Human Tissue
Human Tissue
Human Tissue
Presentation by:
ANCHETA, Ma. Lorena
ELCANO, Ma. Lea Jean
ZAMORA, Mary Rose
What is a tissue?
A tissue is a group of cells that have
similar structure and that function
together as a unit.
A nonliving material, called the
intercellular matrix, fills the spaces
between the cells.
The branch of biology concerned with
the composition and structure of
tissues in relation to their specialized
functions is histology.
There are four main tissue types
in the body:
Epithelial Tissue
Muscle Tissue
Epithelial Tissues
Widespread throughout the body, they cover all body surfaces, line
body cavities and hollow organs, and comprise the majority of
gland tissue.
1. Protection for the underlying tissues body cavity.
from radiation, desiccation, toxins, and
4. The secretion of hormones into the
physical trauma.
blood vascular system. The secretion of
2. Absorption of substances in the sweat, mucus, enzymes, and other
digestive tract lining with distinct products that are delivered by ducts
modifications. come from the glandular epithelium.
Several layers of closely packed, flexible, and
Consist of several layers due to nuclei easily stretched cells make up this structure.
variously positioned in the cell. We find this The kidney pelvis, ureters, urinary bladder,
tissue in the throat, trachea, and bronchi of and upper section of the urethra are all filled
the lungs. with this type of epithelium.
Connective Tissues
Provides a matrix that supports and physically connects other tissues and
cells together to form the organs of the body. It is incredibly diverse and
contributes to energy storage, the protection of organs, and the body’s
structural integrity.
It is an atypical
connective tissue since it
does not bind, connect, or
network with any body
cells. It is made up of
blood cells and is
surrounded by a nonliving
fluid called plasma.
Supporting Connective Tissue or Cartilage
Involuntary movement,
moves food, involuntary
Voluntary movement,
Contracts to pump control of respiration,
Function produces heat, protects
blood moves secretions,
regulates flow of blood in
arteries by contraction