15th Chap BG

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Gita Mahatmiyam

• Lord Vishnu said, “I Myself have manifested in the Form

of Bhagavad-gita. Please understand that the first five
chapters are My five heads, the next ten chapters are
My ten Arms, and the Sixteenth Chapter is My stomach.
The last two chapters are My lotus-feet. In this way you
should understand the transcendental Deity of the
Bhagavad-gita. This Bhagavad-gita is the destroyer of all
sins. And that intelligent man who daily recites one
chapter or even one shloka, one half shloka, or at least
one quarter shloka, will attain the same position as
Susharma had attained.”
The form of the Bhagavad Gita 18 chapters

• HEAD – 5
• HANDS – 10
• The destroyer of all sins, an intelligent man who daily
recites one chapter or even one shloka, one half shloka, or
at least one quarter shloka, will attain the highest position
Bhagavad Gita
chapter 15 - The Purushottama Yoga
Section one (Txt 1 to 6)
Return to PARADISE - The Kingdom of God

Section two (Txt 7 to 11)

REINCARNATION - Y(our)Secret Journey

Section three (12 to15)

SUPREME LORD - The Individual and Cosmic

Section four (16 to 20)

The Perfection of Yoga - To Love God.
Section one (Txt 1 to 6)
Return to PARADISE - The Kingdom of God
Section theme
Just as one can see the reflection of a banyan tree in the water
of a river or a pond, the material world is a reflection of the
spiritual world – the kingdom of God. The existence of a
reflected tree proves the existence of a real tree. Similarly the
existence of this world, which is like a temporary reflection,
proves the existence of the spiritual world, which is the
eternal residence of the Supreme Lord. Imperfect persons
with selfish desires prefer to remain in this world. Perfect
persons full of love for God and for every living being are
allowed to live in that paradise. The qualities of such a perfect
person are mentioned in Text 5.
Section one (Txt 1 to 6)
Return to PARADISE - The Kingdom of God
1. The tree of material existence, which is full of danger, seeking happiness
Story: the princess lost necklace on the tree.
2. More about the material world and its activities, the 3 modes of nature
is the cause and all still remain bonded to this world though higher or
Story: the cape sellers Mr. Sattva, Mr. Rajas and Mr. Tamo
3. How it is difficult to perceive this tree of material existence, how to
become free and fly away from here. We are trying to enjoy this place
by finding little of poisonour honey.
Story: Mayadas being attacked by Tiger, 3cubs, 2rats, Crocodile, snake
the two rats, one gets drowned and other escapes from the buttermilk
pot. To listen to devotees and not sense gratifiers.
• 4. After being freed from the material existence where do we go, back
to the father’s home.
Story: The prodigal son, the disobedient child going back to father.

5. Who will be able to reach that Supreme Father? How? Who are
humble tolerant, with all the good qualities.
Mohammed Prophet humility.

6. The eternal kingdom of Godhead description. How we attain to the

spiritual planet only by surrender to the Supreme will of the Lord.
Story: Srila Prabhupada examples to a diseased man about the healthy
The painting of Lord Jesus
Section theme
• The Lord concludes the previous section by describing the amazing
qualites of the Srupreme abode and the means to achieve it. The
proper means to achieve complete fredom is to surrender to Him and
enter into His kingdom.
• Krsna begins theis section by giving a description the fater of one who
cannot surrender to Him. Such a person must remain on the Banyan
tree of material existence, jumping from branch to branch, tring to
enjoy his senses. This process of jumping from branch to branch (from
one species to the other – in the circle of birth, old age, disease and
death). One who is trained in this knowledge can easily understand it,
others can’t.
REINCARNATION - Section two (Txt 7 to 11)
Y(our)Secret Journey
7. What happens to those who do not go to the spiritual world.
Story: PAISA CIRCUS, each one of us facing the threefold miseries but still
think we are enjoying without disclosing to others. People suffer hiding the

8. What happens to these people in their next lives.

Story: CHARIOT OF THE BODY. The gross body, soul, intelligence,mind, 5
senses. The 3types of body.

9. What type of bodies do these people attain in their next life?

Story: Sri Narada Muni and Chandulal.
Depending on our desires we get different types of bodies. Only devotees
cure our material disease though it is painful.
10. Why don’t we see this happening ?
Story : Ganguram the honest hard working wood cutter.
Isaac Newton and Calculas.
Material comforts won’t help us, we should understand the glory of
God and preach His message.

11. What then is the qualification to understand spirituality.

Story: The six blind men and the elephant. We cannot so many that
doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
Section theme
• One can be freed from the Banyan tree of the material world by
cultivating attachment, love and surrender to the Supreme Lord. We
can begin to appreciate God as the Creator, Maintainer of the
material world. Krsna also maintains each one of us on an individual
level. He provides remembrance of the past pleasant experiences and
forgetfulness of the unpleasant experiences. He also provides
knowledge of His kingdom in the scripture so that we all can become
free and again join Him in our eternal home. When we understand
and appreciate God’s love for us, we completely fall in love with Him
and make Him the ultimate goal of life.
Section three (12 to15)
SUPREME LORD - The Individual and Cosmic
12. How we can develop the vision to see God and the eternal soul?
Story: Isaac Newton, the model of the planetary system.
We appreciate the Lord’s creation and love Him for all the gifts that he has
given us. Gratitude.

13. Are there any more examples to see how the Lord maintains us?
Story: God’s great intelligence. Lazy person and the pumpkin. Lord’s creation
is perfect and we must become intelligent to appreciate the hand of God in
creating and maintaing the universe.

14. If God is great and He’s so far away, how can we appreciate Him personally
in our lives?
Story: The four wives, The Lord as the Supersoul controls all the involuntary
functions and the Supersoul is the only real friend who will follow us wherever
we go .
15. Does the Lord help me to get out of this world also?
Story: the boy who didn’t eat mango.

The Supersoul Paramatma

I know my mind and my feelings too
But I cant understand whats happening to you
There is someone who is present in trees, animals, plants and birds.
He knows all our thoughts, deed and words\as the Supreme Lord –
Paramatam, He is present in all our hearts.
He is the Complete whole and we are His parts
His knowledge has no beginning and no end
He is our dear most wll wishing friend.
Section theme
• There are two types of persons – the perfect and the imperfect. Those
who are living in this material world of birth and death and are attached to
their material bodies are imperfect or conditioned souls. Those who are
free to live in the spiritual kingdom of God are perfect or liberated souls.
• Above both of these persons is the Supreme Personality of Godhead who
maintains both these types of persons as a parent maintains their
children. The process of Yoga should help us to reach the kingdom of God.
We can easily reach the kingdom of God if we love Krsna with lal our
heart and soul and with all our activities. That is the perfection of Yoga.
This is possible in the modern age of Kali Yuga by chanting the Holy Names
of God.
Section four (16 to 20)
The Perfection of Yoga - To Love God.
• 16. If God is our best firend then why do some people suffer in the jail
of this material world?
Story: Escape to Victory – two kinds of people, devotee and sense

17. Is there any difference between the perfect persons and God?
Story: Akbar and Birbal – Akbar was greater than God.
Everything belong to God.

18. Is there any proof that God is the Supreme Person?

Story: The Dead Parrot, Many people may say differently but the
Supereme Lord emphatically explains in this verse that He is the Supreme
Person who has no material form.
19. What is the result of knowing God as the Supreme Person?
Story: The Man who wanted to serve the Supreme Person.
We should desire to serve the greatest person by engageing in His devotional
Holy Name is the only shelter, the story of Ratnakar

20. What is the result of engaging in devotional service of the Supreme Lord?
Story: YOGA means to connect. The perfection of yoga is to reconnect ourselves
with the Supreme Lord in love and devotion through service to Him. HOLY NAMES is
the Perfect form of Yoga for achieving the association of that Supreme Person in the
association of devotees.
" 'For spiritual progress in this Age of Kali, there is no alternative,
there is no alternative, there is no alternative to the holy name, the holy
name, the holy name of the Lord.'
Benefits of Chanting Hare Krishna Maha Mantra
• Dissolves bad habits, evil thoughts & Negative emotions,
• Get rid of fear, stress and anxiety
• Helps to achieve big
• It brings the highest state of ecstasy
• It brings joy, peace and happiness
• It relieves from all miseries
• Gives divine qualities likes Love, mercy and inner happiness
• It purify yourself and surrounding
• It cleans your mind and heart
• When you chant Hare Krishna Mantra, we start to clear the impure
consciousness, that keeps us unhappy and away from our true self. This mantra
in a way connects us to that higher energy and helps us to break away from
that endless cycle and attachment to the physical world.

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