Admin and Supervision Issues
Admin and Supervision Issues
Admin and Supervision Issues
D e b b i e M a y F. Ye l o
M a . J a n e l y n T. F u n d a l
■ 1. expansion of
educational opportunities
and service
D pEd Budget
Number of teachers
All these mean one
■ 2. educational
Educational planning
■3. Democratization of
school administration and
■ Our commitment to democracy is
safeguarded & enhanced if administrative
& supervisory officials set the tone for
practice of democratic procedures.
■ The structure and process of the school
■ 4. Greater reliance on
research and the scientific
method of inquiry
■ Research plays a vital role in
making the educational
enterprise meet more adequately
the task of educating people.
■ Studies and researches are indications of a
trend towards greater reliance on research
and on the scientific method of inquiry.
They are healthy signs of a growing
awareness and acceptance on the part of our
school people of the need and importance of
the application of the scientific approach to
the solution of the educational problems.
Trends in school
adm in ist r at ion
& supervision: