18 Jute
18 Jute
18 Jute
(Corchorus sp )
(2n = 14)
2. Introduction :
Introduced short duration varieties are Jap green, Jap red,
Jaichung sudan green.
3. Mutation breeding :
Using x rays useful jute mutants were obtained at Calcutta
JRC 7447 and Rupali two varieties.
Dr. Mamata K, Dept. of GPB, Chamarajanagara 11
4. Hybridization and selection
a) Inter varietal:
• Multiple crossing and selection are followed both in olitorius
and capsularis improvement.
• In olitorius improved varieties are JRO 524, JRO 7885.
• In capsulanis JRL 412, JRL 919
• Since yield and quality are negatively correlated a balance must
be struck in breeding for improved varieties.