Skin Cancer Detection
Skin Cancer Detection
Skin Cancer Detection
Rishabh Sharma I7
TimeLine of Project
Phase 1:
1. Brainstorming the technologies and the concept using the project. Phase 3.
2. The technology was finalized to be convolutional neural networks 1. Found a suitable dataset for skin cancer detection.
(CNN). 2. Found some suitable well known algorithms which would be
3. The plan was to choose an idea that could be beneficial to the suitable for this project.
4. Skin cancer detection was chosen as the topic.
Phase 4. ( current)
1. Trained the dataset on all the models to compare and get the
Phase 2: best accuracy.
1. Extensive research on the topic was done. 2. Tweaking the parameters to get better accuracy.
2. Studied applications of CNN
3. Set up the workspace and installed all the dependencies.
Skin cancer is one of the most prevalently seen cancer type in human beings. Skin cancer
occurs due to the uncontrollable growing of mutations taking place in DNAs owing to some
reasons. Recognizing the cancer in early stages could increase the chance of a successful
treatment. Now a days, computer aided diagnosis applications are used almost at every
field. One of the mostly used areas is health sector. Biomedical datasets are created by
saving the data of illness people in computers. Our goal is to obtain an effective way for
early diagnosis of skin cancer by classifying our dataset images as benign or malignant.
Our dataset consists of 2437 training images,660 test images and lastly 200 validation
Problem Statement
Skin cancer can lead to the death of an individual without proper treatment. The
purpose of the project is to espy skin cancer in the initial stage and increase the
possibility of a successful procedure and treatment. In the medical field, diagnosis with
the help of computer applications is used and various datasets which are biomedical in
nature are constructed from the data collected. Our aim is to acquire a capable course
of action to diagnose skin cancer in its initial stages by labelling the images present in
the dataset as malignant or benign. And to increase accuracy of our current model while
comparing accuracies with other well known deep learning algorithms namely
InceptionV3 and VGG16.
Accuracy acquired till now