Eat Right For Your Blood Type: Safety & QC Dept., M+W Zander Phil. Inc
Eat Right For Your Blood Type: Safety & QC Dept., M+W Zander Phil. Inc
Eat Right For Your Blood Type: Safety & QC Dept., M+W Zander Phil. Inc
So, too, with the lectins in food. When you eat a food containing protein
lectins that are incompatible with your blood type antigen, the lectins target
an organ or bodily system ( kidney, brain, stomach, etc.) and begin to
agglutinate blood cells in the area.
• Many food lectins have characteristics that are close enough to certain blood
type antigen to make it an enemy to another. For example, milk has B-like
qualities; if a person with Type A blood drinks it, their system will
immediately start the agglutination process in order to reject it.
• Since Os have been blessed with such strong
stomach acid and respective enzymes, they are able
to metabolize almost everything, even those foods
not recommended for them and they still live longer.
However, the Bs, As and ABs do not have this
luxury, and accordingly, must be more careful in
their eating habits, or suffer the consequences.
• When we eat food not compatible with our blood
enzymes and stomach acid agglutination happens.
Flax Seed
(Linseed) Oil B N N B
Olive Oil B B B B
Peanut Oil A N A A
Safflower Oil A A A A
Sesame Oil A A A N
Sunflower Oil - A A -
Walnut Oil B B N N
Wheat Germ Oil N - - A
A- Avoid Beverage A AB B O
B- Beneficial Beer A N N N
N- Neutral
N/B - Neutral/ Beneficial
U/- - unknown (Regular/Decaf) B B N A
O-Occasional Green Tea B B N N
R- Rare
Liquor (Distilled) A A A A
Seltzer Water A N A B
Soda (Club) A N A B
(Misc/Diet/Cola) A A A A
Tea (Black
Regular/Decaf) A A N A
Tea (Green) B B B N
Wine (Red) B N N N
Wine (White) N N N N
Dairy A AB B O
LEGEND Blue Cheese A A A A
A- Avoid Butter A A N O
B- Beneficial Buttermilk A A N A
N- Neutral Cheddar Cheese A N N A
Cottage Cheese A B B A
N/B - Neutral/ Beneficial
Cream Cheese A N N A
U/- - unknown Edam Cheese A N N A
O-Occasional Feta Cheese N B B O
R- Rare Goat Cheese N B B A
Ice Cream A A A A
Milk (Cow-Skim or
2%) R N B A
Milk (Cow-Whole) R A N A
Milk (Goat) N/B B B A
Mozzarella Cheese N/B B B O
Parmesan Cheese A A N A
Quark Cheese A - N -
Rice Milk N B B N/B
Ricotta Cheese N/B B B A
Sherbet A A N A
Sour Cream (low/non-
fat) N B N A
Soy Cheese B N N N
Soy Milk B N N N
Swiss Cheese A N N A
Whey/Whey Protein
Supplement A N N A
Yogurt N B B R
Nuts/Seeds A AB B O
A- Avoid Almond Butter O N N N/B
B- Beneficial
Brazil Nut A N N A
N- Neutral
Cashew/Cashew Butter A N A A
N/B - Neutral/ Beneficial
Chestnut N B N N
U/- - unknown
Filbert (Hazelnut) N A A N
Flax Seed B N N B
R- Rare
Macadamia N N N N
Peanut B B A A
Peanut Butter B B A A
Pecan/Pecan Butter - - N N
Pine Nut (Pignola) N N A N
Pistachio A N A A
Poppy Seed N A A A
Pumpkin Seed B A A B
Sesame Butter/Tahini O A A N
Sesame Seed N A A N
Sunflower Butter O - - -
Sunflower Seed N A A N
Walnut (Black) B B B B
Walnut (English) B B B B
A- Avoid
Sweetener A AB B O
B- Beneficial Barley Malt B A A N
N- Neutral Corn Syrup N A A A
N/B - Neutral/ Beneficial
Dextrose - A A A
U/- - unknown
O-Occasional Fructose - N - A
R- Rare Honey N N N N
Maltodextrin - A A A
Maple Syrup N N N N
Molasses - N N N
(Blackstrap) B - - -
Rice Syrup N N N N
Sucanat - - - N
(Brown/White) A A A A
LEGEND Condiment A AB B O
A- Avoid Almond Extract N A A N
B- Beneficial Apple Pectin - - - -
N- Neutral Aspartame A - - -
N/B - Neutral/ Beneficial Carrageenan - - A -
U/- - unknown Chocolate N N N N
Gelatin Plain A A A N
Guar Gum A A A A
R- Rare
Ketchup A A A A
Mayonnaise A N N N
Miso B B N N
Mustard B N N N
Salad Dressing (OK'd
Ingredients) N N N N
Sea Salt N N N N
Soy Sauce B N N N
Tamari B N - N
Vinegar (Apple Cider) A - - -
(Balsamic/Cider/Red A A N A
Worcestershire Sauce A A N N
Yeast (Bakers) - - - -
Yeast (Brewers) N - - N
LEGEND Beans/Legumes A AB B O
A- Avoid Black Bean B A A O
B- Beneficial Black Eyed Pea B A A B
N- Neutral Broad Bean N N N O
N/B - Neutral/ Beneficial Copper Bean A N N A
U/- - unknown Garbanzo Bean A A A O
O-Occasional Green Bean B N N O
R- Rare Kidney Bean A A B A
Lentil (Domestic) B N A A
Lentil (Green) B B A A
Lentil (Red) B N A A
Lima Bean A A B O
Mung Beans (Sprouts) N A A O
Pinto Bean B B A B
Red Bean A B N O
Snap Bean N N N O
Soy Bean B B B O
Soy Flakes - N - -
Soy Granules - N - -
Tamarind Bean A N N A
Tempeh (Fermented Soy) B B A O
Tofu B B A O
White Bean N N N O
A- Avoid
B- Beneficial
N- Neutral
Egg A AB B O
N/B - Neutral/ Beneficial
U/- - unknown
Duck Egg - - - -
R- Rare
Egg (chicken) O? N? N? O?
Egg White (chicken) N? B? N? O?
Egg Yolk (chicken) O? N? N? O?
Goose Egg - - - -
Quail Egg - - - -
Salmon Roe - A A -
Most of what needs to take place to avoid disease, boost
immune function and maintain weight control - in short,
to achieve the best result for your body - is all based on