Instructions For Wipe Testing For Radioactive Material Contamination 2018
Instructions For Wipe Testing For Radioactive Material Contamination 2018
Instructions For Wipe Testing For Radioactive Material Contamination 2018
Material Contamination
Radiation Safety Program
Environmental Health & Safety
Outline of Instructions
Purpose of Wipe Tests
UTHealth Wipe Test Requirements
Wipe Test Materials
Appropriate Lab Attire
UTHealth Radiation Safety Forms
Instructions for Wipe Tests
How to Clean a Contaminated Area
Safety Resources on the Web
Purpose of Wipe Tests for Radioactive
Material Contamination
Radiation Safety
Radiation Safety Requirements
Upon Receipt of Radioactive Material
Cut stick of cotton swab down to fit inside vial and close vial with lid.
Preparing the Samples
• Samples are placed individually in separate
eppendorf tubes and 1 mL of cocktail or enough
cocktail to cover the sample is added
• A blank Eppendorf tube is prepared in the same
manner that will serve as the background sample
• Take out cotton swab and place in tube
• Fill tube with approximately 1 ml of cocktail and
close tube
Loading the Samples
Place tubes into vial holders
Insert tubes into LSC racks
Load racks into the Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC)
and flag the samples for counting by moving tab.
Example for loading the LSC:
Slide the tab located on the rack to the position where the color
is not showing.
This tells the LSC that the sample has not been read.
When the tab is in the opposite position it signals to the user
and LSC that the sample has been read.
Loading the Samples
Place closed tube into vial holder Tab position indicates vials to be read.
Tab position indicates vials will not be read. Load rack into LSC to run wipe test
Liquid Scintillation Counters (LSCs)
Filling out the Report