Cloud Computing and Its Impact On Indian IT
Cloud Computing and Its Impact On Indian IT
Cloud Computing and Its Impact On Indian IT
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IT can be seen as enabler to K
1. A.S.
improve productivit in business Oaradwaj
áe ad tried to
anal ze our stud of Te anal sis is based
Indian IT sector based on identif ing te
on te financial trends and patterns of
performance of te growt of cloud b
In te later part we
companies considered Te paper is an mapping te financial
tried to investigate if
in last five ears in explorator researc data(based on
Disruptive innovation
first part ten we based on case stud . geograp and service
in te form of cloud
tried to anal ze te line) of Indian IT firms
financial performance to te data of te
of cloud computing cloud service
based on major cloud providers .
service providers.
Cloud organizations are creating first level of disruption on service deliver model wic is on-demand &
pricing cannel wic is pa as ou go. It is enabling new services wic were not possible earlier due to
limitations of on-premise applications
Te second level of disruption would be taking place at te organizational level were orcestrated loosel
coupled ecos stem of cloud will be canging IT arcitecture of organizations
At te tird Level of disruption te expertise gained at bot in terms of start-ups and orcestrators of large
scale business ecos stems cloud serving organizations will now be in a strong position to deliver full range of
capabilities required to replace an existing on-premise infrastructure subsequentl restructuring te IT indstr .
Major sectors were IT Indian organizations focus are OFSI Telecom Manufacturing & Processing etc͙
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Currentl significant investments ave been made b traditional mega vendor suc as EMC IOM etc to
build te infrastructure required . Indian companies ave a long wa to acquire tese capacities
Traditional mega vendor suc as Microsoft Oracle and SAP etc. ave teir ecos stem wic contains
patents trademarks and APIs.
Majorit of te corporate users preferred traditional mega vendors for SaaS service tan new pla ers
Cloud computing privac rigts in India are absent wic invites securit breaces
Policies adopted b Obama government like Tax Code Revision and putting restrictions on outsourcing
ave affected all Indian IT Companies after te global slowdown.
Cloud services are more tan just pe and current industrial trends are quite
receptive for cloud computing (KPMG Neterlands).
Cloud services are gaining fast momentum in geograpies like America and
Europe wic are served b Indian IT biggies.
At present te major vendors of cloud services are from America te ave
gained bot tecnological and economical advantages over Indian IT Industr .
Oot Political & Legal Framework is in support for te US based Companies
tan te Indian IT Companies.
Te Indian IT industr as anal zed from te current available trend and input is not at
a variable point as te cloud and its related tecnologies are et to encroaced
verticals in wic Indian IT companies ave specialized and diversified.
A ke consideration in Indian IT industr is te cas cow (OFSI sector) wic troug
te current level of anal sis and projected trend is te least vulnerable one under te
transformation going on because of te adaption of cloud computing.
Finall Indian IT industr presentl is not under an major treat of losing significant
business to cloud operators but te Indian companies are suggested to take up cloud
initiative to encounter te future treat.
Tis paper will elp to stud te Indian IT business and econom wit respect to
impact of cloud computing. An individual or organization intends to stud te impact
of new tecnologies on te current market can refer tis paper for future work.
Te paper aimed to make a comparative stud on cloud market growt and te Indian IT
industr . Te conclusions were acieved on te basis of our extensive stud from literate
surve financial data of te leading India IT giants and cloud leaders worldwide. Tis stud
also included a case stud approac.
Tank ou