2.1. Theory of Hoisting Equipment Classification Is Based On Various Characteristics Such As Movement and Purpose
2.1. Theory of Hoisting Equipment Classification Is Based On Various Characteristics Such As Movement and Purpose
2.1. Theory of Hoisting Equipment Classification Is Based On Various Characteristics Such As Movement and Purpose
Hoisting equipment
• Used in hoisting
installation as
flexible members
t= pitch of the chain
(inside length of
d= diameter of chain
B= chain outside width
A. Fastening Welded
Load Chains
A split yoke and a bolt are
used to attach the chain to
the hook.
B. Fastening of roller
Roller chain are connected to
the trolley frame by means
of special link having bigger
pitch and hole foe bolted
Figure for fastening of roller
Fastening of wire ropes
The effort is
applied at the axle
of the pulley and
moves at the half
the speed of the
The distance
moved by the load
is twice that of the
Rope drums
For hemp ropes, short length of drum is used with
several layers of coils.
The flange of drum should extend above the upper layer
of rope by at least one rope diameter
The drums are usually of the plain type with D>=10d and
efficiency approximately 95%
Number of turns on drums (z)
Where i=ratio of pulleys system, D= drum diameter, H=
height to which the load is raised 2=idle (holding) turns
Load handling attachments
The load is usually handled by means of chain or rope
slings attached to hooks of which the two most popular
design are
Standard (single) hook
Ramshorn (double) hook
Both can be made of flat die or closed-die forged or series
of shaped plates can carry up to 100tons and more.
In the process of production hooks are carefully annealed
after forging and machining
The inner diameter of hooks should be greater than twice
the diameter of standard wire rope which suspends the
Sample for standard hook
Arresting gear and brakes
Arresting gear
Used to hold being lifted without interfering in
the hoisting process but preventing the load
from coming down due to gravity.
Ratchet gearing
Consist of ratchet gear and pawl
The teeth on the ratchet are so arranged that
the ratchet runs free when load is being raised.
There are two basic arrangements of ratchet
and pawl
1. Arrangement with external teeth
1.1. Arrangement with pulled pawl pivot
1.2. Pushed pawl pivot
Hoisting Gear
Hand Power Hoisting Mechanisms
Efficiency of the mechanism shown below is the
ratio between the useful lifting work and all the
work done.
Useful work:
Where Q=weight of load
h=distance travelled by load
Work done:
Where K=actual effort applied by operator
s=path of the force K corresponding to the path Q
= Ko/[Ko+W]
where W=total distance due to friction in the
C= the speed of the point of application
of the drawing effort (30-45m/min)
Effort applied by the operator
Total efficiency:
n= npull.ndrum.ngear
npull= pull efficiency ≈0.94
ndrum= drum efficiency ≈0.98
ngear= efficiency of one pair of gears≈0.99
the total transmission ratio of the mechanism i is
i= moment of load/[moment of force.n]
With pulley available Q should be replaced by the tension
in the rope S=Q/2
The lifting speed: V=Kc/Q
Travelling Gear
Travelling gear can be:
Rail travelling mechanism and Travelling
mechanism of overhead travelling crane
Travelling mechanism of crane trolleys can be
divided in to three groups with
Hand operated drive
Individual power drive
Rope power drive
Motion is transmitted from wheel 1 due to effort K through
two pair of gears, to the travelling wheels, wheel 3
wheel load:
a. Pmax=(Q+Go)/4
Q=weight of the load
Go=weight of trolley
When the load is suspended asymmetrically in
trolleys with two hoists, the force exerted on
the wheels is approximately equal to
Pmax =A≈(Go/4)+(Q/2).b2/b
Pmin =B≈ (Go/4)+(Q/2).b1/b