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Q2 English 9 Module 9

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What social issue can
you infer from the
What does the title
of the song convey?
Interpret the
message of the song.
What is the main
issue in the song?
What is
your greatest
in life?
Literature has always been one effective way to explore and
address social issues in human culture. Stories, plays, and other
types of fictional media often have some social or cultural
concern embedded in the thematic background of a narrative. A
social issue is some problem or concern connected to a larger
issue that affects society in general.

Often, the social issues brought forward in fiction reflect

contemporary concerns in the author's own world. This type of
issue in literature often shows up as a theme that affects the
plot and outcome of the story.
Gender Teenage
Discrimination Pregnancy

Child Abuse

Bullying Poverty

___________1. Lira and Rahim, both teenagers, got
married against their parents’ wishes. They lived together
and had their first child when Lira was 14 years old. 
___________2. Mr. Ramos was among those who lost
Identify the social issue presented in the employment after the COVID-19 pandemic forced
following statements by choosing from the companies to shut down. He tried looking for new work,
choices below. Write your answer on the line but he hasn’t found one yet. 
before each item. ___________3. Joel broke into a grocery shop to steal
some packets of cigarettes.
___________4. Because of recession, Martin was forced
to apply for a loan in the bank just to meet the needs of
his family.
___________5. Aling Pacing was jailed for she was seen
using methamphetamine, a highly addictive drug.
Guess the Word!

DISCRIMINATION is a sociological
term referring to the treatment taken
toward or against a person of a certain
group in consideration based solely on
class or category.
• It involves excluding or restricting
members of one group from opportunities
that are available to other groups.
Ageism Treating
OF someone unfairly
DISCRIMINATIO based on his/her age.
Religious Affiliation- Racism - Treating
Treating people of people of another race
another religion unfairly.
Sexism - Treating Elitism - Treating
someone unfairly someone unfairly based
based on his/her on his/her economic
gender. status.

Ableism – Treating Sexual Orientation

people unfairly who Treating someone
have a disability. unfairly based on
sexual orientation.
Prejudice is an unjustified or
incorrect attitude (usually
negative) towards an individual
based solely on the individual’s
membership of a social group.
_______1.  Brook is asked to leave a gym where he is exercising as the
organizer hears that Brook has schizoaffective disorder. 
________2.  Jeannette goes to her dentist for a routine appointment.
She experiences panic attacks as one symptom of her long-term mental
health condition. She suddenly runs out of the dental surgery in the
Identify the type of discrimination presented in middle of her treatment. The dentist says she is not prepared to treat her
each of the following statements. Write your anymore because of her behavior.
answer on the line provided. ________3.  Most of the Black and Asian adults say people have acted
as if they were uncomfortable around them since the beginning of the
Covid-19 pandemic.
________4.  An employer passed over a transgender woman for a
laboratory technician job and fired her from her contractual job when
she used her preferred gender and name on an application.
________5. A family with a member who is a graduate of engineering
was excluded from the list who will receive financial assistance from
the Government.
Much of our lives are spent in reaction to others and to events
around us. The problem is that these
reactions might not always be the best course of action, as a result, they
can make others unhappy, make
things worse for us or make the situation worse.
The truth is, we often react without thinking. It is a gut
reaction, often based on fear and insecurities, and it is not the most
rational or appropriate way to act. Responding, on the other hand, is
taking the situation in, and deciding the best course of action based on
values such as reason, compassion, cooperation, and so on. Here are
some guide questions that will help us to react properly in a particular
Are we
Do we have
enough information
to make the
best decision?
Do we have
a reasonable
of the culture?
Are we biased?
Do we
Do we listen
attentively and treat the
person with care
and comparison?
Scenario 1: Your classmate suspects his/her sister is
Read the scenarios carefully. Give appropriate possibly taking drugs. Your classmate confides in you that
advice in a way that does not significantly their family is currently facing a financial crisis. You are
diminish one’s self-esteem. Write your answer in also aware that your classmate’s grades are already affected
five sentences. because of this situation. How would you react to this
situation? What advice would you give your classmate?
Scenario 2: You receive an email telling an
Read the scenarios carefully. Give appropriate embarrassing story about another student who has
advice in a way that does not significantly often been mean to you. You know your friends would
diminish one’s self-esteem. Write your answer in think it’s funny. What would you do?
five sentences. ___________________________________________

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