Lec-02 Market Meaning and Definitions, Components of A Market and Classification
Lec-02 Market Meaning and Definitions, Components of A Market and Classification
Lec-02 Market Meaning and Definitions, Components of A Market and Classification
1) Perfect markets:
There are a large number of buyers and sellers.
All the buyers and sellers in the market have perfect knowledge
of demand, supply and prices.
Prices at any one time are uniform over an area + or - the cost
of transportation.
The prices of different forms of a product are uniform + or - the
cost of processing.
(2) Imperfect competition:
• A market is said to be imperfect when some buyers or
sellers or both are not aware of the offer being made by
others. Therefore different prices prevail for the same
commodity at the same time in a imperfect market
Main features:
No. of sellers are not large
Products are heterogeneous – different branded tractor.
Either in ignorance or on account of transports cost or lack of
mobility of the factors of production, same price does not rule.
Price curve is not a horizontal.
Demand for the product is not perfectly elastic; it is responsive to
changes in price. The products are not complete substitutes for
one another, but they are close substitutes.
(b) Oligopoly: (Perfect oligopoly & Imperfect oligopoly)
A market in which there are more than two but still a few
sellers of a commodity is termed as an oligopoly market. A
market having a few (more than two) buyers is known as
oligopsony market.
E. g.-Toothpaste producers
(c) Monopoly:
• Monopoly is a market situation in which there is only one seller of
a commodity. The price of a commodity is generally higher than in
other markets.
a) Monopoly market:
A market situation in which there is only one seller of a
commodity. He has sole control over the supply or price of a
commodity. The price of commodity is generally higher than
in other markets. Indian farmers operate in monopoly
market when purchasing electricity for irrigation. When
there is only one buyer it is termed as a monopsony market.