Element 1.2: The Development of The Digital Economy
Element 1.2: The Development of The Digital Economy
Element 1.2: The Development of The Digital Economy
Political Economic Social Technological
• Technology and
• Government policy • The country’s competency in • Culture and sub-cultures
• • communications infrastructure
Political stability or instability certain industries Age distribution
• consumer access to
in overseas markets • economic growth • Health consciousness
• • technology
Foreign trade policy or trade • Global environment Lifestyle trends
• competitor technology and
restrictions • Leapfrogging opportunities • Health consciousness
• development
• Employment laws in underdevelopment sectors Population growth rate
• emerging technologies
• Environmental regulations • Labor cost • Age distribution
• Automation
• … • Disposable income of • Career attitudes
• intellectual property regulation
consumers and businesses • Emphasis on safety
• technology incentives
• … • …
• …
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
Alibaba and the Digital China: Two Parallel Histories
To make it easy to do
business anywhere
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
Alibaba and the Digital China: Two Parallel Histories
Source: Alibaba Group June and December Quarter 2019 Results Financial Results, released May 15 2019 and February 13, 2020.
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
Alibaba and the Digital China: Two Parallel Histories
PEST Analysis
Political Economic
Factors Factors
Social Technological
Factors Factors
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
PEST Framework Explained
Political Factors
The political arena has a huge influence upon the regulation of businesses, and the spending power
of consumers and other businesses. You must consider issues such as:
1.Will government policy influence laws that regulate or tax your business?
2.What preferential policies does the government provide to help my business development
3.What is the government's policy on the economy?
4.Does the government have a view on culture and religion?
5.Is the government involved in trading agreements such as EU, NAFTA, ASEAN, or others?
These are all about how and to what degree a government intervenes in the economy: government
policy, political stability or instability in overseas markets, foreign trade policy, tax policy,
labour law, environmental law, trade restrictions and so on.
Organisations need to be able to respond to the current and anticipated future legislation, and adjust
their marketing policy accordingly.
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework
Stable governance
The Two Centenaries
Infrastructure construction
Chinese government invest 4 trillion yuan 4G can even be used in remote 99.7% of remote villages can
in infrastructure and social welfare by the end rural villages benefit from highways in China
of 2010.
With the emerging eCommerce, On January 1, 2019, China's first e-commerce law to discipline
at the end of December 2008, market growth:
Zhejiang Industry and Commerce
E-commerce operators must meet their tax obligations and are
Bureau put forward a policy
now required to issue a tax invoice.
clearly stipulating that:
Fintech development Ant Financial to Evolve Into A Global Leading Fintech Company
Taobao’s first online payment transaction Payment business license to third party
passed by the government
PEST Analysis
Political Economical
Factors Factors
Social Technological
Factors Factors
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
Growing middle class, consumption upgrade
Revitalizing rural economies in lower-tier cities
4. Leapfrogging opportunities in underdevelopment sectors,
such as finance and retail
5. The role venture capital plays in digital economy
6. Disposable income of consumers and businesses
7. Labor costs
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework - Economical factors
Economic growth & Global environment
The Big Internet Brands of The '90s in the US
The economy slowed in the late-90s, Alibaba received investment from Goldman
influenced in part by the Asian Financial Sachs(5 million) + SoftBank(20 million) + Yahoo (1
Crisis, SMEs need help to export Billion) [all in USD, might be their most successful
Chinese products to the global market investment in the history]
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework - Economical factors
The role venture capital plays in digital economy development
Venture capital investment in leading technologies, 2016
$ million
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework - Economical factors
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework - Economical factors
Leapfrogging opportunities in underdevelopment sectors, such as finance and retail
Outside China’s
major urban
consumers were not
well served by offline
traditional retailers
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework - Economical factors
Leapfrogging opportunities in underdevelopment sectors, such as finance and retail
The Number of the rural migrant workers Massive supply of low-cost labor
Average courier salaryNumber of couriers
2016($/hour) 2016(10K)
Number (Million) 250
140 131.81 12
120 113.9 118.23 10
100 89.61 8 150
80 72.23 13
60 100 203
2 4 72
0 0 0
1997 1998 2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 2007 China US C US
Number (Million)
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
The establishment of Tmall.com is based on China's macroeconomic background
Changed Taobao Mall
to T-mall
Growth of Chinese Internet users slowing down Cost of Traffic Acquisition on Chinese E-
YoY growth in no. of Internet users
commerce Platforms
% 250
53.30% 223
150 146
68 66
6.10% 5.60% 0
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 RMB
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework - Economical factors
The role venture capital plays in digital economy development
in non-US
retailers are 101
15 not included
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
The establishment of HEMA is based on China's macroeconomic background
New Retail
PEST Analysis
Political Economic
Factors Factors
Social Technology
Factors Factors
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
PEST Framework Explained
Social factors are the areas that involve the shared belief and
attitudes of the population. These factors include:
1. Homogeneous population and shared currency, language,
and values make up an integrated market
2. Culture and sub-cultures
3. Age distribution
4. Health consciousness
5. Lifestyle trends
“Adversity is a necessary ingredient in the making of great people and companies,” Jack Ma
wrote to staff on April 20, 2005, announcing the launch of Ali Day, an annual celebration of
Alibaba employees and their families set on the anniversary of a critical time in Alibaba history.
On Ali Day, family and friends are invited to Alibaba’s offices around the world to celebrate the spirit that drove
18 founders to build a multibillion-dollar company.
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework - Social factors
eBay Taobao
Charged commission fees Adopts a ‘free of charge’ strategy
Prohibited direct communication between buyers and Encourages direct communications between buyers
sellers and sellers before a purchase :
BBS , Aliwangwang(The instant chat box)
EBay's online payment is based on the virtually perfect To overcome a deficit of user trust in online
credit system in the United States, where there is few trust purchases, Taobao created Alipay, a payment tool that
issues in payment between buyers and sellers. As for would hold money from purchases in escrow until the
Chinese consumers, no special accommodations were buyer confirmed the receipt of goods.
made to facilitate the financial transactions between
buyers and sellers, other than offering the credit-card
backed PayPal service almost one year later.
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework - Social factors
Compared with eBay, which hinders direct real-time communication between sellers and buyers, Taobao developed tools to encourage
real-time communication between buyers and sellers to help buyers communicate product specifications and sizes at any time, and even
bargain with sellers. This is more in line with the shopping habits of Chinese consumers.
Taobao instant Chat Box Customer Q&A
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework - Social factors
Source: How Organizational Culture Shapes Competitive Strategies: A Comparative Case Study Of Two Ecommerce Firms In China Association for
Information Systems AIS Electronic Library (AISeL)
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework - Social factors
Homogeneous population, language, and values
make up an
integrated market
China's population China's nationalities
82% 92%
Less than 10 million, China has surpassed the United 802 million people are now actively
0.7% of the population States to become the world’s largest using the internet, 57.7% of the
Internet-using population population.
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework - Social factors
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Source: CNNIC
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework - Social factors
The growing middle class in metropolitan areas and the urbanization of lower-tier cities
Cities also contribute to China’s scale advantages.
There are 22 cities with populations of more than 80
five million (2018), compared with just one in the 148
United States (2020) and four in the EU (2020).
The large scale and dense populations of China’s 40
cities attract investors and entrepreneurs and
enable a great deal of digital experimentation. 20 36
China US
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework - Social factors
Koubei is a joint venture founded in 2015 by Alibaba and Ant Financial, Koubei is
a life search engine providing living consumption information, restaurant, house
renting, and buying, travelling, and more.
2014 年
Eleme is a platform that offers online food delivery service, which was acquired
by Alibaba on 2018.
PEST Analysis
Political Economical
Factors Factors
Social Technological
Factors Factors
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
PEST Framework Explained
Technology that can affect the way you make, distribute, and
market your products and services:
1. New ways of producing goods and services
2. New ways of distributing goods and services
3. New ways of communicating with target markets
73125 80200
Population Dividend 68826 300.00%
Period of the Internet 64875
21000 100.00%
9400 11000 50.00%
5800 6800
3370 单位:万人
210 890
19931994199519961997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
The 1st The 2nd In- The 3rd The 4th
Internet Wave ternet Wave Internet Wave Internet Wave
Key Technologies
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework – Technological factors
The Search Engine Era The first iMac was released in 1998
Yahoo! Search was launched in 1995. It
is a search function that allows users to
search Yahoo! Directory.
It becomes the first popular search
engine on the Web.
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework - Technological factors
Mobile internet
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
In 2009, the development of
China Described in the PEST Framework - Technological factors Internet started to pick up,
and the transition (and
liberation in a sense) from PC
Internet to mobile Internet
brought about tremendous
2012 changes. The landmark is
when the Ministry of Industry
380 million 388 million
and Information Technology
of China has issued 3G
licenses to China Mobile,
Telecom and Unicom, and
China’s telecommunication
industry has officially entered
the 3G era.
Under our all-in mobile strategy, Alibaba has become the leading player in
digitizing commerce. It has developed the most-sophisticated AI algorithms to
serve consumers on the platform, which results in an ever-improving user
experience as well as increasing monetization opportunities.
1.2 The Development of the
the Digital
Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework – Technological factors
QR code boosts China's digital economy
QR code
application in China
2013 14 15 2016
Alibaba Leading US World Yahoo Baidu Alibaba Tencent
Payment system online record
payment system holder
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework - Technological factors
have the discussion after ten years.
1.2 The Development of the Digital Economy
China Described in the PEST Framework - Technological factors
In the next 10 years, the digitization of the economy will be further accelerated by the advent of 5G
connection and the proliferation of Internet-of-Things devices. This will have far-reaching implications
for all industries and processes, including public services, manufacturing, supply chain, distribution,
product development and marketing.
McKinsey & Company, China’s digital economy - a leading global force, 2017
KPMG & AliResearch, Embracing the Global Digital Wave: 2018 Global Digital Economy
Development Index Report