Beams On Elastic Foundation

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BY : Sura salih thijeel


Classification of beams on elastic foundation

1. Short beams, βL < 1: Inasmuch as the end deflection is essentially equal to

that at the center,
the deflection of the foundation can be determined to good accuracy by
regarding the beam as
infinitely rigid.
2. Intermediate beams, 1 < βL < 3: In this region, the influence of the central
force at the ends of
the beam is substantial, and the beam must be treated as finite in length.
3. Long beams, βL > 3: It is clear that the ends are not affected appreciably by
the central loading. Therefore, if we are concerned with one end of the beam,
the other end or
the middle may be regarded as being an infinite distance away; that is, the
beam may be treated
as infinite in length
Differential equation of equilibrium of a beam
on elastic foundation
 Considering the equilibrium of the differential element, the sum of the
vertical forces gives:

 Q=shear force
 K=is modulus of subgrade reaction
 M=beanding moment
 Y=is the deformation in the vertical direction
 P=is the soil reaction
 q= applied pressure
 Considering the equilibrium of moments along the left section of the
element we get:

 Using now the well known differential equation of a beam in bending:

 Finally, from the summation of the vertical forces ΣV=0

 In the above equation the parameter α includes the flexural

rigidity of the beam as well as the elasticity of the
foundation. This factor is called the characteristic of the
system with dimension length. In that respect 1/α is
referred to the so called characteristic length. Therefore,
x⋅α will be an absolute number.
The differential equation of equilibrium of an
infinitely small element becomes:

where y0(x) is the solution of homogeneous differential equation

particular integral corresponding to q(x)
Know the general soiution:
Picture about beams of elastic
 Example 1: An infinite beam rest on equally spaced linear coil springs,located
every 1.1 m along the beam. A concentrated load of 18 kN is applied to the
beam, over one of the springs. EI of the beam is 441x109 N.mm2,K=275 N/mm
for each spring. Compute the largest spring force and largestbending moment
in the beam.
(M.Hetenyi, Beam on elastic foundation, 1955)
(Braja M. Das,Advanced soil mechanics,2008)

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