Bariatric Diet Module
Bariatric Diet Module
Bariatric Diet Module
Bariatric Surgery
• Stage 1 - Water
• Typically start day of surgery; Duration < 1 day
• Nursing staff to administer 1oz water per hour via medicine cup
• Instruct patient to sip slowly & stop if feeling full or nauseous
• Note: Diet office will be instructed not to send meal trays
• All medications to be administered in liquid/chewable form
• IV Fluid until tolerating liquids
• Patient to begin tracking fluid intake on Patient Intake Diary (provided
by healthcare team)
Post Surgical
Diet Progression
• As tolerated replace full liquids with soft & moist protein foods (avoid
dry or tough meats); ~2-4oz per meal
• Instruct not to drink fluids with meals; wait 30 min before & after each
meal to have beverages
• If meeting protein goals may add well-cooked soft fruits & vegetables
• Balanced solid food diet with protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole
grains. Can add raw foods as tolerated.
• Goals:
• 60-80 grams protein /day
• 64+ ounces fluid/ day (including protein drinks) sipped between
• Administering Medications:
• Note all medications given in the hospital should be crushed or in
liquid form.
• Chewable/liquid vitamins will begin 2weeks post-op
Immediate Post-Op Nutrition
• Hydration status
• Dehydration
• Monitor for signs and symptoms of dehydration as patients are at
greater risk given their dietary restrictions. Patients should strive
for 64 ounces of liquids per day.
• Diarrhea
• Some patients can develop post-operative lactose intolerance. Symptoms could
include bloating, abdominal cramps, excessive gas, and diarrhea. Treatment
includes following a lactose-free diet.
• Anatomical complications
• There may be reason to suspect a possible surgical complication if a patient has
persistent nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
Common Nutrient Deficiencies
• Gastric Bypass:
• Most common: Iron, Vitamin B-12,
Folic acid, Fat soluble Vitamins A, D, & E
• Thiamin (seen in patients with frequent vomiting)
• Calcium
• Protein malnutrition
• Gastric Banding:
• Except for folate, nutrition deficiencies are less commonly seen post
gastric banding
• Sleeve Gastrectomy
• Possible B-12
Long Term Outcomes
• Lifelong compliance with vitamin/ mineral
supplementation is important to reduce the risk
of serious nutrient deficiencies
• L. Aills et al. ASMBS Allied Health Nutritional Guidelines for the Surgica
l Weight Loss Patient.
Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2008; 4:S73-S108.