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Data Structures DDPC2423: Chapter 3 - STACKS

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Chapter 3 – STACKS
Chapter 3 Course Outline Content
• Stacks
o Stacks Concepts
o Stack Operations: Push, Pop, Stacks Top
o Array Based Stacks and Linked List Stacks
o Stacks Application: Reverse Data and Postponement
Infix To Postfix Transformation
Evaluating Postfix Expressions
Reverse Data

– Lab 3 : Stack
Stack Concepts

• Is a last in first out (LIFO) data structure

• All insertions and deletions are restricted to one end, called the
• Basic Stack Operation:
– Push
– Pop
– Stack Top
Stack Operation : Push

• Adds an item at the top of the stack.

• After push, the new item becomes the top.
• Must ensure that there is space for the new item.
• If there is not enough space, the stack is in an
overflow state, the item cannot be added.
Stack Operation : Pop

• Remove the item at the top of the stack and return it to the user.
• After removed the top item, the next older item in the stack
becomes the top.
• When the last item in the stack is deleted, the stack must set to
its empty state.
• If pop is called when the stack is empty, then the stack is in an
underflow state.
Stack Operation : Stack Top

• Stack top copies the item at the top of the

stack and return the top element to the user
but does not delete it.
• Stack top can result in underflow if the stack is
Stack Example
Stack Linked List Implementation

• To implement the linked list stack, need two

different structures:
 Head – contain metadata and a pointer to the top of the
 Data node – contain data and a next pointer to the next
node in the stack.
Stack head and Stack Data Node

• Head for a stack requires two attributes:

– a top pointer
– a count of the number of elements in the stack
• Stack data node looks like any linked list node.
Linked List Stack Operations
Stack Algorithms : Create Stack
• Initialize the metadata for the stack
Algorithm createStack (ref stack <metadata>)
Initialize metadata for a stack.
Pre stack is a metadata structure passed by reference
Post metadata initialized

1 stack.head = null
2 stack.count = 0
3 return
end createStack
Stack Algorithms : Push Stack
• Insert an element into the stack.
• Steps to push data into a stack:
1. Find a memory for the node by allocate STEP 2: STEP 1:
memory from dynamic memory.
2. Assign the data to the stack node.
3. Set the next pointer to point to the STEP 3:
node currently indicated as the stack 3
4. Update the stack top pointer.
5. Add 1 to the stack count field.
• pNew pointer is used to indentified
the data to be inserted into the stack.
Stack Algorithms : Push Stack (continue)
• To develop the insertion algorithms, need to
analyze three different stack condition:
1. Insertion into empty stack.
2. Insertion into a stack with data.
3. Insertion into a stack when available memory is
Stack Algorithms : Push Stack (continue)
• When insert into a stack that contains a data
– The new node’s next pointer is set to point to the node
currently at the top.
– The stack’s top pointer is set to point to the new node.
• When insert into a an empty.
– The new node’s pointer is set to null.
– The stack’s top pointer is set to point to the new node
(since the stack’s pointer is null, it can be used to set the
new node’s next pointer to null)
• Stack overflow : depends on the application.
Stack Algorithms: Push Stack
Algorithm pushStack( ref stack <metadata>,
val data <dataType>)
Insert (push) one item into the stack.
Pre stack is metadata structure to a valid stack
data contain data to be pushed into stack
Post data have been pushed in stack
Return true if successful, false if memory overflow

1 If (stack full)
1 success = false
2 else
1 allocate (newPtr)
2 newPtr ->data = data
3 newPtr ->next = stack.top
4 stack.top = newPtr
5 stack.count = stack.count + 1
6 success = true
3 end if
4 return success
end pushStack
Stack Algorithms : Pop Stack
• Sends the data in the node at the top of the stack
back to the calling algorithm.
• It then deletes and recycles the node (returns it to
• Count is adjusted by subtracting 1.
• The algorithms returns to the caller.
• If the pop was successful, it returns true.
• If the stack is empty when pop is called, it returns
Stack Algorithms: Pop Stack
Algorithm popStack( ref stack <metadata>,
ref dataOut <dataType>)
This algorithm pops the item on the top of the stack and returns it to the user.
Pre stack is metadata structure to a valid stack
dataOut is a reference variable to receive the data
Post data have been return to the calling algorithm
Return true if successful, false if underflow

1 If (stack empty)
1 success = false
2 else
1 dltPtr = stack.top
2 dataOut = stack.top->data
3 stack.top= stack.top->next
4 stack.count = stack.count – 1
5 recycle (dltPtr)
6 success = true
3 end if
4 return success
end popStack
Stack Algorithms : Stack Top
• Sends the data in the node at the top of the
stack back to the calling module without
deleting the top node.
• It allows the user to see what will be deleted
when the stack is popped.
• If the stack top was successful, it returns true.
• If the stack is empty when stack top is called,
it returns false.
Stack Algorithms: Stack Top
Algorithm stackTop( val stack <metadata>,
ref dataOut <dataType>)
This algorithm retrieves the data from the top of the stack without changing the
Pre stack is metadata structure to a valid stack
dataOut is a reference variable to receive the data
Post data have been return to the calling algorithm
Return true if successful, false if underflow

1 if (stack empty)
1 success = false
2 else
1 dataOut = stack.top->data
2 Success = true
3 end if
4 return success
end stackTop
Other Stack Operations
• Empty stack – determine whether the stack is
• Full stack – determine whether there is not
enough space or memory to allocate new
• Stack count – returns the number of elements
currently in the stack.
• Destroy stack –delete all data in the stack
Stack Algorithms: Empty Stack
Algorithm emptyStack ( val stack <metadata> )
Determine if stack is empty and returns a Boolean.
Pre stack is metadata structure to a valid stack
Post return stack status
Return Boolean, true: stack empty, false: stack contain data

1 if (stack not empty)

1 result = false
2 else
1 result = true
3 end if
4 return result
end emptyStack
Stack Algorithms: Full Stack
Algorithm fullStack ( val stack <metadata> )
Determine if stack is full and returns a Boolean.
Pre stack is metadata structure to a valid stack
Post return stack status
Return Boolean, true: stack full, false: memory available

1 if (memory available)
1 result = false
2 else
1 result = true
3 end if
4 return result
end fullStack
Stack Algorithms: Stack Count
Algorithm stackCount ( val stack <metadata> )
Returns the number of elements currently in stack.
Pre stack is metadata structure to a valid stack
Post return stack count
Return integer count of number of elements in stack

1 return stack.count

end stackCount
Stack Algorithms: Destroy Stack
Algorithm destroyStack ( ref stack <metadata> )
This algorithm releases all nodes back to the dynamic memory.
Pre stack is metadata structure to a valid stack
Post stack empty and all nodes recycled

1 If (stack.top not null)

1 temp = stack.top
2 Stack.top = stack.top->next
3 Recycle (temp)
2 end loop
3 stack.count = 0
4 return
end destroyStack
Stack Application: Reversing Data
• Reversing data requires that a given set of
data be reordered so that the first and the last
elements are exchanged, with all the positions
between the first and last being relatively
exchanged also.
• Example: 1, 2, 3, 4 becomes 4, 3, 2, 1
Reverse a List Algorithms
Algorithm reverseNumber
This program reverse a list of integers read from the keyboard
by pushing them into a stack and retrieving them one by one.

1 createStack (stack)
2 prompt (Enter a number)
3 Read (number)
Fill stack
4 loop (not end of data AND not fullStack(stack))
1 pushStack (stack, number)
2 prompt (Enter next number: <EOF> to stop)
3 read (number)
5 end loop
Now print numbers in reverse
6 loop (not emptyStack(stack))
1 popStack (stack, dataOut)
2 print (dataOut)
7 end loop
end reverseNumber
Stack Application: Postponement application

• Application that requires the use of data to be

postponed for a while
• Two stack postponement application
– Infix to postfix transformation
– Postfix expression evaluation
Infix to Postfix Transformation
• An arithmetic expression can be represented in
three different formats:
– Infix : a+b (the operator comes between the operands)
– Postfix : ab+ (the operator comes after the operands)
– Prefix : +ab (the operator comes before the operands)
• In Infix notation, need to use parentheses to control
evaluation of the operators.
• In postfix and prefix notations, no need parentheses,
each provides only one evaluation rule.
Infix to Postfix: Manual Transformation
• Fully parenthesize the expression using any explicit parentheses and the arithmetic
precedence – multiply and divide before add and subtract.
• Change all infix notation in each parenthesis to postfix notation, starting from the innermost
expression. Conversion to postfix notation is done by moving the operator to the location of
the expression’s closing parenthesis.
• Remove all parentheses.
• Example:
Step 1 result in (A+(B*C))
Step 2 moves the multiply operator after C
And then moves the addition operator to between the last two closing parentheses.
This change is made because the closing parenthesis for the plus is the last parentheses.
(A (BC*) +)
Finally, step 3 removes the parentheses.
A BC* +
Algorithmic Transformation using Stack
• As in infix expressions use a
precedence rule to determine how to
group the operands and operators in
an expression.
• Rules to follow when using stack:
– Need to push an operator into the
– If its priority is higher than the
operator at the top of the stack,
keep push it into the stack.
– If the operator at the top of the
stack has a higher priority that the
current operator, it is popped and
placed in the output expression.

Priority 2: * /
Priority 1: + -
Priority 0: (
Convert Infix to Postfix Algorithms 4 elseif (token is operator)
Test priority of token to token at top of stack
Algorithm inToPostFix (val formula <string>) 1 stackTop (stack, topToken)
Convert infix formula to postfix. 2 loop (not emptyStack (stack) AND
Pre formula is infix notation that has been priority(token) <= priority(topToken))
edited to ensure that there are no 1 popStack (stack, tokenOut)
syntactical errors 2 concatenate tokenOut to postFix
Post postfix formula has been formatted as 3 stackTop (stack, topToken)
a string 3 end loop
Return postfix formula 4 pushStack (stack, token)
1 createStack (stack) 5 else
2 set postfix to null string Character is operand
3 looper = 0 1 concatenate token to postFix
4 loop (looper < sizeof formula) 6 end if
1 token = formula [looper] 7 looper = looper +1
2 if (token is open parenthesis) 5 end loop
1 pushStack (stack, token) Input formula empty. Pop stack to postFix
3 elseif (token is close parenthesis) 6 loop (not emptyStack(stack))
1 popStack (stack, token) 1 popStack (stack, token)
2 loop (token not open parenthesis) 2 concatenate token to postFix
1 concatenate token to postFix 7 end loop
2 popStack(stack, token) 8 return postFix
3 end loop end inToPostFix
Convert Infix to Postfix: Example
A*B–(C+D)+E Empty Empty
*B–(C+D)+E Empty A
B–(C+D)+E * A
–(C+D)+E * AB
–(C+D)+E Empty AB*
(C+D)+E - AB*
C+D)+E -( AB*
+D)+E -( AB*C
D)+E -(+ AB*C
)+E -(+ AB*CD
+E - AB*CD+
+E Empty AB*CD+-
E + AB*CD+-
+ AB*CD+-E
Empty AB*CD+-E+
Postfix expression evaluation
• Using stack postponement to evaluate
the postfix expressions.
• Example: Given postfix expression
– Assume that A is 2, B is 4 and C is 6
– What is the expression value?
• Solving by
1. postpone the use of operands by push
into the stack
2. when an operator is found, pop the
two operands at the top of the stack
and perform the operation
3. Then push the value back into the stack
to be used later
Evaluation of PostFix Expressions Algorithms
Algorithm postFixEvaluate (val expr <string>)
This algorithm evaluates a postfix expression and returns its value.
Pre a valid expression
Post postfix value computed
Return value of expression
1 exprSize = length of string 3 end if
2 createStack (stack) 4 index = index + 1
3 index = 0 5 end loop
4 loop (index < exprSize) 6 popStack (stack, result)
1 if (expr [index] is operand) 7 return result
1 pushStack (stack, expr [index] ) end postFixEvaluate
2 else
1 popStack (stack, operand2)
2 popStack (stack, operand1)
3 operator = expr [index]
4 value = calculate (operand1, operator,operand2)
5 pushStack (stack, value)
Assignment 3 (Project) – Group of 4

Evaluation of PostFix Expressions Application

Quiz 1
pushStack (s1, 3);
pushStack (s1, 5);
pushStack (s1, 7);
pushStack (s1, 9);
pushStack (s1, 11);
pushStack (s1, 13);
While (!emptyStack (s1)) {
popStack (s1, x);
pushStack (s2, x);
} //end while

Imagine there are two empty stacks of integers, s1 and

Draw a picture of each stack after the above operations.
Quiz 2
• Using manual transformation, write the
following infix expressions in their postfix and
prefix forms.
i. D – B + C
ii. (A - 2 * ( B + C ) – D * E ) * F
Quiz 3
• Change the following infix expressions to
postfix expression using the algorithmic
method (a stack).
i. A * B + C * D
ii. (A – 2) * ( B + C ) – D * E ) * F
Quiz 4
• If the value of A is 2, B is 3, C is 4 and D is 5.
Determine the value of the following postfix
i. A B * C – D +
ii. A B C + * D –
To be continue..

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