Atozet Slide Deck New-Presentation
Atozet Slide Deck New-Presentation
Atozet Slide Deck New-Presentation
Dose Dependent
Side Effects
LDL-C Levels
[Organon] Proprietary
Ezetimibe / Statin
20 40 80
Statin 10 mg mg mg mg The “rule of 6”
+ Ezetimibe
Statin 10 mg 10 mg One-step coadministration
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
% Reduction in LDL-C
• Most of the LDL-C reduction with statins occurs at the starting dose and subsequent doubling of the statin dose lowers
• One-step coadministration of ezetimibe is the same as doubling the statin dose 3 times.
Stein E Eur Heart J Suppl 2001;3(suppl E):E11-E16.
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Evidence for Efficacy of LDL-Lowering Therapies Lower Than 1.4
mmol/L (55 mg/dL)
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Even Lower is Even Better
IMPROVE-IT: a landmark trial of ∼18,000 patients
presenting with ACS at LDL-C baseline was 95 mg/dL
Efficacy Outcomes
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Outcomes by TIMI Risk Score
for Secondary Prevention
High-risk patients (≥ 3 risk indicators) for recurrent CV
events had 19% RRR in “CV death/ MI/ Stroke” with
ezetimibe/statin, thus translating to
a number-needed-to-treat of 16.
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Writing Committee
Chair: Paul S. Jellinger, MD, MACE George Grunberger, MD, FACP, FACE
Co-Chair: Yehuda Handelsman, MD, FACP, FACE Chris K. Guerin, MD, FNLA, FACE
Members: Jeffrey I. Mechanick, MD, FACP, FACE, FACN, ECNU
David S. H. Bell, MD, FACP, FACE Rachel Pessah-Pollack, MD, FACE
Zachary T. Bloomgarden, MD, MACE Paul D. Rosenblit, MD, PhD, FNLA, FACE
Eliot A. Brinton, MD, FAHA, FNLA Donald A. Smith, MD, MPH, FACE
Michael H. Davidson, MD, FACC, FACP, FNLA Kathleen Wyne, MD, PhD, FNLA, FACE
Sergio Fazio, MD, PhD Reviewers:
Vivian A. Fonseca, MD, FACE Michael Bush, MD
Alan J. Garber, MD, PhD, FACE Farhad Zangeneh, MD
AACE/ACE CPG. 2017;epub ahead of print; Cannon, CP, et al. N Engl J Med. 2015;372(25):2387-239; Jellinger P, Handelsman Y,
Rosenblit P, et al. Endocr Practice. 2017;23(4):479-497.
[Organon] Proprietary
– HeFH
– ≥2 risk factors and 10-year risk 10%-20%
High risk – DM or stage 3 or 4 CKD with no other risk factors <100 <130 <90
Barter PJ, et al. J Intern Med. 2006;259:247-258; Boekholdt SM, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014;64(5):485-494; Brunzell JD, et al. Diabetes Care. 2008;31:811-822; Cannon CP, et al.
N Engl J Med. 2015;372(25):2387-2397; Grundy SM, et al. Circulation. 2004;110:227-239; Heart Protection Study Collaborative Group. Lancet. 2002;360:7-22; Jellinger P,
Handelsman Y, Rosenblit P, et al. Endocr Practice. 2017;23(4):479-497; Lloyd-Jones DM, et al. Am J Cardiol. 2004;94:20-24; McClelland RL, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol.
2015;66(15):1643-1653; NHLBI. NIH Publication No. 02-5215. 2002; Ridker PM, J Am Coll Cardiol. 2005;45:1644-1648; Ridker PM, et al. JAMA. 2007;297(6):611-619; Sever PS, et
al. Lancet. 2003;361:1149-1158; Shepherd J, et al. Lancet. 2002;360:1623-1630; Smith SC Jr, et al. Circulation. 2006;113:2363-2372; Stevens RJ, et al. Clin Sci. 2001;101(6):671-
679; Stone NJ. Am J Med. 1996;101:4A40S-48S; Weiner DE, et al. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2004;15(5):1307-1315.
[Organon] Proprietary
• R56. Statin therapy is recommended as the primary pharmacologic agent to achieve target LDL-C goals on the basis of
morbidity and mortality outcome trials (Grade A; BEL 1).
• R57. For clinical decision making, mild elevations in blood glucose levels and/or an increased risk of new-onset T2DM
associated with intensive statin therapy do not outweigh the benefits of statin therapy for ASCVD risk reduction (Grade
A, BEL 1).
• R58. In individuals within high-risk and very high-risk categories, further lowering of LDL-C beyond established
targets with statins results in additional ASCVD event reduction and may be considered (Grade A, BEL 1).
• R59. Very high-risk individuals with established coronary, carotid, and peripheral vascular disease, or diabetes, who
also have at least 1 additional risk factor, should be treated with statins to target a reduced LDL-C treatment goal of <70
mg/dL (Grade A, BEL 1).
• R60. Extreme risk individuals should be treated with statins or
with combination therapy to target an even lower LDL-C treatment
goal of <55 mg/dL (Grade A, BEL 1).
Abbreviations: ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein
TG, triglycerides.
Jellinger P, Handelsman Y, Rosenblit P, et al. Endocr Practice. 2017;23(4):479-497.
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[Organon] Proprietary
[Organon] Proprietary
[Organon] Proprietary
Tailoring Lipid-Lowering Therapy Based on Patient and Disease
[Organon] Proprietary
2019 ESC/EAS Guidelines
New Lipid Goals
(Very High Risk)
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[Organon] Proprietary
Should the
High Intensity Cholesterol Lowering Therapy
Replace the
High Intensity Statin Therapy???
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*Individual responses to statin therapy varied in the RCTs and should be expected to vary in clinical practice. There might be a biologic basis for a less-than-average response.
†Evidence from 1 RCT only: down-titration if unable to tolerate atorvastatin 80 mg in IDEAL (Pedersen et al).
‡Although simvastatin 80 mg was evaluated in RCTs, initiation of simvastatin 80 mg or titration to 80 mg is not recommended by the FDA due to the increased risk of myopathy,
including rhabdomyolysis.
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[Organon] Proprietary
[Organon] Proprietary
[Organon] Proprietary
Intensifying Lipid-Lowering Treatment
to Reach LDL-C Goals
[Organon] Proprietary
(EZ-PATH Study)
EZ-PATH = EZetimibe Plus Atorvastatin Versus Atorvastatin Titration in Achieving Lower LDL-C Targets in
Hypercholesterolemic Patients
Atorvastatin 40 mg
Atorvastatin 80 mg (n=291)
(LDL-C 70–160 mg/dL [≈1.8–4.1 mmol/L]
and triglycerides ≤350 mg/dL [≈4.0 mmol/L])
EZ-PATH = Ezetimibe Plus Atorvastatin Versus Atorvastatin Titration in Achieving Lower LDL-C Targets in Hypercholesterolemic Patients
NCEP ATP III = National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III
High risk of CHD: Without CVD, T2DM, > 2 risk factors,10-yr risk > 20% or with known CVD
1 Leiter LA et al. Am J Cardiol. 2008;102:1495–1501
[Organon] Proprietary
Statin-Treated Baseline, %
–30 –27
EZ-PATH: More Than Twice as Many Patients Reached LDL-C <70 mg/dL With
Ezetimibe/Atorvastatin 10/40 mg Additional LDL-C vs Doubling Atorvastatin Dose to 80 mg¹
Secondary Endpoint: Patients Reaching LDL-C <70 mg/dL (≈1.8 mmol/L) at 6 Weeks
as a Result of Greater LDL-C Reduction
The mean decrease in LDL-C from statin-treated baseline was 27% with ezetimibe added to atorvastatin
40 mg compared with 11% with atorvastatin 80 mg; P<0.001. risk-elderly
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Follow-up: 5 years
Primary Endpoint: Cardiac death, MI, PCI or CABG and Stroke cardiovascular-risk-elderly
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Ezetimibe + diet compared to diet alone significantly reduced the primary
endpoint by 34% (HR 0.66, p = 0.002).
LDL-C at baseline was 161 mg/dL reduced to 120 mg/dL and 131 mg/dL
in the ezetimibe and control group, respectively.
There were no safety concerns seen in the study, despite the age of the
population. elderly
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PRECISE-IVUS: Plaque REgression with Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitor or Synthesis Inhibitor Evaluated by IntraVascular
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Aggressive lipid-lowering with ezetimibe/ atorvastatin demonstrated stronger
coronary plaque regression compared to atorvastatin in patients with ACS
Even Lower (LDL-C) is Even Better (CV benefits). The higher the risk, the more the benefit.
No distinction between primary and secondary prevention management (the recommendations are similar for
a similar level of risk regardless of whether a patient has had a previous event).
Addition of ezetimibe to atorvastatin (ATOZET™) provided a well-tolerated, effective lipid lowering therapy for
patients at high risk of CVD.
In terms of C.V outcomes, Ezetimibe to reduce LDL-C have proven CV benefit up to 19% RRR in “CV death, MI,
or ischemic stroke”.
In EZ-PATH study, ATOZET™ (ezetimibe/atorvastatin) resulted in superior LDL-C–lowering and goal attainment
vs doubling the dose of atorvastatin.1
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• The world’s biggest killer is ischaemic heart disease, responsible for 16% of the world’s total deaths.
• Consistent reduction of LDL-C levels is associated with CV benefits even at very low levels (Even
Lower is Even Better).
• Recent dyslipidemia guidelines recommend very low LDL-C levels specially for high- & very high-
risk patients.
• No distinction between primary and secondary prevention management (the recommendations are
similar for a similar level of risk regardless of whether a patient has had a previous event).
• Alarming LDL-C goal attainment levels in Egypt whether for very-high risk or ACS patients.
• High intensity statin plus Ezetimibe achieve an average LDL-C reduction ≈65%.
• Addition of Ezetimibe to Atorvastatin provided a greater reduction in LDL-C levels and enabled more
patients to reach their LDL-C targets rather than doubling the dose of statins or switching to other
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