8.4.4 Digestive System
8.4.4 Digestive System
8.4.4 Digestive System
4 Digestive system
“There is no obvious
relationship between
income and obesity.”
1. Do you agree?
2. Explain your
answer using
Digestive system 16/02/22
Learning Objectives
Describe what happens during digestion and the roles the parts of the
digestive system have.
Success Criteria –
Explain how each part of the digestive system works in sequence, including
how the small intestine is adapted for its function.
Explain why food needs to be digested.
Give a detailed explanation of digestion in sequence.
1 minute
This is what the lining of your stomach looks like under a microscope
The digestive system
The digestive system is a group of organs that work together to
breakdown food.
Why do you think food needs to be broken down before it can be
made useful to us?
The nutrients in most foods are large
molecules (too big to pass into the
body), like lipids and proteins.
During digestion these large Digestion
molecules are broken down into small
molecules, which can then be
absorbed into the body.
The mouth performs two functions:
The Mouth
1. Mechanical digestion
involves chewing – teeth chop and grind
food into small pieces.
1 minute
During digestion large
molecules are broken down
into smaller molecules, which
can be absorbed by the body.
Structures in the digestive system
Fibre in your food isn’t digested but adds bulk. Muscles push
against this, forcing food along the gut. Eating lots of fibre-
rich foods such as vegetables and wholemeal bread helps
prevent constipation.
The stomach is a muscular sac
The Stomach which churns the food by
contracting and relaxing.
It churns the food with
digestive juices containing
enzymes and stomach acid,
which is strong hydrochloric
acid. This kills harmful micro-
organisms food.
Liver and Pancreas
Small intestine - Villi
The small
The small intestine
of nutrients produced during digestion pass into
to absorb
blood stream through
quickly, beforethe
thewall of the small intestine. They are
digested food passes thenout
transported around the body.
of the body.
The small intestine is specially
adapted to this function.
The wall of the small intestine is thin.
It is also covered with tiny structures
called villi. These stick out of the wall
and give it a big surface area. They
also contain bloody capillaries to carry
away the absorbed food molecules.
Activity- Label the digestive system
In pairs, add labels to your diagram of the digestive system using the
Once you have it checked, label the diagram in your workpack and add
details of the functions of the organs listed.
Demonstrate understanding
Task: describe in detail the passage of a cheese
sandwich through the digestive system.
Food is chewed and mixed with saliva in the mouth. Teeth help to
10 minutes break the food into smaller chunks. Food passes down the gullet
into the stomach. Food is churned with digestive juices and acid in
the stomach.
Small molecules pass through the villi of the intestine wall into the
bloodstream in the small intestine.
Water passes back into the body in the large intestine. This leaves a
solid waste of undigested food called faeces. Faeces are stored in
the rectum. They are passed out of the body through the anus.
Demonstrate understanding
Task: Describe the adaptations of the small
intestine to its function.
4 minutes
Dietary fibre is not digested. It adds bulk to the food, allowing muscles to
push against this as food is squeezed along the gut. This prevents
Assessed homework – for digestion topic
Your task is to design a diet for a typical day for your patient, taking into account their need to
lose weight safely. Use the information table on the next page to help you.
Present your day’s diet to the patient in a suitable format, highlighting each of the key features
of the diet you have provided.