Chalked Reviewer
Chalked Reviewer
Chalked Reviewer
In Ma p e h
Submitted to:
Sir alexander acedera
Submitted by:
Kirsten Pacudan
Strength Training
strength training program
Principle of Individuality - This principle states that each one of us is unique
by gender, biological age, training age, body shape and sizes, race, and many
more. Comparison of program from another does not guarantee same results.
Principle of Specificity - the exercises must be specific to target the muscle
group an individual wants to change or improve.
Principle of Progression - an individual should start from the basic skills and
gradual progress to a tougher training routine to reach a goal.
6 Principle of Recovery - The body in its natural form can repair its own. Rest
and recovery are important in a strength training program.
Quipper questions
1. Which principle states that if an individual 6. What might happen if someone does
wants to achieve progress, he must add strength training every day?
intensity or frequency to the program? Answer: Small tears will happen to the
Answer: Principle of Overload muscles; Over-fatigue may take place and
Muscle mass will increase.
2. Which principle states that if a person stops
training, he will lose what he started? 7. Which is not part of a strength training
Answer: Principle of Reversibility program?
Answer: Stretching
3. Which principle states that the body in its
natural form can repair its own? 8. A Grade 10 student follows his older
Answer: Principle of Recovery brother’s strength training program. It turns
out, it didn’t work out for him. Which
4. Which of the following is true in creating a principle reflects this scenario?
strength training program? Answer: Principle of Individuality
Answer: It should be done 2-3 times a week.
9. Jerome observed that he had a hard time
5. Which is/are false about the benefits of bouncing back to the training program after a
strength training? month of not working out. Which principle
Answer: Strength training may increase the reflects this scenario?
possibility of having an injury & for athletes, Answer: Principle of Reversibility
strength training decreases athletic
performance. 10. Charley has been showing signs of over
fatigue because of everyday high-intensity
training. Which principles reflect this
Answer: Principle of Overload and Principle
of Recovery
Running & Walking
For Fitness
It is the basic movement that a human being could do. Walking burns 100 calories
when done within 15 minutes.
It burns more calories, a progress from walking and jogging. Running burns 300
calories when done in 20 minutes.
cardiovascular fitness
It is the ability of the heart to supply oxygen throughout the body and the body’s
ability to use this oxygen during activities.
Physical Activity Pyramid
Second level
Bottom part
of the pyramid Walking
It includes some of the sustainable development goals that are directly related
to health issues.
No Poverty
GOAL : Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.
Decrease poverty in poor and developing countries.
Achieve decent employment and livelihood for women, men, and young people.
Combat Diseases
GOAL : Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases.
Prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS child survival from 5 years and below.
Universal access to the treatment of HIV/AIDS.
Decrease the incidents of malaria and other major diseases.
Environmental Sustainability
GOAL : Ensure environmental sustainability.
reverse the loss of environmental resources due to human activities.
reduction of biodiversity loss.
safe drinking water and sanitation access.
promote environmental health.
Global Partnership
GOAL : Develop a global partnership for development.
express the special needs of least developed and developing countries.
promote the availability of technology, information, and communication.
Quipper questions
1. What year did the Millennium Development 6. Reducing the death rate of mothers falls
Goals start? under which goal?
Answer: 2000 Answer: Improve Maternal Health
2. The World Health Organization is under 7. Providing safe drinking water and sanitation
which international agency? access falls under which goal?
Answer: UN Answer: Ensure environmental sustainability
3. What are the goals of MDG? 8. How many basic goals are there in the
Answer: Promote health and end poverty. MDG?
Answer: 8 goals
4. Identify if the action focuses on education
or poverty. 9. How can MDG combat HIV?
Answer: Livelihood program and Providing Answer: Prevent the spread of HIV, awareness
decent employment = POVERTY and education and universal access to HIV
Increase literacy and Full course in school = treatment.
10. How can countries develop a global
5. Which goal focuses on the rights of a man partnership?
and a woman? Answer: Promote the availability of
Answer: Gender Equality technology and express the special needs.
Health Action Plan
Global Mental Health Action Plan for 2013-
It is published on August 27, 2012, because of poor global mental health.
Quipper questions
1. The global mental health action plan was 6. The goal of the action plan was to?
drafted by which organization? Answer: Provide framework for government and
Answer: WHO research agencies.
2. When was the Global Mental Health Action 7. The objective of the global mental health
Plan published? action plan to the government is?
Answer: August 27, 2012 Answer: Strengthening effective leadership
3. With the mental health action plan, what 8. The mental health action plan was intended for
issues can it cater? how long?
Answer: Suicide rate, anxiety and depression. Answer: 2013-2020
4. Identify if the following affects Mental or 9. What is the focus of the Global Mental Health
Physical dimension. Action Plan?
Answer: Anxiety and bipolar disorder = Answer: Develop key priorities, reduce suicide
Mental Dimension, Brain tumor and and update mental health policies.
meningitis = Physical Dimension
10. The mental health action plan framework was
5. When the action plan was published, how devised for which agencies?
many UN members were there? Answer: Civil society, academic and research
Answer: 135 institutions and government.