Statistics in Public Administration: Introduction and Data Collection
Statistics in Public Administration: Introduction and Data Collection
Statistics in Public Administration: Introduction and Data Collection
Data Continued
Ratio, Interval, Ordinal, and Nominative
Scales of Measurement (Optional)
Quantitative variables
Ratio variable: a quantitative variable measured on a
scale such that ratios of its value are meaningful and
there is an inherently defined zero value
Interval variable: a quantitative variable where ratios
are not meaningful and there is no defined zero
Qualitative variables (categorical)
Ordinal variable: a qualitative variable for which there is
a meaningful ranking of the categories
Nominative variable: a qualitative variable for which
there is no meaningful ranking of the categories
Key Definitions
A population (universe) is the collection of
things under consideration
A sample is a portion of the population
selected for analysis
A parameter is a summary measure computed
to describe a characteristic of the population
A statistic is a summary measure computed to
describe a characteristic of the sample
Populations and Samples
Population The set of all elements about which we
wish to draw conclusions (people,
objects or events)
Population Sample
Use statistics to
summarize features
Use parameters to
summarize features
Descriptive statistics
Collecting and describing data
Inferential statistics
Drawing conclusions and/or making
decisions concerning a population based
only on sample data
Descriptive Statistics
Collect data
e.g. Survey
Present data
e.g. Tables and graphs
Characterize data
X i
e.g. Sample mean = n
Inferential Statistics
e.g.: Estimate the population
mean weight using the
sample mean weight
Hypothesis testing
e.g.: Test the claim that the
population mean weight is
120 pounds
Drawing conclusions and/or making decisions
concerning a population based on sample results.
Why We Need Data
To provide input to survey
To provide input to study
To measure performance of service or
production process
To evaluate conformance to standards
To assist in formulating alternative courses
of action
To satisfy curiosity
Data Sources
Primary Secondary
Data Collection Data Compilation
Print or Electronic
Observation Survey
Types of Data
D a ta
Discrete Continuous
Design of Survey Research
Choose an appropriate mode of response
Reliable primary modes
Personal interview
Telephone interview
Mail survey
Less reliable self-selection modes (not appropriate
for making inferences about the population)
Television survey
Internet survey
Printed survey on newspapers and magazines
Product or service questionnaires
Design of Survey Research
Identify broad categories
List complete and non-overlapping categories
that reflect the theme
Formulate accurate questions
Make questions clear and unambiguous. Use
universally-accepted definitions
Test the survey
Pilot test the survey on a small group of
participants to assess clarity and length
Design of Survey Research
Probability Samples
Systematic Stratified Cluster
Simple Random Samples
Every individual or item from the frame has
an equal chance of being selected
Selection may be with replacement or without
Samples obtained from table of random
numbers or computer random number
Systematic Samples
Decide on sample size: n
Divide frame of N individuals into groups of k
individuals: k=n/n
Randomly select one individual from the 1st
Select every k-th individual thereafter
N = 64
n=8 First Group
Stratified Samples
Population divided into two or more groups
according to some common characteristic
Simple random sample selected from each
The two or more samples are combined into
Cluster Samples
Population divided into several “clusters,”
each representative of the population
Simple random sample selected from each
The samples are combined into one
into 4
Advantages and Disadvantages
Simple random sample and systematic sample
Simple to use
May not be a good representation of the
population’s underlying characteristics
Stratified sample
Ensures representation of individuals across the
entire population
Cluster sample
More cost effective
Less efficient (need larger sample to acquire the
same level of precision)
Evaluating Survey Worthiness
What is the purpose of the survey?
Is the survey based on a probability sample?
Coverage error – appropriate frame
Nonresponse error – follow up
Measurement error – good questions elicit
good responses
Sampling error – always exists
Types of Survey Errors
Excluded from
Coverage error frame.
Follow up on
Non response error non responses.
Ss = Sample size
N = Total number of population
V = The standard value (2.58) of 1 percent of
probability with 0.99 reliability
Se = Sampling error (0.01)