Nanostructured High Strength Mo Alloy With Unprecented Tensile Ductility.

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Nanostructured high-strength molybdenum alloys with

unprecedented tensile ductility.

1.State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China,
2.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048, China,
3.Center for Advancing Materials Performance from the Nanoscale (CAMP-Nano), State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi’an
Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China,

4.Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, USA .
1. Introduction
2. Objective
3. Experiment
4. Results
5. Conclusion
6. Abbreviation
7. References

 Molybdenum (Mo) is a refractory metal that keeps its body-centered cubic

(bcc) crystal structure from room temperature all the way to its high melting
temperature of 2,610 ◦C.
 Alloys based on Mo offer high stability, high creep resistance, and high thermal
conductivity and are thus very attractive for many important high-temperature
applications(including as critical components in missiles, turbines, and fusion

• Although Mo is inherently strong and hardening to high strength levels is easy

in Mo alloys, they do suffer from a major drawback: their limited ductility near
room temperature (which is also an indicator of inadequate ductility at
moderately elevated temperatures).
• The processing route involves a molecular-level liquid-liquid mixing/doping
technique that leads to an optimal microstructure of submicrometre grains with
nanometric oxide particles uniformly distributed in the grain interior.
Commercial-purity Mo metal chemical composition:

 At room temperature, the commercial-purity Mo metal (CP-Mo) usually offers

a uniform tensile elongation of only a few percent.
 The conventional processing route of sintering powder blends of solid Mo-
based powders mixed with solid oxide powders (that is, a S–S doping route), or
mixed with a liquid rare-earth solution (S–L doping). The resulting Mo-alloy
with La oxide particles is oxide dispersion-strengthened (ODS)-Mo.
• The key to prolonged ductility is, therefore, to split these oxide particles into
nanosized ones and spread them into the grain interior, rather than having them
coarsened and concentrated at the grain boundaries.
• Encouraging dislocation trapping by the particles in the grain interior, which
would help sustain work hardening and uniform elongation. And this can be
achieved by L-L blends.
a. L-S doping b. L-L doping
Liquid-solid (L–S) doping process:
• Solid molybdenum oxide powder (mostly MoO2) is wet doped with a lanthanum nitrate
solution. The slurry is dried in air and given a heat treatment in hydrogen at 1,050–
1,100 ◦C for 4.5 h to reduce the molybdenum oxide and pyrolyze the lanthanum nitrate.
This process results in a nominal 0.6 wt% content of La2O3 in the powder.

Molecular-level liquid-liquid (L–L) mixing/doping process:

• Lanthanum oxide (La2O3) was firstly dissolved into an aqueous solution of nitrate
(La(NO3)3). This solution is then mixed with another liquid solution, one that contains
ammonium bi molybdate. The overall chemical reaction is
3NH+4 + La3++ 2(Mo4O13)2−+2OH− → NH4 La(Mo2O7)2 +2(NH4)2Mo2O7
Mechanisms for high strength and extraordinary ductility:

• High strength is expected from the UFG grains and nanoscale particles.
• The excellent ductility is associated with intragranular La2O3nanoparticles that
help generate and store dislocations without initiating cracks localized at grain
Average grain size:
• The core-shell structure keeps the enclosed La2O3particles isolated in the Mo grain

interior, impeding the La2O3particle aggregation and restricting the size of the

La2O3particles to the nanometer scale.

Increase in ductility:
• L–L doping process, in contrast, the La2O3particles are isolated within core-shell
structures. This ensures that the particles are mainly retained within grains after
sintering. As a result, in the NS-Mo alloy La2O3particles are smaller in size, and few
and far between at grain boundaries.
• This alleviates the propensity for intergranular fracture and thus increases the total

TEM images showing the microstructures of ODS-Mo:

a. Mo grains and La2O3 particles in the ODS-Mo before tensile test. b. Cracking at grain boundary caused by
intergranular La2O3 particles. c. Particle decohesion. d. Particle fracture (note the broken particles).
TEM images showing the microstructures of NS-Mo :

e. Mo grains and La2O3 particles in the NS-Mo before the tensile test. The inset shows the selected area diffraction

pattern of the La2O3 particles.

f. In the deformed sample, dislocations interact with intragranular particles, resulting in pinning and accumulation of
dislocations inside the grain. The intergranular La2O3 particles are indicated by open arrows, and intragranular ones by
Distribution of grain and particle sizes:

Grain size distribution (a) and particle size La2O3 b. Particle size-distribution in the ODS-Mo and NS-Mo
Room-temperature properties of NS-Mo and other Mo alloys.
Alloy CP-Mo ODS-Mo NS-Mo

Average grain size (µm) 97±8 1.4±0.7 0.5±0.3

Yield strength (MPa) 385 710±37 813±3

Ultimate tensile strength (MPa) 534 746±49 865±5

Elongation to failure (%) 13 14.1±6.5 37.5±3.0

Fracture toughness (MPa m1/2) 24.2 52.8 121.5±3.5

High-temperature tensile properties of Mo alloys :

Alloys Properties
Tensile strength(mpa)/
1000◦C 1200◦C 1300 ◦C 1400◦C
CP-Mo 120/8.6 102/6.4 88/7.2 72/5.8
ODS-Mo 382/10.7 205/8.7 184/11.4 167/9.6
NS-Mo 368/23.7 224/28.8 211/25.4 185/22.7

 Successfully manufactured, a hierarchical microstructure in ODS-Mo alloys, via

the development of a L–L mixing process that enables the control of grains and
dispersions in a nanostructured regime.
 An unprecedented tensile ductility, in terms of both the total elongation to failure
and the uniform elongation, has been derived from the resulting NS-Mo alloy,
together with a real advance in formability revealed by actual trials.
 The lack of ductility and toughness is no longer a bottleneck problem for these Mo

Mo = Molybdenum
CP-Mo = Commercial-purity Molybdenum
ODS = Oxide dispersion-strengthened
TEM = Transmission electron microscopy
NS-Mo = Nanostructured Molybdenum
La = Lanthanum
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