Exam 2018 OSPE 2
Exam 2018 OSPE 2
Exam 2018 OSPE 2
3rd year
Oral Pathology
Station 1: Type of investigation?
Label the following cells
Station 2
A 50 years old patient,
presents with
facial deformity and
signs & symptoms of cranial
nerve compression.
Radiograph of his skull shows
thickening of the outer vault
and areas of cotton wool
• B ?
• C ?
• D ?
Station 6
A 55 yrs old male presented to the department of oral surgery with a black lesion
on the palate for the last 3 months. Incisional biopsy revealed pleomorphic and
hyperchromatic neoplastic cells with brown black intracellular accumulate that
has not crossed the basement membrane.
Identify the lesion.
Station 8
A 22 years old man visits the dental office for routine
dental checkup. A radiolucent lesion attached to the
cervical area of lower left third molar is seen as an
accidental finding on OPG.
The patient has
no symptoms at all.
A 53 years old woman, presents with a painless and rubbery swelling just in front
of her left ear that has been there for a couple of years. Histopathology reveals
ductal myoepithelial and plasmacystoid cells in chondromyxoid background with
and a fibrous CT capsule.
• What is the possible diagnosis?
• Label the slide.
The end…..