Presentation 1: Subject, Methods and Problems of Analytical Chemistry
Presentation 1: Subject, Methods and Problems of Analytical Chemistry
Presentation 1: Subject, Methods and Problems of Analytical Chemistry
Physical and physicochemical methods
does not differ sharply. Therefore, the
physical and physicochemical methods
are called instrumental methods.
Physico - chemical methods - a combination of
physical and chemical methods and properties.
In this case any physical parameter of the
chemical system that depend on the
concentration is measured.
It is possible to classify methods
according to the method of carrying out
the reaction of the analysis:
"wet" and
"dry" methods (grinding method, method
of forming pearls, method of staining the
on the technique of reaction (drop,
microcrystalline, etc.).
Despite the fact that all methods of analytical
chemistry are based on different principles, they
are all united by a common goal and they have
the same following requirements,
accuracy and
These concepts are the most important
characteristics of an analytic reaction.
The sensitivity of the method or
technique (or analytical reaction) is
determined by the minimum amount of
substance that can be detected or
determined by this method, according to
this technique, or with the help of this
analytical reaction.
Sensitivity is the ability to detect the
minimum quantities of the substance with
the help of this reaction (method or
technique). The measure of the reaction
sensitivity is the opening minimum – m -
the minimum amount of a substance that
can still be reliably detected by an
appropriate reaction. Most often, m is
expressed in mkg (1 mkg = 10-3 mg = 10-6
In order to fully characterize the sensitivity, it is
necessary to indicate the limiting concentration,
since the same amount of substance can be
detected by this reaction in 1 ml of solution and is
not detected in a 0.5 liter solution.
Limiting concentration Cdet.limit is the smallest
concentration (1 g of substance dissolved in the
corresponding number of ml of the solvent), at
which the desired substance can still be detected
by this reaction. Often the opposite value, which is
called the dilution limit Vdil.limit is used.
The sensitivity of the reaction will be higher
in case of lower value of m and Cdet.limit
(respectively higher Vdil.limit). Let us show the
relationship between Cdet.limit, m and Vdil.limit:
Vmin 106 1
Cdet .lim 1:
m Vdil .lim
where m is in mkg, Vmin is the minimum
volume in which the reaction can be carried
out (usually, one drop of volume ~ 0.01 ml)
From this equation:
6 6
m Cdet .limVmin 10 10
Vdil .lim
Sensitivity plays a decisive role in the
detection of an ion. Very often it is
necessary to use various methods to
increase the sensitivity of the reaction or
to reduce the detection limit. Such
methods include:
Extraction is a physicochemical process of the
distribution of a substance between two
immiscible liquids (usually between water and
an organic solvent), i.e. an organic solvent is
added to the aqueous solution of the substance,
immiscible with water, the contents of the tube
are shaken, while the substance passes from
water layer into an organic layer which volume is
much less than the water layer, i.e. the substance
from a larger volume passes into a smaller one.
As a result, the
concentration of
the solution
increases, the
detection limit
decreases and
Microcrystalline method
– when using the
microcrystalline method,
reactions leading to the
formation of substances
with characteristic
crystalline properties are
carried out on a slide and
the resulting crystals are
observed under a
For example, to
determine Mg2+, it is
precipitated as Mg
opening minimum 10
however, when this
reaction is carried out
with a microcrystalline
method, the opening
minimum is reduced to
0.6 mg.
Drip analysis - in the drip analysis
analytical reactions are carried out with a
drop of solution added to the recess on a
special plate (glass or porcelain), where a
drop of the reagent is also added. This
method allows you to clearly observe the
appearance or disappearance of color, the
formation of sediments.
Color drip reactions are carried out,
applying a drop of solution to the filter
paper and adding after drying a drop of
the reagent.
Co-precipitation - For example, Zinc
forms with (NH4)2[Hg(SCN)4] a white
precipitate, Det.lim. = 30 mg. If the same
reaction is carried out in the presence of
Cobalt ions, then Co2+ forms a precipitate
of blue color with this reagent and
precipitates together with Zn2+ .The whole
precipitate is brightly colored and Zinc is
detected at pH = 7, Zndet.lim. = 4 mg.
There are also other methods for
increasing the sensitivity, such as:
catalytic reactions,
chromatography, etc.
When carrying out analysis, we deal with a
wide variety of objects - products of
industrial and agricultural production,
environmental objects, space objects, works
of art, etc. Knowing the basis of chemical
properties of the analyzed object, the most
selective method is chosen, i.e., the method
which allows to detect or identify the
necessary components without interference
from other present components.
Classification of reactives
In accordance with selectivity reactives
are divided into:
Group reagents
Group reagents allow to determine
certain groups of elements by
precipitating them under certain
Mainly used in qualitative analysis.
Requirements to group reagents
Under the certain conditions must
separate one group component from
another by precipitation.
Precipitates separated by group reagents
must be easily dissolved in acids again, to
supply reproducibility.
Excess of group reagents mustn`t interact
with the separated and definied ions, left
in solution.
Fractional Systematic
analysis analysis
Fractional analysis is direct
determination of any component without
influence of other components.
Systematic analysis is based on
separation of components by precipitating
them with the help of reagents and
determination using specific and selective
reagents inside the group.
If methods, techniques, or the given analytical
reaction allow to detect or determine only one
component, then they are called specific. Such
methods as
atomic - absorption and
The reactions of the of iodine with starch, or
ammonium containing substances with
alkalis, used to detect ammonium ions, are
Selective reagents react only with several
components of little amount under the
certain conditions.
Many of the analytical reactions are also
highly selective. For example, the
formation of some complex compounds
with organic reagents, electrochemical
reactions, etc., enzymatic method are
characterized with high selectivity.
The method of chemical analysis can be made
more selective by
changing the conditions for the analysis (pH of
the medium, concentration of reagents, solvent,
eliminating the influence of interfering
components by converting them into a non-
reactive form (masking) or
separating (precipitation, extraction,
chromatography) them from the main component.
The masking of a substance is understood as the reduction
of its concentration by adding an appropriate masking
agent to the extent that the characteristic properties of this
substance no longer manifest. Very often the enclosing ion
is bound to a strong colorless compound which remains in
solution as a complex (i.e., no longer present in the free
state) and ceases to interfere.
For example, when defining Co2+ with SCN-interferes with
Fe3+ ,which forms Fe(SCN)3. To eliminate the interfering
action of Fe3+ , it bounded to the strong colorless complex
F--[Fe F6]3-. The interfering action is eliminated by
Sometimes, in order to eliminate the interfering action during
masking, oxidation-reduction reactions are used and the
degree of oxidation of the interfering ion is changed. For
example, the determination of Ni2+ with dimethylglyoxime
interferes with Fe(II).
Adding HNO3, Fe(II) is oxidized to Fe(III), which does not
interfere the determination. However, if the reaction is carried
out in an ammonia medium, then Fe(OH)3 can be formed. To
avoid this, F- is added, [FeF6]3- is formed, the Fe(III)
concentration decreases and it can not precipitate in the form
of Fe(OH)3.
If it is impossible to mask the interfering ion, then it is
separated by precipitation, extraction, or chromatography.
Accuracy is a collective, characteristic of a method or
technique, including their correctness and
reproducibility. When talking about high accuracy, it is
assumed that the results are correct and the scatter of the
analysis data is negligible.
Accuracy is often characterized by the relative error
(error) of the determination in percent. The gravimetric
and titrimetric methods are fairly accurate, the error of
which is usually 0.05-0.2 and 0.1-0.5%, respectively.
Among the physicщ-chemical methods, the coulometric
method is the most accurate, making it possible to
determine the components with an error of 0.001-0.01%.
The requirement for rapidity, i.e. the speed of the
analysis, is often advanced as one of the basic
requirements in choosing a method or methodology.
There are methods that allow to carry out analysis very
For example, methods of atomic-emission
spectroscopy with the use of quantometry make it
possible to determine 15-20 elements in a few seconds;
In the ionometry ion-selective and enzyme electrodes
are used. Their response time for the component
content is 0.5-1 min.
When choosing the method of analysis, the
cost of chemical analysis is often important,
including the cost of the equipment, reagents
used, the analyst's working time, and
sometimes the analyzed sample itself.
As the cost of hardware design the cheapest
are - titrimetric, gravimetric, potentiometric
methods. The most expensive are NMR and
EPR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry,
neutron activation analysis, and so on.
Estimating the cost of the analysis, they also take
into account the cost and availability of reagents,
the mass of the analyzed sample, when the material
of the analyzed object is expensive (for example,
alloys and creams of Ag, Pt, Po, Pd, Au, etc.).
When carrying out mass homogeneous analyzes,
one should choose a method that allows the
automation of analysis, which makes it easier to
work the analyst, reduce the error of individual
operations, increase the speed of analysis, reduce
its cost, perform distance analysis, etc.