Leadership Update 14.3.2022
Leadership Update 14.3.2022
Leadership Update 14.3.2022
Faculty of Nursing
• After this session the participants should be
able to:
• ■ Define the terms leadership and Manager . ■
Discuss the importance of effective leadership
and followership for the new nurse. ■ Discuss
the qualities and behaviors that contribute to
effective leadership.
• ■ Discuss the qualities and behaviors that
contribute to effective leadership.
Are you ready to be a leader?
Importance of leader/nursing leadership
Formula for a successful nurse leader
Need of nursing leadership/portrait of a leader
Defference between boss/leader
Characteristics leaders
Function of leader
Qualities of leader/keys to effective leader
Leader competencies
Types of leadership styles
Trait theories
Behavioral theories
Task versus relationship
Motivation theorie
Emotional intelligence
Situational theories
Transformative leadership; definition,elements(4: i's), 5 personality
traits, quality of transformal nurs,steps,characteristics, 4 leadership
differentiators for transformational leaders, must have quality,
Moral leadership
Distinctive styles of leadership
The top 10 requirements for leader behavior
Difference between manager and leader
Began today to see the bright tomorrow
Ooth for leadership
“Leaders are made, not born”
Great leaders make a HUGE difference, compared
to good leaders.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Robert
Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) agree that without
exceptional nursing care and leadership, readily
available high-quality care cannot be attained.
Charge nurses have the central role in ensuring high
quality, person-centered, safe and effective care.
Nurses study leadership to learn how to work
well with other people. We work with an
extraordinary variety of people: technicians,
aides, unit managers, housekeepers, patients,
patients’ families, physicians, respiratory
therapists, physical therapists, social workers,
psychologists, and more.
-Bear Bryan
• Adaptive capacity,
• An ability to engage others in shared meanings,
• A compelling voice and integrity.
• They claimed that one of the most reliable
indicators and predictors of ‘true leadership’ is an
individual’s ability to find meaning in negative
situations and to learn from trying circumstances.
Types of Leadership Styles
•Autocratic Leadership
•Democratic Leadership
•Strategic Leadership Style
•Transformational Leadership
•Team Leadership
•Cross-Cultural Leadership
• Facilitative Leadership
•Laissez-faire Leadership
•Transactional Leadership
•Coaching Leadership
Trait Theories
At one time or another, you have probably
heard someone say, “She’s a born leader.”
Many believe that some people are natural
leaders, while others are not.
It is true that leadership may come more
easily to some than to others, but everyone
can be a leader, given the necessary
knowledge and skill.
These traits hold true today:
1. Management of attention. These leaders
communicated a sense of goal direction that
attracted followers.
2. Management of meaning. These leaders created and
communicated meaning and purpose.
3. Management of trust. These leaders demonstrated
reliability and consistency.
4. Management of self. These leaders knew themselves
well and worked within their strengths and weaknesses.
Behavioral Theories
leader does.
- the leader challenges followers to be inno vative and creative, they encourage their followers to challenge the status quo.
A common misunderstand ing is that transformational leaders are "soft ," but the truth is that they constan tly challenge followers to higher levels of performan ce
5 Personality Traits of a Transformational
• Extraversion: The two main characteristics of extraverts are affiliation and
agency, which relate to the social and leadership aspects of their personality,
respectively. Extraversion is generally seen as an inspirational trait usually
exhibited in transformational leadership.
You articulate a vision that connects the purpose of the organization to that of the people you
You have strong communication skills that engage people in the vision so that followers are
willing to invest more discretionary effort in the work, are deeply engaged, no matter how
challenging the task at hand.
2. People-Driven
You understand that each person is unique and play the role of mentor and coach to the people around you.
• A clear vision:
Transformational leaders have a vision of what they want to
achieve and the ability to clearly communicate this vision so that
everyone in the organization understands what is needed to
achieve this vision. Is your vision clear? Does it need to be refined?
• Courage:
An effective leader needs courage; a willingness to take on new
challenges, take calculated risks, make tough decisions, and be
willing to go out on a limb for something they believe in.
Transformational leaders have the courage to create a vision and
make the difficult decision necessary to achieve their vision.
• Self-motivation:
Leaders need to fuel their passion from within.
Are you passionate about your vision and willing
to do the hard work needed to see your vision
• Inspiration:
Transformational leaders, based on their personal
passion, have the ability to inspire others and get
them to buy into their vision and execute it on all
levels of the company. How do you inspire your
people to create change? Are you effective at
motivating and inspiring your team?
• Know your people:
Personal interaction is important. The impact of a simple
“hello” in the hallway or conversation in the lobby goes a
long way into getting people to feel important and want to
be part of the vision a leader has created for the company.
You have the ability to impact each of your team on a
personal level. When was the last time you took the time
to listen to your team and get to know them as individuals?
• Set a company standard:
Transformational leaders model a company standard they
expect everyone to follow. They clearly communicate their
vision, expectations, and how this standard is to be carried
out throughout the organization. What is your company
standard? What standard are you setting by example?
• Follow through:
While it is a bit cliché, actions do speak louder
than words — and when leaders live according
to the standard they set, people take notice.
Leaders often promise a lot, but it is the follow
through that has a true impact on a leader’s
ability to evoke change and get buy in. How do
you follow through and ensure your standards
are met?
Transformational leaders should:
• Serve as role models
• Motivate the team
• Demonstrate concern for individual follower's
• Challenge followers to be creative
Moral Leadership
• A series of highly publicized corporate scandals redirected
attention to the values and ethics that underlie the practice
of leadership as well as that of patient care (Dantley, 2005).
• Moral leadership involves deciding how one ought to remain
honest, fair, and socially responsible (Bjarnason & LaSala,
2011) under any circumstances.
• Caring about one’s patients and the people who work for
you as people as well as employees (Spears & Lawrence,
2004) is part of moral leadership.
• This can be a great challenge in times of limited financial
Distinctive Styles of Leadership
• 1. Adaptive: flexible, willing to change and devise new approaches.
• 2. Emotionally Intelligent: aware of his/her own and others’ feelings.
• 3. Charismatic: magnetic personalities who attract people to follow
• 4. Authentic: demonstrates integrity, character, and honesty in
relating to others.
• 5. Level ; ferociously pursues goals but gives credit to others and
takes responsibility for his/her mistakes.
• 6. Mindful: thoughtful, analytic, and open to new ideas.
• 7. Narcissistic: doesn’t listen to others and doesn’t tolerate
disagreement but may have a compelling vision
. 8. No Excuse: mentally tough, emphasizes accountability and
9. Resonant: motivates others through their energy and
10. Servant: “empathic, aware and healing,” leads to serve others.
11. Storyteller: uses stories to convey messages in a memorable,
motivating fashion.
12. Strength-Based: focuses and capitalizes on his/her own and
others’ talents.
13. Tribal: build a common culture with strong sharing of values
and beliefs.
Caring Leadership Caring leadership in nursing
comes from two primary sources:
servant leadership and emotional intelligence in the
management literature, and caring as a foundational value in
nursing. While it is uniquely suited to nursing leadership, it is hard
to imagine any situation in which an uncaring leader would be
preferred over a caring leader. Servant-leaders choose to serve
first and lead second, making sure that people’s needs within the
work setting are met .
Emotionally intelligent leaders are especially aware of not only
their own feelings but others’ feelings as well . Combining these
leadership and management theories and the philosophy of caring
in nursing, you can see that caring leadership is fundamentally
The top 10 requirements for leader behavior
• 1. Shows enthusiasm.
• 2. Supports other people.
• 3. Recognizes individual effort.
• 4. Listens to individuals’ ideas and problems.
• 5. Provides direction.
• 6. Demonstrates personal integrity.
• 7. Practices what they preach.
• 8. Encourages teamwork.
• 9. Actively encourages feedback.
• 10. Develops other people.
Managers Leaders
Administer and copy Administer and copy
Maintain Maintain
Focus on systems & structure Focus on systems & structure
Rely on control Rely on control
Short-range view - bottom line Short-range view - bottom line
Ask how and when Ask how and when
Accept the status quo Accept the status quo
Classic good soldier Classic good soldier
Do things right Do things right
happen within
a group or organization
A clear vision
Diversified knowledgeable
Leads by examples
Evaluation by comparison
with a standard
• It helps in transition from education
to work force
Emerging diseases
Emerging specialities
Ample opportunities abroad
Ranked the best profession