
permanent exclusion • Society evolves
• Society remains unchanged
Look at me not my disability Professor Stephen Hawking

Focus on abilities and strengths, not on disabilities and

Focus on abilities

Therefore, Disability can be defined in one of the following ways:
 It is a restriction or lack of ability (resulting from impairment) to
perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered
normal for a human being.
 It is a condition that substantially limits one or more major life
 It is a Physical or mental impairment that limits or restricts the
condition, manner or duration under which an average person in a
population can perform a major activity.
 It is a medical, emotional, mental or behavioural need that will require
21/03/2022 assistance and support. 16
 It is a disadvantage for a given individual,
resulting from an impairment or disability that
limits/ prevents the fulfillment of a role that is
considered as normal depending on age, sex, and
social and cultural factors.
 It is a limitation of opportunities to take part in
life of the community.
21/03/2022 17
... Contn’d

 Handicap Refers to social abilities or relation between the

individual and the society
 It describes the encounter between the person with disability and
the environment.
 Handicapism is a social and environmental construct

 Here we have to understand that disability/impairment /is the

necessary but not sufficient condition to result in handicapism.
 E.g. from Education, employment, participation in community
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The Relationship Among The Three
• The interrelationship among the three terms are
illustrated in the following figure.
When someone is:
Short sighted Difficulty in seeing is
Inability to read due
to Lack of eye glasses

21/03/2022 19
Examples of impairment, disability and handicap
Impairment deformed inner ear
Disability inability to hear or understand verbal communication
1 Handicap Unable to attend school because the teachers do not
know how to work with children who are deaf

2 Impairment Paralysed muscle

Disability Difficulty walking, inability to use one hand
Handicap Unable to obtain employment because there is no
adequate public transport and because potential
employers do not wish to hire some one with a
3 Impairment Mild intellectual disability
Disability Difficulty learning
Handicap Unable to attend school because the teachers do not
know how to work with children who have
intellectual disability
Causes of disability

What are the wrong perception regarding the

causes of disability in your community?
 Some people, especially in the past times, wrongly believe
that disability is a punishment from God.

 There are some who still believe that disability is a form of

personal punishment for individual with disability, a kind of
karama for their past mistakes, which is totally
unacceptable now days.
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Causes of disability

 Genetic Causes
 Abnormalities in genes and genetic inheritance can cause
intellectual disability in children.
 In some countries, Down syndrome is the most common
genetic condition.
 Sometimes, diseases, illnesses, and over-exposure to x-
rays can cause a genetic disorder.

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Causes of disability... Contn’d
Environmental factors
 Poverty and malnutrition in pregnant mothers can cause a deficiency
in vital minerals and result in deformation tissues in the unborn child.
 The use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, the exposure to certain toxic
chemicals and illnesses, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, rubella and
syphilis by a pregnant mother can cause intellectual disability to the
 Childhood diseases such as a whooping cough, measles, and chicken
pox may lead to meningitis and encephalitis.
 Inaccessible environments
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Type Of Disabilities

1. Visual impairment:- in general designates two sub-

classifications. These are blindness and low vision.
 Blindness:- total or partial inability to see because of disease or
disorder of the eye, optic nerve, or brain
 Low vision:- The term low vision is used for moderately impaired
vision. People with low vision may have a visual impairment that
affects only central vision-the area directly in front of the eyes-or
peripheral vision-the area to either side of and slightly behind the

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... Continued

 Having visual acuity of 20/200 or

less the better eye with correction

 is total or partial inability to see.

 not correctable with eyeglasses or

contact lenses

low vision

 20/250 and 20/70 central visual in

the better eye, with correction.

 Has residual vision or peripheral


 moderately impaired vision

... Continued
The Eye
1. How can we educate people with visual impairment?
2. What will be the consequences if we do not educate
3. What will be the consequences if we excludes them
from all walks of life?
4. What support they demand for education, work and
living daily life?
5. What is your role as an individual and group to
create inclusiveness?
2. Hearing Impairment
 Hearing impairment is a generic term indicating a continuum of
hearing loss from mild to profound, which includes the sub-
classifications of the hard of hearing and deaf.
 Hard of Hearing: This term is used to describe persons with
enough (usually with hearing aids) as a primary modality of
acquisition of language and in communication with others.
 Deaf: Those who have difficulty understanding speech, even with
hearing aids but can successfully communicate in sign language.

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The Ear
1. How can we educate people with hearing
2. What will be the consequences if we do not educate
3. What will be the consequences if we excludes them
from all walks of life?
4. What support they demand for education, work and
living daily life?
5. What is your role as an individual and group to
create inclusiveness?
3. Specific learning disability
 Specific Learning Disability means a disorder in one or more
of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding
or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest
itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write,
spell, or to do mathematical calculations.
 The term does not include learning problems that are primarily
the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities; of
intellectual disability; of emotional disturbance; or of
environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage.
 Learning disabilities should not be confused with learning
problems which are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or
motor handicaps; of intellectual disability; of emotional
disturbance; or of environmental, cultural or economic
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Types of Specific Learning Disabilities

A. Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)

 Also known as Central Auditory Processing Disorder, this is a
condition that adversely affects how sound that travels unimpeded
through the ear is processed or interpreted by the brain.
 Individuals with APD do not recognize subtle differences between
sounds in words, even when the sounds are loud and clear enough to
be heard.
 They can also find it difficult to tell where sounds are coming
from, to make sense of the order of sounds, or to block out
21/03/2022 background noises. 32
Types of Specific Learning Disabilities

B. Dyscalculia
Dyscalculia is a specific learning disability that affects a person‘s
ability to understand numbers and learn math.
Individuals with this type of LD may also have poor comprehension
of math symbols, may struggle with memorizing and organizing
numbers, have difficulty telling time, or have trouble with counting
C. Dysgraphia:- is a specific learning disability that affect person's
handwriting ability and fine motor skills. Problems may include
illegible handwriting, inconsistent spacing, poor partial planning on
paper, poor spelling, and difficulty composing writing as well as
21/03/2022 and writing at the same time. 33
Types of SLD ... Contn’d
D. Dyslexia:- is a specific learning disability that affects reading and
related language-based processing skills.
The severity can differ in each individual but can affect
reading fluency;
reading comprehension,
recall, writing, spelling, and
sometimes speech and can exist along with other related

Dyslexia is sometimes referred to as a Language-Based Learning


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Types of SLD ... Contn’d

E. Language Processing Disorder:- is a specific type of Auditory

Processing Disorder (APD) in which there is difficulty attaching
meaning to sound groups that form words, sentences and stories.

While an APD affects the interpretation of all sounds coming into

the brain, a Language Processing Disorder (LPD) relates only to the
processing of language. LPD can affect expressive language and/or
receptive language
F. Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities:-is a disorder which is usually
characterized by a significant discrepancy between higher verbal skills
and weaker motor, visual-spatial and social skills.
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Types of SLD ... Contn’d

G. Visual Perceptual/Visual Motor Deficit:-

It is a disorder that affects the understanding of information that a

person sees, or the ability to draw or copy.
A characteristic seen in people with learning disabilities such as
Dysgraphia or Non-verbal LD, it can result in missing subtle
differences in shapes or printed letters, losing place frequently,
struggles with cutting, holding pencil too tightly, or poor eye/hand

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4. Speech and Language Impairments
 Speech and language impairment means a communication disorder
such as stuttering, impaired articulation, language impairment, or a
voice impairment that adversely affects a child‘s educational
 It is disorder that adversely affects the child's ability to talk,
understand, read, and write.
 This disability category can be divided into two groups:
 speech impairments and
 language impairments.

Speech Impairments
 Speech Impairments:- There are three basic types of speech
impairments: articulation disorders, fluency disorders, and voice disorders
 Articulation disorders are errors in the production of speech sounds that
may be related to anatomical or physiological limitations in the skeletal,
muscular, or neuromuscular support for speech production. These
disorders include:
Omissions: (bo for boat)
Substitutions: (wabbit for rabbit)
Distortions: (shlip for sip)
 Fluency disorders are difficulties with the rhythm and timing of speech
characterized by hesitations, repetitions, or prolongations of sounds,
syllables, words, or phrases. Common fluency disorders include:
 Stuttering: rapid-fire repetitions of consonant or vowel sounds
especially at the beginning of words, prolongations, hesitations,
interjections, and complete verbal blocks
 Cluttering: excessively fast and jerky speech
Speech Impairments... Contn’d
 Voice disorders are problems with the quality or use of one's voice
resulting from disorders in the larynx.
 Voice disorders are characterized by abnormal production and/or
absences of ;
 vocal quality,
 pitch,
 loudness,

 resonance, and/or duration.

Language Impairments
There are five basic areas of language impairments:
phonological disorders, morphological disorders,
semantic disorders, syntactical deficits, and
pragmatic difficulties.
phonological disorders:- abnormal organization
of the phonological system, or a significant deficit
in speech production or perception
Morphological disorders are defined as
difficulties with morphological inflections
(inflections on nouns, verbs, and adjectives that
signal different kinds of meanings).
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Language Impairments …
Semantic disorders are characterized by poor
vocabulary development, inappropriate use of word
meanings, and/or inability to comprehend word
Syntactic deficits are characterized by difficulty in
acquiring the rules that govern word order and others
aspects of grammar such as subject-verb agreement.
Pragmatic difficulties are characterized as problems
in understanding and using language in different social
contexts. These students may lack an understanding of
the rules for making eye contact, respecting personal
space, requesting information, and introducing topics.
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 Autism is a developmental disability significantly affecting verbal
and nonverbal communication and social interaction, generally
evident before age three that adversely affects a child‘s educational
 Other characteristics often associated with autism are engaging in
repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, resistance to
environmental change or change in daily routines, and unusual
responses to sensory experiences
 The term autism does not apply if the child‘s educate because the
child has an emotional disturbance.
 Autism is a neurodevelopment disorder defined by impairments
in social and communication development, accompanied by
stereotyped patterns of behavior and interest.

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Autism …

• The term autism comes from Greek auto, meaning

“self,” and refers to an abnormal withdrawal from the
world outside oneself.
• is pervasive developmental disorder characterized by
lack of normal sociability, impaired communication
and repetitive obsessive behavior such as politeness,
turn-taking (Young & Nettlebeck , 2005)
• is marked by serious difficulties in interacting and
communicating with other people.
• Other symptoms may include constantly repeating
certain actions or behaviors, or having intense
interests restricted to only particular things or topics.
• Symptoms of autism usually appear before the age of
three and can last the rest of a person’s lifetime.
• is at least four times more common in boys than in
Autism …Social difficulty
• Symptoms of social difficulty are usually the first signs of
• Normally an infant should respond to others with a social
smile within the second or third month of life. Lack of such a
smile during this period is often the earliest indication of
• Infants who are later diagnosed with autism also make poor
eye contact and do not imitate caregiver sounds or gestures.
• Children with autism typically do not share their enjoyment
with others. For example, toddlers with autism may smile or
laugh in response to a noisy toy, but they will not bring this
toy to the caregiver.
Autism …Social difficulty
• Another early sign of problems in social communication
is a lack of gestures, including pointing.
• As they get older, children with autism often fail to
develop typical friendships or even typical relationships
with siblings or parents.
• They may also seem unaware of the feelings of other
people or fail to comfort a person who is upset
Autism…Communication difficulty
• Children with autism have difficulties with communication,
including both gestures and speech.
• Often children with autism have a delay in speech and in
severe cases sometimes do not speak at all.
• They also fail to use gestures to replace words
• When children with autism are able to speak, they may
repeat back exactly what is said to them, a behavior that is
called echolalia
• Sometimes they will quote whole conversations or a dialog from a
• Frequently, children with autism misuse pronouns. For example, they
may say, “You want a cookie?” to indicate that they want a cookie. As
they get older, children with autism will be unable to have
conversations with others..
Unusual behavior
• The restricted interests or repetitive behaviors that often occur in
autism are sometimes the least obvious symptoms when children are
toddlers. These symptoms usually become a larger problem around the
age of four or five.
• Frequently, children with autism will insist on doing things in
exactly the same way or on following the same routine from day
to day. As a result, they may become very upset in response to a
minor change.
• Children with autism may also repeat body movements, such as
spinning, rocking, or flapping hands
• When upset or excited, they may also harm themselves by skin-biting or
head-banging. They may also show significant aggression toward other
people or inanimate objects, or may have episodes of extreme anger or
Unusual behavior
6. Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
 According to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the
term Emotional and Behavioural Disorders means a condition
exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long
period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects
educational performance.
1. An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual,
sensory, or health factors;
2. An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal
relationships with peers and teachers;
3. Inappropriate types of behaviour or feelings under normal
4. A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression; or
5. A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated
with personal or school problems.
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Classification of behavioral and emotional disorders

An individual having behavioural or emotional disorders can exhibit

widely varied types of behaviour. These include:

 Conduct disorder: individuals may seek attention, are disruptive

and act out. The disorder is classified by type: overt (with violence
or tantrums) versus covert (with lying, stealing, and/or drug use).

Socialized aggression: individuals join subculture group of peers

who are openly disrespectful to their peers, teachers, and parents.
Common are delinquency and dropping out of school.

 Early symptoms include stealing, running away from home,

habitual lying, cruelty to animals, and fire setting.
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Classification of EBD ... Contn’d
 Attention problems- These individuals may have attention
deficit, are easily destructible and have poor concentration. They
are frequently impulsive and may not think the consequence of
their actions.
 Anxiety/Withdrawn- These individuals are self-conscious,
reserved, and unsure of themselves. They typically have low self-
esteem and withdraw from immediate activities. They are also
anxious and frequently depressed.
 Psychotic behaviour: These individuals show more bizarre
behaviour. They may hallucinate, deal in a fantasy world and may
even talk in gibberish.
 Motor excess: These students are hyperactive. They cannot sit nor
listen to others nor keep their attention focused.

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Classification of EBD ... Contn’d
 Kauffman (1993) conclude that emotion or behavioural disorders
fall into two broad classifications:
 Externalizing Behaviour: also called under controlled disorder,
include such problems disobedience, disruptiveness, fighting,
tempers tantrums, irresponsibility, jealous, anger, attention seeking
 Internalizing Behaviour: also known as over controlled
disorders, include such problems anxiety, immaturity, shyness,
social withdrawal, feeling of inadequacy (inferiority), guilt,
depression and worries a great deal
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Causes of behavioral and emotional disorders
 Behavioral and emotion disorders result from many causes, these
includes the following.
1. Biological- includes genetic disorders, brain damage, and
malnutrition, allergies, temperament and damage to the central
nervous system.
2. Family factors- include family interactions, family influence,
child abuse, neglect, and poor disciplinary practices at home.
3. Cultural factors- include some traditional and cultural negative
practices, for example watching violence and sexually oriented
movies and TV programs.
4. Environmental factors- include peer pressure, living in
impoverished areas, and schooling practices that are unresponsive
to individual needs.

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7. Intellectual Disability

• It is a disability characterized by significant limitations in

both intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior,
which covers many everyday social and practical skills.
• This disability originates before the age of 18.
• An individual is considered to have an intellectual
disability based on the following three criteria:

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Intellectual Disability ...contn’d

1. Sub average intellectual functioning: It refers to

general mental capacity, such as learning, reasoning,
problem solving, and so on. One way to measure
intellectual functioning is an IQ test. Generally, an IQ test
score of around 70 or as high as 75 indicates a limitation in
intellectual functioning.
2.  Significant limitations exist in two or more adaptive
skill areas: It is the collection of conceptual, social, and
practical skills that are learned and performed by people in
their everyday lives.
• Conceptual skills—language and literacy; money, time,
and number concepts; and self-direction.
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Intellectual Disability ...contn’d
 Social skills—interpersonal skills, social responsibility, self-esteem,
gullibility, innocence (i.e., suspicion), social problem solving, and the
ability to follow rules/obey laws and to avoid being victimized.
  Practical skills—activities of daily living (personal care), occupational
skills, healthcare, travel/transportation, schedules/routines, safety, use of
money, use of the telephone.
3. People with intellectual disabilities academic learning can be
affected, as well as their ability to adapt to home, school, and community
environments are presented under the following sub-headings:
 General Cognition: People with intellectual disabilities vary physically
and emotionally, as well as by personality, disposition, and beliefs.
 Learning and Memory: The learning and memory capabilities of
people with intellectual disabilities are significantly below average in
comparison to peers without disabilities.

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Intellectual Disability ...contn’d
Attention: To acquire information, children must attend to the
learning task for the required length of time and control
distractions. Children with intellectual disabilities may have
difficulty distinguishing and attending to relevant questions in both
learning and social situations
Adaptive Skills :- The adaptive skills of people with intellectual
disabilities are often not comparable to those of their peers without
disabilities. A child with intellectual disabilities may have
difficulty in both learning and applying skills for a number of
reasons, including a higher level of distractibility, inattentiveness,
failure to read social cues, and impulsive behavior
Speech and Language: People with intellectual disabilities may
have delayed speech, language comprehension and formulation
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Intellectual Disability ...contn’d
Motivation: People with intellectual disabilities are often
described as lacking motivation, or outer-directed behavior. Past
experiences of failure and the anxiety generated by those failures
may make them appear to be fewer goals directed and lacking in
Academic Achievement: The cognitive difficulties of children
with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities lead to persistent
problems in academic achievement unless intensive and extensive
supports are provided
Physical characteristics: Children with intellectual disabilities
with differing biological etiologies, may exhibit coexisting
problems, such as physical, motor, orthopedic, visual and auditory
impairments, and health problems

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Levels of support for individuals with intellectual disabilities
IQ= MA/CA*100

Level of Mental Retardation Level of IQ Level of

SNE professionals AAMD

1. Educable 1. Mild mental 50 to 75 Intermit-

retardation tent
2. Trainable 2. Moderate 35 to 49 Limited
3. Severe 20 to 34 Extensive

3. Custodial 4. Profound Below 20 Pervasive

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8.Physical disability/Orthopedic Impairment and Health

is a condition that interferes body. Many but not all, physical

disabilities are orthopedic impairments. (The term orthopedic

impairment generally refers to conditions of muscular or skeletal

system and sometimes to physical disabling conditions of the

nervous system).

It is a condition that requires ongoing medical attention. It includes

asthma, heart defects, cancer, diabetes, hemophilia. HIV/AIDS, etc

21/03/2022 61
8. Physical disability/Orthopedic Impairment and Health
Classification and Characteristics
 based on the impact of physical disability, on mobility and motor
skills, it is divided into three.
 Mild physical disability:- these individuals are able to walk without
aids and may make normal developmental progress.
 Moderate physical disability:- individuals can walk with braces and
crutches and may have difficulty with fine-motor skills and speech
 Severe physical disability:-these are individuals who are wheel-chair
dependent and may need special help to achieve regular development.
The physical disability could be broadly classified in to two
 The neurological system (the brain ,spinal cord & nerve) related

 Musculo skeletal system ( the muscles, bones and joints) are

deficient due to various causes.
21/03/2022 63
… contn’d

Neurological system:-with a neurological condition like

cerebral palsy or a traumatic brain injury, the brain either
sends the wrong instructions or interprets feedback
incorrectly. In both cases, the result is poorly coordinated
Epilepsy:-is disorder that occurs when the brain cells are not
working properly and is often called a seizure disorder
It is characterized by recurring seizures, which are
spontaneous abnormal discharge of electrical impulses of
the brain.
21/03/2022 64
… contn’d

 Spinal bifida and spinal cord injury:- damage to the

spinal cord leads to paralysis and loss of sensation in the
affected areas of the body.
 The spinal bifida is a birth defect of the backbone (spinal
column). The cause is unknown but it usually occurs in
the first twenty-six days of pregnancy

21/03/2022 65
… contn’d
II. Musculoskeletal system
it includes the muscles and their supporting framework and the
skeleton. It includes:-
 Progressive muscle weakness (muscular dystrophy);
Inflammation of the joints (arthritis), or Loss of various parts
of the body (amputation
The list of the impairment and associated with musculoskeletal
malformation are the following:
 Muscular dystrophy:- is an inherited condition accruing mainly in
males, in which the muscles weaken and deteriorate.
 Arthritis:-is an inflammation of the joints. Symptoms include
swollen and stiff joints, fever, and pain in the joints during acute

21/03/2022 66
… contn’d
 Amputation:- a small number of children have missing
limbs because of congenital abnormalities or injury or
disease (malignant bone tumors in the limbs).
Other muscle-skeletal disorders are:-
 Marfan syndrome is a genetic disorder in which the
muscles are poorly developed and the spine is curved.
Individuals with marfan syndrome may have either
long, thin limbs, prominent shoulder blades, spinal
curvature, flat feet, or long fingers & thumbs. The
heart and blood vessels are usually affected. The greatest
danger is damage to aorta, which can lead to heart failure.
Need to avoid heavy exercise and lifting heavy objects
21/03/2022 67
… contn’d

 Achondroplasis:- is a genetic disorder that affects 1 in

10,000 births. Children with this disorder usually develop
a normal torso but have a straight upper back and a
curved lower back (sway back). The disability may be
lessened through the use of the back braces or by surgery.
 Polio:- is viral disease that invade the brain and cause
severe paralysis of the total body system

21/03/2022 68
… contn’d

 Club foot:- is a major orthopedic problem affecting about 9,000

infants each year. This term is used to describe various ankle or
foot deformities.
 Twisting inward (equino varus), the most severe form
 Sharply angled at the heel (calcanel vaigus), most common

 The front part of the foot turned inward.

 Cleft lip and cleft palate:- are openings in the lip or roof of the
mouth, respectively, that fail to close before birth, the cause is
unknown. Most cleft problems can be repaired through surgery
21/03/2022 69
Health Impairments

Heart disease:- It is caused by improper circulation of blood by

the heart some of the disorders are congenital
Cystic fibrosis:- is a hereditary disease that affects the lungs and
pancreas. It leads to recurrent respiratory and digestive problems
including abnormal amounts of thick mucus, sweet and saliv

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS):- is a very severe

disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection
Hemophilia:- is a hereditary disease in which the blood clots very
slowly or not all. The disorder is transmitted by sex-linked
recessive gene and nearly always occurs in males.
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Health Impairments … contn’d
Asthma: is a chronic respiratory condition characterized by repeated
eplosde of breathing difficulties especially while exhaling.
Diabetes: Developmental or hereditary disorder characterized by
inadequate secretion or use of insulin
Nephrosis & Nephritis Kidney disorders or diseases caused by
infections, poisoning, burns, accidents or other diseases
Sickle-cell anemia Hereditary and chronic blood disease (occurring
primarily in African Americans) characterized by red blood cells that
are distorted and that do not circulate properly
Leukemia: Disease characterized by excessive production of white
blood Cells
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Health Impairments … contn’d

Lead poisoning Disorder caused by ingesting lead-based paint

chips or other substances containing lead
Rheumatic fever Disease characterized by painful swelling and
inflammation of the joints that can spread to the hear and central
nervous system

Tuberculosis Infectious disease that commonly affects the lungs

and may affect other tissues of the body.
Cancer Abnormal growth of cells that can affect any organ system

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9. Vulnerability
• Vulnerable means being at risk of being
harmed. Everyone can be harmed, so being
vulnerable is part of being human.
• Everyone can be harmed, so being vulnerable
is part of being human.
• In principle, everyone is vulnerable to some
adverse event or circumstance, but some
people are more vulnerable than others.
Characteristics of Vulnerable People
The following are thought to be characteristics of
vulnerable people (with examples of groups of
potentially vulnerable people):
• Less physically or mentally capable (infants, older
adults, people with disabilities)
• Fewer material and/or financial resources (low-income
households, homeless)
• Less knowledge or experience (children, illiterate,
foreigners, tourists)
• Restricted by society to grow and develop according to
their needs and potentials
vulnerable people
• Particularly women in developing nations and those who are
living in rural areas are vulnerable for many backward traditional
• Children are vulnerable for psychological and physical abuse This
include illegally working children, children who are pregnant or
become mothers, children born out of marriage, children from a
single-parent, delinquent children, homeless children, HIV
infected children, uneducated children
• Some people are vulnerable due to their minority background.
• Particularly, ethnic (cultural and linguistic minority), religious
• These people are political and socially discriminated
vulnerable people…
• Poverty: People are vulnerable for many undesirable
phenomena due to poverty. This may be resulted in, poor
households and large households, inequality, absences of
access to health services, important resources for life, lack
of access to education, information, financial and natural
resources and lack of social networks
• Disabilities: People with disabilities very much vulnerable
for many kind of risks.
• This includes abuses, poverty, illiteracy, health problems,
psychological and social problems
• Illiteracy and less education: People with high rates of
illiteracy and lack quality educational opportunities are
vulnerable for absence all kinds of developments.
vulnerable people…
• Sickness: Uncured health problems for example
people living with HIV/AIDS are much vulnerable
for psychosocial problems, poverty and health
• Gifted and Talentedness: Gifted and talented
children are vulnerable for socio-emotional
• Due to lack of psychological support they may feel
isolation as they are pulled from their regular
classrooms and given instruction in separate
settings and due to myths and expectations of
themselves and the public.
• In what area do children with autism has a
• What are the criteria needed while defining
intellectual disability?

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