Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Random Number
6.1 Properties of Random Number
6.2 Generation of Pseudo Random Number
6.3 Random Number Generation Method
6.4 Test for Random Number
6.5 Generating Discrete Distribution
6.6 Inversion, Rejection, Composition and Convolution
Random Number

Random numbers are samples drawn from a uniformly

distributed random variable between some satisfied
intervals, they have equal probability of occurrence.
6.1 Properties of Random Number

• Random number has two important statistical properties.

1. Uniformity and
2. Independence
6.1 Properties of Random Number
6.1 Properties of Random Number
• If the interval between 0 and 1 is divided into n equal parts or classes
of equal length, then
- The probability of observing a value in a specified interval is
independent of previous value drawn.
- If a total of m observations are taken, then the expected number of
observations in each interval is m/n, for uniform distribution.
Pseudo Random Numbers
• The pseudo means false.
• Pseudo implies that the random numbers are generated by using
some known arithmetic operation.
• Since, the arithmetic operation is known and the sequence of random
numbers can be repeatedly obtained, the numbers cannot be called
truly random.
• However, the pseudo random numbers generated by many computer
routines , very closely fulfill the requirement of desired randomness.
Pseudo Random Numbers
• If the method of random number generation that is the random
number generator is defective, the generated pseudo random
numbers may have following departures from ideal randomness.
The generated numbers may not be uniformly distributed.
The generated numbers may not be continuous.
The mean of the generated numbers may be too high or too low.
The variance may be too high or too low.
Pseudo Random Numbers
• There may be cyclic patterns in the generated numbers, like;
a) Auto co-relation between numbers
b) a group of numbers continuously above the mean, followed by group
continuously below of mean.
• Thus, before employing a pseudo random number generator, it
should be properly validated, by testing the generated random
numbers for randomness.
Pseudo Random Numbers
Generation of Random Number:
Should be fast
Should be portable
Should have sufficiently long cycle
Should be replicable
Should hold ideal statistical properties (uniformity and
6.2 Generation of random number
• In computer simulation, where a very large number of random
numbers is generally required, the random numbers can be obtained
by the following methods.
1. Random numbers may be drawn from the random number tables
stored in the memory of the computer.
2. Using electronics devices-Very expensive
3. Using arithmetic operation
6.3 Random Number Generation Methods
Linear Congruential Method or Mixed Congruential Method :
• The linear congruential method generates a sequence of integers X1 ,
X2,…. Between zero and m-1 by following recursive relationship:
• Xi+1 = (a Xi + c) mod m, i = 0, 1, 2.... Where the initial value X0 is called
seed, a is the multiplier, c is the increment and m is the modulus.
• When c = 0 , the form is known as multiplicative congruential method.
• Using this relation, the random number can be generated as:
Ri = Xi/m , , i = 1,2,3, ………………
Linear Congruential Method or Mixed Congruential Method: Example

Example 1: let X0 = 27, a = 17, c = 43, and m = 100, then i = 5.

X1 = (17*27 + 43) mod 100 = 2
R1 = 2 / 100 = 0.02
X2 = (17*2 + 43) mod 100 = 77
R2 = 77 / 100 = 0.77
X3 = (17*77 + 43) mod 100 = 52
R3 = 52 / 100 = 0.52
X4 = (17*52 + 43) mod 100 = 27
R4 = 27 / 100 = 0.27
X5 = (17*27 + 43) mod 100 = 2
R5 = 2 / 100 = 0.02
Therefore, the generated random numbers after 5 iterations are 0.02, 0.77, 0.52, 0.27 and 0.02.
Linear Congruential Method or Mixed
Congruential Method: Example
• Example 2: Use Linear Congruential Method to generate a sequence
of 5 random numbers. Let X0 = 29, a = 9, c = 49, and m = 100.
6.3Random Number Generation Methods
Multiplicative Congruential Method:
• Basic Relationship
• Xi+1 = a Xi (mod m), where a >= 0 and m >= 0, most natural choice for
m is one that equals to the capacity of a computer word.
• m = 2b (binary machine), where b is the number of bits in the
computer word.
• m = 10d (decimal machine), where d is the number of digits in the
computer word.
Multiplicative Congruential Method Example
• Example 1: Use Multiplicative Congruential Method to generate
sequence of 3 random numbers with X0 = 117, a = 43 and m = 1000.

Therefore, the generated random numbers are 0.031, 0.333 and 0.319
Maximum Period Calculation

• The max period(P) is:

Case 1: For m a power of 2, say m = 2b , and c ≠ 0, the longest possible period is
P = m = 2b, which is achieved provided that c is relatively prime to m (that is,
the greatest common factor of c and m is 1), and a = 1 + 4k, where k is an
Case 2: For m a power of 2, say m = 2b, and c = 0, the longest possible period is
P = m / 4 = 2b-2 , which is achieved provided that the seed X 0 is odd and the
multiplier, a, is given by a = 3 + 8k or a = 5 + 8k, for some k = 0, 1,...
Case 3: For m a prime number and c = 0, the longest possible period is:
P = m - 1, which is achieved provided that the multiplier, a, has the property
that the smallest integer k such that ak – 1 is divisible by m where k = m – 1.
Maximum Period Calculation Examples

Example 1 (Case 1): Using the Linear congruential method, find the
period of the generator for a = 5, m = 4 , and X0 = 1 and c = 43.
m can be expressed as 22 = 4, c = 43 (non-zero) and is relatively prime
to m, and ‘a’ satisfies a = 1 + 4k when k is taken as 1 i.e. 5 = 1 + 4*1
Hence, P = m = 4.
Maximum Period Calculation Examples
Maximum Period Calculation Examples

• Example 2 (Case 2): Using the multiplicative congruential method,

find the period of the generator for a = 13, m = 64 , and X0 = 1, and 3.
Solution, m can be expressed as 26 = 64, X0 = 1 and 3; X0 is odd and
‘a’ satisfies a = 5 + 8k when k =1 i.e. 13 = 5 + 8*1. Hence, period is:
P = m/4
= 64/4
= 16
Multiplicative Congruential Method
Multiplicative Congruential Method
• Example 3 (Case 3): Using the multiplicative congruential method,
find the period of the generator for a = 2, m = 5 , and X0 = 1 and c = 0.
Here, m = 2 is a prime number and c= 0
Given that m = 5 we can get k=m-1= 4
When a = 2, we get ak - 1 = 24 -1 =16 -1 = 15 and 15 is exactly
divisible by 5 hence period can be calculated as P = m – 1.
Multiplicative Congruential Method
Summary of requirements for a good pseudorandom

1. The sequence of random numbers generated must follow the

uniform (0, 1) distribution.
2. The sequence of random numbers generated must be statistically
3. The sequence of random numbers generated must be reproducible.
This allows replication of the simulation experiment.
4. The sequence must be non-repeating for any desired length.
Although not theoretically possible, a long repeatability cycle is
adequate for practical purposes.
Summary of requirements for a good pseudorandom
5. Generation of the random numbers must be fast because in
simulation studies a large number of random numbers are required. A
slow generator will greatly increase the time and cost of the simulation
6. The technique used in generating random numbers should require
little computer memory.
6.4 Test for Random Numbers
• To check on the desirable properties of random number i.e.
uniformity and independence, a number of tests can be performed.
• In testing for uniformity, the hypotheses are as follows:
H0: Ri = U[0,1]
H1: Ri ≠ U[0,1]
• The Null hypothesis, H0 reads that the number are uniformly
distributed on the interval [0,1]. Failure to reject null hypothesis
means that evidence of non uniformity has not been detected by this
6.4 Test for Random Numbers
• In testing for independence, the hypotheses are as follows:
H0: Ri = independently generated
H1: Ri ≠ independent generated
• This null hypothesis, H0 reads that the numbers are independent. Failure to
reject the null hypothesis means an evidence of dependence has not been
detected by this test.
• For each test, a level of significance α must be stated. The level α is the
probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true:
α = P(reject H0 | H0 true )
6.4 Test for Random Numbers
1. Frequency test
Uses the Kolmogorov-Smirnov or the chi-square test to compare the
distribution of the set of numbers generated to a uniform distribution.
2. Autocorrelation test
 Tests the correlation between numbers and compares the sample
correlation to the expected correlation of zero.
6.4 Test for Random Numbers (cont.)
3. Gap test.
Counts the number of digits that appear between repetitions of a
particular digit and then uses the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to
compare with the expected number of gaps.
4. Poker test
 Treats numbers grouped together as a poker hand. Then the hands
obtained are compared to what is expected using the chi-square test.
Frequency Test
• Frequency test
Frequency test is the test for uniformity.
Two different methods of testing are available.
1. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
2. Chi-Square Test
• Both of these tests measure the degree of agreement between the
distribution of sample of generated random numbers and the theoretical
uniform distribution.
• Both tests are based on the null hypothesis of no significant difference
between the sample distribution and the theoretical distribution.
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Steps Involved:
Step 1: Formulate the hypothesis.
Step 2: rank the data from smallest to largest. Let R(i), denote the smallest observation, so that R(1) ≤
R(2) ≤ .... ≤ R(N).
Step 3: Compute:
D+ = max { i/N - R(i) }
D- = max { R(i) - i-1/N }
Step 4: Compute D = max (D+ , D- )
Step 5: Locate in table the critical value, Dα , for the specified significance level α and the given
sample size N.
Step 6: if the sample statistic D is greater than the critical value, Dα , the null hypothesis that the
data are a sample from a uniform distribution is rejected. If D ≤ Dα , conclude that no difference has
been detected between the true distribution of {R1, R2, ………….., RN} and the uniform distribution.
• Suppose that the five numbers 0.44, 0.81, 0.14, 0.05, 0.93 were
generated, and it is desired to perform a test for uniformity by using
the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with the level of significance α = 0.05.
Step 1: Formulate Hypothesis:
H0: Ri = U[0,1]
H1: Ri ≠ U[0,1]
• Step 2: Perform the calculation as:

The top row in above table lists the number from smallest to largest.
The computation for D+ = 0.26 and D-  = 0.21.
Therefore, D = max(0.26, 0.21) = 0.26.
• Step 3: Compare the Calculated value with Critical value in table.
The critical value of D, obtained from table for α = 0.05 and N = 5 is
Since, the computed value, 0.26 is less than tabulated critical value.
0.565, the hypothesis that the distribution of the generated numbers
is the uniform distribution is not rejected.
Table for Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
• Perform Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for the following random numbers
with level of significance of α = 0.05. The critical value for α = 0.05 is
0.410 for sample size N=10.
• Random numbers are: 0.24, 0.89, 0.11, 0.61, 0.23, 0.86, 0.41, 0.64,
0.50, 0.65
Chi Square Test
• The chi-square test uses the sample statistics:

where Oi is the observed number in the ith class, Ei is the expected number in
the ith class, and n is the number of classes. For the uniform distribution Ei ,
the expected number in each class is given by:
Ei = N/n
for equally spaced classes, where N is the total number of observations. It can
be shown that the sampling distribution of is approximately the chi-square
distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom.
Chi-Square Test
Steps Involved.
1. Determine the appropriate test
2. Establish the level of significance:α
3. Formulate the statistical hypothesis
4. Calculate the test statistic
5. Determine the degree of freedom
6. Compare computed test statistic against a tabled/critical value
Chi-Square Test (Example 1)
Chi-Square Test (Example 1)
Step 1: Formulate the Hypothesis:
H0: Ri = U[0,1]
H1: Ri ≠ U[0,1]
Step 2: Calculate the expected frequency as:
Ei = N/n
= 100/10 = 10
Chi-Square Test (Example 1)
Step 3: Perform the calculation as:

Chi-Square = 82/10 = 8.2

Chi-Square Test (Example 1)
Step 4: Compare the Calculated value with the critical value in the
• Now, for 9 = (10-1) degree of freedom, at 95% confidence level, the
acceptable value of Chi-square is 16.919, which is more than 8.2.
• Hence, the given set of random numbers is acceptable, so far as its
uniformity in distribution is concerned.
Table for Chi-Square Test
Example 2
• Suppose there are 500 random numbers to be tested for uniformity
using Chi-Square test such that the expected frequency in each class
intervals is 50. The observed frequency of numbers in each interval is
given as:
47, 49, 55, 54, 46, 53, 51,43, 46 and 54
Perform chi-square test for significance level of 95%.
Example 2
Step 1: Formulate the Hypothesis:
H0: Ri = U[0,1]
H1: Ri ≠ U[0,1]
Step 2: Calculate the expected frequency as:
Ei = N/n
= 500/10 = 50
Example 2
Step 3: Perform the calculation as:
Example 2
Step 4: Compare the Calculated value with the critical value in the
• Now, for 9 = (10-1) degree of freedom, at 95% confidence level, the
acceptable value of Chi-square is 16.919, which is more than 3.16.
• Hence, the given set of random numbers is acceptable, so far as its
uniformity in distribution is concerned.
Example 3
• Using Chi-Square, test the uniformity at 90% for the given random
number. Degree of freedom for 9 = 14.684.
Gap Test
• The gap test is used to determine the significance of the interval between the
recurrences of the same digit.
• The gap of length x occurs between the recurrences of some specified digit.
• Example:

• There are a total of 6, 3s therefore number of gaps become 5 and gap length
between first two 3s is 10, then 7, 0, 2 and 3 respectively.
• The probability of a particular gap length can be determined by a Bernoulli trail. 
Gap Test
• The theoretical frequency distribution for randomly ordered digits is
given by:

• The relative (observed) frequency is calculated as:

SN (X) = Frequency of numbers/ No of gaps
Algorithm for GAP Test
Step 1. Specify the cdf for the theoretical frequency distribution given by
Equation (1) based on the selected class interval width.
Step 2. Arrange the observed sample of gaps in a cumulative distribution
with these same classes.
Step 3. Find D, the maximum deviation between F(x) and SN (X) as in
Step 4. Determine the critical value, Dα from Table( K-S critical value) for
the specified value of α and the sample size N.
Step 5. If the calculated value of D is greater than the tabulated value of
Dα, the null hypothesis of independence is rejected.
Gap Test (Example)
Gap Test (Example)
• Step 1: Formulate the hypothesis
H0: Ri = independently generated
H1: Ri ≠ independent generated

• Step 2: Calculate number of Gaps

Number of gaps = Number of data value – Number of distinct digit
= 110 – 10
= 100
Gap Test (Example)
• Step 3: Calculate number of gaps and length of each gaps.
Gap Test (Example)
• Step 4: Calculate Relative Frequency SN (X) and Theoretical Frequency F(X).
Gap Length Frequency Relative Frequency Cumulative Theroretical |F(X) - SN (X)|
[SN (X)] = Relative Frequency
Frequency/No of Frequency [SN [F(X)] = 1 – 0.9 x+1
gaps (X)]
0-3 35 0.35 0.35 0.3439 0.0061
4-7 22 0.22 0.57 0.5695 0.0005
8-11 17 0.17 0.74 0.7176 0.0224
12-15 9 0.09 0.83 0.8147 0.0153
16-19 5 0.05 0.88 0.8784 0.0016
20-23 6 0.06 0.94 0.9202 0.0198
24-27 3 0.03 0.97 0.9497 0.0223
28-31 0 0 0.97 0.9657 0.0043
32-35 0 0 0.97 0.9775 0.0075
36-39 2 0.02 0.99 0.9852 0.0043
40-43 0 0 0.99 0.9903 0.0003
44-47 1 0.01 1.00 0.9936 0.0064
Gap Test (Example)
• Step 5: Calculate the critical value of D for given level of significance
against the number of gaps as:

• Step 6: Compare the calculated value with critical value.

Poker Test
• Poker Test - based on the frequency with which certain digits are repeated.
• Example: 0.255, 0.577, 0.331, 0.414, 0.828, 0.909
• Note: a pair of like digits appear in each number generated.
• In 3-digit numbers, there are only 3 possibilities.
• P(3 different digits) = P(2nd diff. from 1st) * P(3rd diff. from 1st & 2nd) =
(0.9) (0.8) = 0.72
• P(3 like digits) =P(2nd digit same as 1st) * P(3rd digit same as 2nd)
= (0.1) (0.1) = 0.01
• P(exactly one pair)=P(2nd digit same as 1st) * P(3rd digit different as 1st) * 3C2
= 3* 0.1 * 0.9 = 0.27
• P(exactly one pair) = 1 - 0.72 - 0.01 = 0.27
Poker Test : (Example)

• A sequence of 1000 three-digit numbers has been generated and an

analysis indicates that 680 have three different digits, 289 contain
exactly one pair of like digits, and 31 contain three like digits. Based
on the poker test, are these numbers independent? Let α = 0.05.
Step 1: Formulate the hypothesis:
H0: Ri = independently generated
H1: Ri ≠ independently generated
Poker Test : (Example)
Step 2: Calculate the probabilities of possible combinations:
Case I. P(3 different digits) = P(2nd diff. from 1st) * P(3rd diff. from 1st & 2nd)
= (0.9) (0.8) = 0.72
Case II. P(3 like digits) = P(2nd digit same as 1st) * P(3rd digit same as 1st)
= (0.1) (0.1) = 0.01
Case III. P(exactly one pair)=P(2nd digit same as 1st) *P (3rd digit different as 1st) * 3C2
= 3* 0.1 * 0.9 = 0.27
Case III. P(exactly one pair) = 1 - 0.72 - 0.01 = 0.27
Poker Test : (Example)
• Step 3: With N = 1000, let’s summarize the results for Poker’s test in
the following table:
Poker Test (Example)
• A sequence of 1000 four-digit numbers has been generated and an
analysis indicates the following  combinations & frequencies: Use
Poker’s test to determine if these random numbers are independent,
α = 0.05.
Combination Distribution (i) Observed Frequency (Oi)
4 different digits 540
3 like digits 50
4 like digits 20
1 pair 320
2 pairs 70
Poker Test (Example)
Step 1: Formulate the hypothesis:
H0: Ri = independently generated
H1: Ri ≠ independently generated
Poker Test (Example)
Step 2: Calculate the probabilities of possible combinations:

In 4-digit numbers, there are only five possibilities- four different, 3 of a

kind, 4 of a kind, 1 pair and 2 pairs. Let’s calculate the probabilities for
each of these cases:

Case-I: P(4 different digits) = P(2nd diff. from 1st) * P(3rd diff. from 1st &
2nd) * P(4th diff. from 1st, 2nd & 3rd)
= 0.9 * 0.8 * 0.7 = 0.504
Case-II: P(4 like digits) = P(2nd digit same as 1st) * P(3rd digit
same as 1st) * P(4th digit same as 1st)
= 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.1 = 0.001
Poker Test (Example)
Case-III: P(3 like digits) = P(2nd digit same as 1st) * P(3rd digit same as 1st) * P(4th digit diff. from 1st) *  No. of possible
combinations for 3 like digits from 4 digits
= 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.9  *  4C3= 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.9  *  4 = 0.036

Case-IV: P(1 pair) = P(2nd digit same as 1st in the pair) * P(3rd digit diff. from 1st) * P(4th digit diff. from 1st & 3rd)* No. of
possible combinations for a pair from 4 digits

=  0.1 * 0.9 * 0.8 * 4C2 = 0.1 * 0.9 * 0.8 * 6 = 0.432

Case-V: P(2 pairs) =P(2nd digit same as 1st in the pair) * P(3rd digit diff. from 1st) * P(4th digit same as 3rd)* No. of possible
combinations for two pairs from 4 digits
= 0.1 * 0.9 * 0.1 *( * 4C2 ) = 0.1 * 0.9 * 0.1 * 3 = 0.027


Case-V: P(2 pairs) = 1 - P(4 different digits) - P(3 like digits) - P(4 like digits) - P(1 pair)
= 1 – 0.504 – 0.036 – 0.001 – 0.432 = 0.027
Poker Test (Example)
• Step 3: With N = 1000, let’s summarize the results for Poker’s test in
the following table:
Combination Distribution (i) Observed Frequency Expected Frequency (Oi – Ei)2/Ei
            Oi  Ei = Prob.*N
4 different digits 540 504 2.571
3 like digits 50 36 5.44
4 like digits 20 1 361
1 pair 320 432 29.037
2 pairs 70 27 68.48
1000 1000 466.528
Poker Test (Example)
Step 4: Compare the calculated value with critical value in the table.

Calculated χ2 value = 466.528

Degree of freedom = n – 1 = 5 – 1 = 4
At α = 0.05, acceptable value of χ2 from table = 9.49
Since, the calculated value of χ2 is greater than the acceptable value at
four degree of freedom, the independence of the random numbers is
rejected on the basis of this test.
Poker Test (Example)
• A sequence of 10,000 five-digit random number has been generated,
and an analysis of numbers indicate that there are 3075 numbers
having five different digits, 4935 having a pair, 1135 having two pairs
695 having three of a kind, 105 having full house (3 of a kind and a
pair), 54 having four of a kind and one having all five of a kind. Use
poker test to determine if these random numbers are independent, at
α = 0.01.
Poker Test (Example)
Step 1: Formulate the hypothesis:
H0: Ri = independently generated
H1: Ri ≠ independently generated
Poker Test (Example)
• Step 2: Calculate the probabilities of possible combinations:
• In a five digit number there are seven possibilities: 5 different digits, 1 pair,
two pairs, three of a kinds, full houses (3 of a kind and a pair), four of a
kinds and five of a kinds. Let’s calculate the probabilities for each of these
Case-I: P(5 different digits) = P(2nd diff. from 1st) * P(3rd diff. from 1st & 2nd) *
P(4th diff. from 1st, 2nd & 3rd) * P(5th diff. from 1st, 2nd , 3rd & 4th)
= 0.9 * 0.8 * 0.7* 0.6 = 0.3024

Case-II: P(5 same digits) = P(2nd same as1st) * P(3rd same as 2nd) * P(4th same
as 3rd) * P(5th same as 4th)
= 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.1* 0.1 = 0.0001
Poker Test (Example)
Case-III: P(4 same digits) = P(2nd same as 1st) * P(3rd same as 2nd) * P(4th
same as 3rd) * P(5th diff. from 1st) * 5C4
= 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.1* 0.9*5 = 0.0045

Case-IV: P(Full Houses) = P(2nd same as 1st) * P(3rd same as 2nd) * P(4th

diff from 1st) * P(5th same as 4th) * 5C2
= 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.9* 0.1*10 = 0.009
Poker Test (Example)
Case-V: P(3 same digits) = P(2nd same as 1st) * P(3rd same as 2nd) * P(4th different from 1st) * P(5th diff. from 1st
and 4th ) * 5C3
= 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.9* 0.8*10 = 0.072

Case-VI: P(One Pairs) = P(2nd same as 1st) * P(3rd differ from 1st) * P(4th diff from 1st and 3rd ) * P(5th diff. from 1st ,
3rd and 4th ) * 5C3
= 0.1 * 0.9 * 0.8* 0.7*10 = 0.504

Case-VII: P(Two Pairs) = P(2nd same as 1st) * P(3rd differ from 1st) * P(4th digit same as 3rd ) * P(5th diff. from 1st and
3rd ) * ½ * 4C2 * 5C1
= 0.1 * 0.9 * 0.1 * 0.8 * 3 * 5 = 0.108


Case-VII: P(Two Pairs) = 1 – 0.3024 – 0.0001- 0.0045 – 0.009 – 0.072 – 0.504

= 0.108
Poker Test (Example)
• Step 3: With N = 10, 000, let’s summarize the results for Poker’s test in
the following table:
Combination Distribution Observed Frequency Expected Frequency (Oi – Ei)2/Ei
(i)             Oi  Ei = Prob.*N
Five Different Digits 3075 3024 0.8601
One Pair 4935 5040 2.1875
Two Pairs 1135 1080 2.8009
Three of a kind 695 720 0.868
Full Houses 105 90 2.5
Four of a kind 54 45 1.8
Five of a kind 01 01 0.0
10,000 10,000 11.0165
Poker Test (Example)
• Step 4: Compare the calculated value with the critical value in the
• Calculated χ2 value = 11.0165
Degree of freedom = n – 1 = 7 – 1 = 6
At α = 0.01, acceptable value of χ2 from table = 16.8.
Since, the calculated value of χ2 is less than the acceptable value at six
degree of freedom, the independence of the random numbers is
accepted on the basis of this test.
6.5 Generating discrete distributions
• Generally, in real world implementation there is need for non-uniform
random number generation i.e., the distribution is not uniform, so
that a different probability is associated with each output.
• Suppose, for example , it is necessary to generate a random variable
representing the number of items bought by a shopper at store ,
where the probability function is the discrete distribution, given in
table 1 below.
6.5 Generating discrete distributions
6.5 Generating discrete distributions
• Then again a table is formed to list the number of items, X , and the
cumulative probability , Y, as shown in table 2.
6.5 Generating discrete distributions
• Now, taking the output of a uniform random number generator, U,
the value is compared with the values of Y.
• If the value falls in an interval yi<U<=yi+1(i=0,1,….,4), the
corresponding value of xi+1 is taken as desired output.
• It is not necessary that the intervals be in any particular order.
• A computer routine will usually search the table from the first entry .
• The amount of searching can be minimized by selecting the intervals
in decreasing order of probability.
6.5 Generating discrete distributions
• Arranged as a table for a computer routine, the data of Table 2, would
then appear as shown in table 3,
6.5 Generating discrete distributions
• With this arrangement , 51% of the searches will only need to go to
the first entry , 70% to the first or second and so on.
• With the original ordering, only 10% are satisfied with the first entry
and only 61% with the first two.
• The input of table 3 is being denoted by U to indicate a random
number between 0 and 1 however the output continues to be
denoted by X.
6.6 Inversion, Rejection, Composition and
Inversion or Inverse Transformation Method
Inversion or Inverse Transformation Method
• Example: If the desired probability distribution is:
• The rejection method is applied when the probability density function, f(x),
has a lower and upper limit to its range, a and b, respectively, and an upper
bound c.
• The method can be specified as follows:
 Compute the values of two, independent uniformly distributed variates U1
and U2
Compute X0 = a + U1(b-a).
 Compute Y0 = cU2
If Y0 <= f(X0) accept X0 as the desired output; otherwise repeat the process
with two new uniform variates.
• This method is closely related to the process of evaluating an integral
using the Monte Carlo technique.
• The probability density function is enclosed in a rectangle with sides
of lengths b-a and c.
• The first three steps of rejection method creates just a random point
and the last step relates the point to the curve of the probability
density function.
• Sometimes the random variables X of interest involves the sum of n>1
independent random variables:
X=Y1+Y2+Y3+…+Yn .
• To generate a value for X, we can generate a value for each of the
random variables Y1, Y2, Y3, Yn and add them together. This is called
• Composition can also be used to generate random numbers that are
approximately normally distributed.
Convolution Method
• The probability distribution of a sum of two or more independent
random variables is called a convolution of the distributions of the
original variables.
• The convolution method thus refers to adding together two or more
random variables to obtain a new random variable with the desired
Convolution Method
• Technique can be used for all random variables X that can be
expressed as the sum of n random variables X = Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + . . . + Yn
• In this case, one can generate a random variate X by generating n
random variates, one from each of the Yi, and summing them.
• Examples of random variables:
 Sum of n Bernoulli random variables is a binomial random variable.
 Sum of n exponential random variables is an n- Erlang random

• Jerry Banks, John S. Carson, II Barry L. Nelson , David M. Nocol,

“Discrete Event system simulation”
• Geoffrey Gordon, System Simulation

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