Fans and Blowers
Fans and Blowers
Fans and Blowers
• The rotor system causes the motion of the air/gas and the casing
directs the air flow.
•The fan rotor receives energy from a rotating shaft and transmits
it to the air.
• As per “ASME” depending on the specific ratio and rise in
system pressure. (Note;- specific ratio - the ratio of the discharge pressure
over the suction pressure – is used for defining fans, blowers and compressors.)
Basic Fan Types
• Centrifugal
• Backward Inclined Airfoil-blade
• Backward Inclined Flat-blade
• Forward Curved Blade
• Radial Blade
• Radial Tip
• Axial
• Propeller / Panel Fan
• Tubeaxial
• Vaneaxial
• Special Designs
• Power Roof Ventilators
• Tubular Inline Centrifugal
• Mixed Flow
• Plenum/ Plug
A. Centrifugal Fans:-
Rotating impeller increases air velocity.
Air speed is converted to pressure.
Efficiency varies from 60-83 %.
Used for Dirty air stream condition and material handling
Can produce high pressure and has the capacity for large volumes of
air. Most suited to larger installations such as air conditioning
This fans produces High Pressure which ranges from 550 mmwc to
1400 mmwc.
1.Radial Blade Fan
Usually contain 6 to 16 impeller blades.
High static pressures up to 1400 mm WC can achieve
with low flow rates.
low/medium airflow rates only.
Efficiency ranges from 69% - 75%.
Simple in Design.
Suitable for handling heavily contaminated airstreams like
dust laden, saw dust etc .
These are widely used in corrosive and high- temperature
2.Forward curved Blade Fan
Usually contain 24 to 64 impeller blades.
Produces low pressure up to 5 in-wg
large airflow rates against relatively low static pressure.
Efficiency ranges from 60% - 65%.
Lighter in construction and less expensive
Suitable for clean air environment as, blades easily
accumulate dirt
Well suited for low pressure HVAC such as packaged air
conditioning equipment
Not constructed for high pressures or harsh service.
Usually contain 6 to 16 impeller blades.
Produces high pressure (40 in wg)with high flow rates.
More efficient than forward curved blade
efficiency ranges from 79% - 83%.
High maintenance cost.
Only recommended for clean air stream containing no
condensable fumes or vapours.
A common application is forced-draft.
Centrifugal:Backward Inclined or Curved Flat-Blade
Backward Inclined or Curved Flat & Airfoil-Blade
B. Axial
• Air is pressurized by blades which creating aerodynamic lift.
• Typically provide large air volumes at relatively low pressures
pressure ranges from 250mmwc to 500mmwc.
• Efficiency varies from 45% - 85%.
• Popular with industry as compact, low cost and
light weight.
• Axial fans are frequently used in
exhaust applications where airborne
particulate size is small, such as dust
streams, smoke, and steam.
It categorized as,
1.Propellor Axial Fan
2.Tube Axial Fan
3.Vane Axial Fan Fig. Axial Fan
1.Propeller Axial Fan
• Have two or more blades that generate very high
airflow volumes
• Produces low static pressure (20-50)mmwc
• Very low efficiencies of approximately 50 % .
• Light weight and inexpensive.
• Noise levels are higher than tube axial and vane
axial fan. Fan
snot create much air pressure and has limited
in ductwork. Ideal for use at air openings in windows and walls.
•Air circulation within a space or ventilation through a
wall without attached ductwork.
• Ideally used for make up or replacement air supply
• Propeller Fan does not create much air pressure and has
limited effect in ductwork. Ideal for use at air openings in
Frequently used in exhaust applications.
Also used in some industrial applications such as drying
ovens, paint spray.
Fig. Tube Axial Fan
3.Vane Axial Fans
Vane-axial fans are similar to tube-axial fans with guide vanes that
improves efficiency by directing the flow.
Typically have 5 to 20 aerofoil type blades with a large hub
Such fans generally used for pressure (up to 500 mmwc).
They can achieve efficiencies up to 85%.
Typically used in high-pressure applications, such as induced draft
service for a boiler exhaust.
1. Centrifugal blowers
Typically operate against pressures of 0.35 to 0.70 Kg/cm2.
They are most often used in applications that are not prone to clogging .
2. Positive-displacement blowers
They are especially suitable for applications prone to clogging, since they can produce
enough pressure up to 1.25 Kg/cm2 - to blow clogged materials free.
Fan Performance Evaluation
Done by System resistance curve(System curve) and Fan curves.
System resistance curve:-
• The system resistance is the sum of static pressure losses in the
• When the system resistance changes, the operating point also change
• Once the operating point is fixed, the power required could be found
from fan curve, similarly we can
find the efficiency of fan.
• In this figure,
For fan speed N1.
Point A-
the fan’s actual
operating point
at, flow (Q1)
against press (P1)
The fans operate under a predictable set of laws concerning speed,
power and pressure.
Power Roof Ventilators
A variety of backward inclined centrifugal wheels or axial
impeller designs
Also available in up blast damper design to discharge air away
from the building
For low pressure exhaust systems of all building types (roof
Inline Centrifugal Fan
Cylindrical housing is similar to a vaneaxial fan
Wheel is generally an airfoil or backward inclined type
Housing does not fit close to outer diameter of wheel
For low and medium pressure HVAC systems or industrial
applications when an inline housing is geometrically more
convenient than a centrifugal configuration
Mixed Flow Fan
Specific Speed between a centrifugal and axial fan
Cylindrical housing is similar to a vane axial fan
High volume advantages of axial fans
Low sound, high efficiency advantages of tubular centrifugal fans