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Chapter 2 - Analysis of Steam Power Plant Cycle

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Chapter 2- Analysis of Steam Power Plant Cycle

AAiT School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering - SMIE 1

Vapor Power

AAiT School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering - SMIE 2

Chapter 2 Vapor Power Cycles

2.1. The Carnot Cycle

2.2. The Rankine Cycle

2.3. Deviation of Actual Vapor Power Cycles from

Idealized Ones

2.4. The Ideal Reheat Rankine Cycle

2.5. The Ideal Regenerative Rankine Cycle

2.6. Types of Feed-Water Heaters

AAiT School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering - SMIE 3
 Energy is possessed of the ability to produce a dynamic, vital
 Energy exists in various forms:- mechanical, thermal, electrical...
 One form of energy can be converted into other by the use of
suitable arrangements.
 Out of all these forms of energy, electrical energy is preferred due
to the following advantages:-
 Can be easily transported from one place to another.
 Losses in transport are minimum.
 Can be easily subdivide.
 Economical in use.
 Easily converted to other form of energy.

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 Power:-any physical unit of energy when divided by a unit time
automatically becomes a unit of power.
 The rate of production or consumption of heat energy and to a certain
extent of radiation energy is not ordinary through of as power.
 Power is primarily associated with mechanical and electrical energy.
 Power can be defined as the rate of flow of energy.
 Power plant is a unit for the production and delivery of a flow of
mechanical and electrical energy.
 In common usage, a machine or assemblage of equipment that
produce and delivers a flow mechanical or electrical energy is a
power plant.

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 Thermodynamic cycle is a series of operations involving:-
A heat source,
A heat receiver,
A machine or utilizer b/n the source and
Working substance.
Steam power plant
 Fuel burning heat is released water steam
mechanical work electric energy produced.

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• Thermal power plants in general may work on:-
 Vapor power cycles
 Gas power cycles.
• Vapor power cycles:-
 Rankine cycle,
 Reheat cycle,
 Regenerative cycle,
 Binary vapor cycle…..
• Gas power cycles:-
Otto cycles,
Duel combustion cycle,
Diesel cycles,
Gas turbine cycles……….
• Nuclear energy has enlarged the world’s power resources,
 The energy released by 1kg of uranium ≈4500 kg of high grade coal.

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2.1. The Carnot Cycle
• We have mentioned repeatedly that the Carnot cycle is the most efficient cycle
operating between two specified temperature limits.
• Consider a steady-flow Carnot • The fluid is heated reversibly and
cycle executed within the saturation isothermally in a boiler (process 1-2),
dome of a pure substance. expanded isentropically in a turbine
(process 2-3), condensed reversibly
and isothermally in a condenser
(process 3-4), and compressed
isentropically by a compressor to the
initial state (process 4-1).

TH  TL  TL 
ca rno t   1  
TH  TH 
AAiT School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering - SMIE 8
2.2. The Rankine Cycle
 Many of the impracticalities associated with the Carnot cycle can be
eliminated by superheating the steam in the boiler and condensing it
completely in the condenser as shown.
• The cycle that results is the Rankine cycle, which is the ideal cycle for
vapor power plants.
• The ideal Rankine cycle does not involve any internal irreversibilities and
consists of the following four processes:

1-2 Isentropic compression in a

2-3 Constant pressure heat
addition in a boiler
3-4 Isentropic expansion in a
4-1 Constant pressure heat
rejection in a condenser

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Energy Analysis of the Rankine Cycle

 Rankine cycle can be analyzed as steady-flow processes.

 Neglecting changes in kinetic and potential energies.
 The steady-flow energy equation per unit mass of steam

 The boiler and the condenser do not involve any work,

 The pump and the turbine are assumed to be isentropic.
 The conservation of energy relation for each device can be expressed as

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Energy Analysis of the Rankine Cycle

Boiler ( w  0) : qin  h3  h2
Turbine (q  0) : wtu rb,o ut  h3  h4
Condenser ( w  0) : qo u t  h4  h1
The thermal efficiency of the Rankine cycle is
wnet qout
th   1
qin qin
where wnet  qin  qout  wturb,out  wpump,in

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2.3. Deviation of Actual Vapor Power
Cycles from Idealized Ones
 The actual vapor power
cycle differs from ideal
Rankine cycle, as
illustrated in the figure, as
a result of irreversibilities
in various components.
 Fluid friction and
undesired heat loss to the
surroundings are the two
most common sources of

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 Fluid friction causes pressure drops  The other major source of
in the boiler, the condenser, and the irreversibility is the heat
piping between various components. loss from the steam to the
 As a result, steam leaves the boiler at surroundings as the steam
a somewhat lower pressure. flows through various
 the pressure at the turbine inlet is components.
somewhat lower than that at the  To maintain the same level
boiler exit due to the pressure drop of net work output, more
in the connecting pipes. heat needs to be transferred
 The pressure drop in the condenser is to the steam in the boiler to
usually very small. To compensate compensate for these
for these pressure drops, the water undesired heat losses.
must be pumped to a sufficiently  As a result, cycle efficiency
higher pressure than the ideal cycle decreases.
calls for. This requires a larger pump
and larger work input to the pump.
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 Of particular importance are the irreversibilities occurring within the pump
and the turbine.
 A pump requires a greater work input, and a turbine produces a smaller work
output as a result of irreversibilities.
 Under ideal conditions, the flow through these devices is isentropic.
 Internal irreversibility of Rankine cycle is caused by fluid friction, throttling
and mixing.
 As the flow rates in the steam turbine as well as in the pumps are large, and the
expansion and compression processes are quite rapid, the heat loss per unit
mass may be considered negligible.
 Though the assumption of adiabatic flow in them is still valid, due to fluid
friction the expansion and compression processes are not reversible and
entropy of the fluid in both increases.
 The internal or isentropic efficiency (ɳT) of the turbine is given by

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 In the Rankine cycle, heat is added reversibly at a constant pressure but at
infinite temperatures. If Tm1 is the mean temperature of heat addition as
shown in Fig. below, so that the area under 4 and 1 is equal to the area under
5 and 6, then heat added is

 The higher the mean temperature of heat addition, the higher will be the
cycle efficiency.

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How can we increase the efficiency of the Rankine Cycle?
•The basic idea behind all the modifications to increase the thermal
efficiency of a power cycle is the same:
 Increase the average temperature at which heat is transferred to the
working fluid in the boiler, or
 decrease the average temperature at which heat is rejected from the
working fluid in the condenser.

 Lowering the condenser pressure

 Superheating the steam to high temperatures
 Increasing the boiler pressure

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Lowering the Condenser Pressure (Lowers T low,av)

 The colored area on this diagram

represents the increase in net work
output as a result of lowering the
condenser pressure from P4 to P’4.
 The heat input requirements also
increase , but this increase is very
 The overall effect of lowering the
condenser pressure is an increase in
the thermal efficiency of the cycle.

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Superheating the Steam to High Temperatures (Increases Thigh,av)

 The colored area on this diagram represents

the increase in the net work.
 The total area under the process curve 3-3’
represents the increase in the heat input.
 Thus, both the net work and heat input
increase as a result of superheating the steam
to a higher temperature.
 The overall effect is an increase in thermal

 The temperature to which steam can be superheated is limited by

metallurgical considerations.
 Presently, the highest steam temperature allowed at the turbine inlet is
about 620 0C(1150 0F).

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Increasing the Boiler Pressure (Increase Thigh,av)

 Another way of increasing the

average temperature during the
heat-addition process is to
increase the operating pressure of
the boiler, which automatically
raises the temperature at which
boiling takes place.
 This, in turn, raises the average
temperature at which heat is
added to the steam and thus raises
the thermal efficiency of the

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2.4. The Ideal Reheat Rankine Cycle
 Increasing the boiler pressure increases the thermal efficiency of the
Rankine cycle, but it also increases the moisture content of the steam
to unacceptable levels.
 Then, it is natural to ask the following question:
How can we take advantage of the increased efficiencies at higher boiler
pressures without facing the problem of excessive moisture at the final
stages of the turbine?

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Two possibilities to mind:
1. Superheat the steam to very high temperatures before it enters the
 This would be the desirable solution since the average temperature
at which heat is added would also increases, thus increasing the
cycle efficiency.
 This is not a viable solution, however, since it will require raising
the steam temperature to metallurgic ally unsafe levels.

2. Expand the steam in the turbine in two stages, and reheat it in

 In other words, modify the simple ideal Rankine cycle with a reheat
 Reheating is a practical solution to the excessive moisture problem in
turbines, and it is used frequently in modern steam power plants.

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The T-s diagram of the ideal reheat Rankine cycle and the schematic of the power plant operating on this cycle are shown below:

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 The ideal Reheat Rankine cycle differs from the simple ideal Rankine
cycle in that the expansion process takes place in two stages.
 In the first stage (high-pressure turbine), steam is expanded
isentropically to an intermediate pressure and sent back to the boiler
where it is reheated at constant pressure, usually to the inlet temperature
of the first turbine stage.
 Steam then expands isentropically in the second stage (low-pressure
turbine) to the condenser pressure.
 The total heat input and the total turbine work output for a reheat cycle
qin  q primary  qreheat  (h3  h2 )  (h5  h4 )
wturb ,out  wturb, I  wturb, II  (h3  h4 )  (h5  h6 )

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2.5. The Ideal Regenerative Rankine Cycle

 A careful examination of the T-s

diagram of the Rankine cycle shown
reveals that heat is added to the
working fluid during process 2-2’ at a
relatively low temperature.
 This lowers the average temperature
at which heat is added and thus the
cycle efficiency.

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 To remedy this shortcoming, we 2. Another possibility is to
look for ways to raise the transfer heat to the feedwater
temperature of the liquid leaving from the expanding steam in a
the pump (called the feedwater) counter flow heat exchanger
before it enters the boiler. built into the turbine, that is,
1. One such possibility is to to use regeneration.
compress the feed water  This solution is also impractical
isentropically to a high because it is difficult to design
temperature, as in the Carnot such a heat exchanger and
cycle. because it would increase the
 This, however, would involve moisture content of the steam at the
extremely high pressures and is final stages of the turbine.
therefore impractical.

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 A practical regeneration  The device where the feedwater is
process in steam power plants heated by regeneration is called a
is accomplished by extracting, regenerator, or a feedwater heater.
or “bleeding,” steam from the  A feedwater heater is basically a
turbine at various points. heat exchanger where heat is
 This steam, which could have transferred from the steam to the
produced more work by feedwater either by mixing the two
expanding further in the fluid streams (open feedwater
turbine, is used to heat the heaters) or without mixing them
feedwater instead. (closed feedwater heaters).

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2.6. Types of
Feed-water Heaters

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Open Feedwater Heaters

 An open (or direct-contact)

feedwater heater is basically a
mixing chamber, where the steam
extracted from the turbine mixes
with the feedwater exiting the
 Ideally, the mixture leaves the
heater as a saturated liquid at the
heater pressure.

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 In the analysis of steam power plants, it is more convenient to work
with quantities expressed per unit mass of the steam flowing through
the boiler.
 For each 1 kg of steam leaving the boiler, y kg expands partially in the
turbine and is extracted at state 6.
 The remaining (1-y) kg expands completely to the condenser
 Therefore, the mass flow rate through the boiler is m, for example, it
will be (1-y)m through the condenser.

 The heat and work interactions of a regenerative Rankine cycle with

one feedwater heater can be expressed per unit mass of steam flowing
through the boiler as follows:

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qin  h5  h4
qout  (1  y )(h7  h1 )
wturb ,out  (h5  h6 ) y  (1  y )(h5  h7 )
wPump,in  (1  y ) wPumpI ,in  1wPumpII ,in

 

y  m6 m5 (fraction of steam extracted)

wPu mp I,in  v1 ( P2  P1 )
wPu mp II,in  v3 ( P4  P3 )

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Closed Feedwater Heaters

 Closed feedwater heater- heat is  In actual power plants, the

transferred from the extracted steam feedwater leaves the heater
to the feedwater without any below the exit temperature of
mixing taking place. the extracted steam because a
 The two streams can be at different temperature difference of at
pressures, since they do not mix. least a few degrees is required
 In an ideal closed feedwater heater, for any effective heat transfer
the feedwater is heated to the exit to take place.
temperature of the extracted steam,
which ideally leaves the heater as a
saturated liquid at the extraction

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Closed Feedwater Heaters

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Most steam power
plants use a
combination of
open and closed
feedwater Heaters

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An Ideal Cogeneration Plant

 The production of more than one

useful form of energy (such as process
heat and electric power) from the
same energy source is called
 Cogeneration plants produce electric
power while meeting the process heat
requirements of certain industrial
processes. This way, more of the
energy transferred to the fluid in the
boiler is utilized for a useful purpose.
 The fraction of energy that is used for
either process heat or power
generation is called the utilization
factor of the cogeneration plant.

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More Ways to Increase Power plant Thermal Efficiency

• The overall thermal efficiency of a power plant can be increased

by using binary cycles or combined cycles.
• A binary cycle is composed of two separate cycles, one at high
temperatures (topping cycle) and the other at relatively low
• The most common combined cycle is the gas-steam combined
cycle where a gas-turbine cycle operates at the high-temperature
range and a steam-turbine cycle at the low-temperature range.
• Steam is heated by the high-temperature exhaust gases leaving
the gas turbine. Combined cycles have a higher thermal
efficiency than the steam- or gas-turbine cycles operating alone.

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Mercury-Water Binary Vapor Cycle

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Combined Gas-Steam Power Plant

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Example 2.1
Consider a steam power plant that operates on a simple ideal
Rankine cycle and has a net power output of 45 MW. Steam enters
the turbine at 7 MPa and 500 0C and is cooled in the condenser at a
pressure of 10 kPa by running cooling water from a lake through
the tubes of the condenser at a rate of 2000 kg/sec.
(a) Show the cycle on a T-s diagram with respect to saturation lines,
and determine
(b) the thermal efficiency of the cycle
(c) the mass flow rate of the steam, and
(d) the temperature rise of the cooling water.

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Example 2.2

• A steam power plant operates on the cycle shown in Fig.

below. If the isentropic efficiency of the turbine is 87 percent
and the isentropic efficiency of the pump is 85 percent,
determine (a) the thermal efficiency of the cycle and (b) the
net power output of the plant for a mass flow rate of 15
kg/s .

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Example 2.3
Consider a steam power plant that operates on a reheat Rankine cycle
and has a net power output of 80 MW. Steam enters the high-pressure
turbine at 10 MPa and 500 0C and the low-pressure turbine at 1 MPa and
500 0C. Steam leaves the condenser as saturated liquid at a pressure of 10
The isentropic efficiency of the turbine is 80 percent, and that of the
pump is 95 percent.
(a) show the cycle on a T-s diagram with respect to saturation lines, and
(b) the quality (or temperature, if superheated) of the steam at the
turbine exit,
(c) the mass flow rate of the steam.

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Example 2.4

Consider an ideal steam regenerative Rankine cycle with two feed

water heaters, one closed and one open. Steam enters the turbine at
12.5 MPa and 550 0C and exhausts to the condenser at 10 kPa. Steam
is extracted from the turbine at 0.8 MPa for the closed feed water
heater and at 0.3 MPa for the open one. The feed water heater is heated
to the condensation temperature of the extracted steam in the closed
feed water heater. The extracted steam leaves the closed feed water
heater as a saturated liquid, which is subsequently throttled to the open
feed water heater.

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Example 2.4 (Cont…)

(a) Show the cycle on a T-s diagram with respect to saturation lines,
and determine
(b) the mass flow rate of steam through the boiler for a net power
output of 250 MW, and

(c) the thermal efficiency of the cycle .

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Example 2.4 (Cont…)

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1. Steam at 40 bar, 5000c, generated from saturated feed water at 0.05
bar, flowing at the rate of 5500kg/h expands in a HP turbine to 2 bar
with an isentropic efficiency of 90%. A continuous supply of steam at 2
bar, 0.88 quality and a flow rate of 2500 kg/h is available from a
geothermal energy source. This steam is mixed adiabatically with the
HP turbine exhaust and the combined steam then expands in a LP
turbine to 0.05 bar with an isentropic efficiency of 85%. Determine
• The power output, and
• The thermal plant efficiency

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Solution ºC

– P2=40 bar
– T=500 oC h2  1.005 x10 3 (40  0.05)105  h1
– P7=0.05 bar  4.015  137.82
• at point 1  141.835KJ / Kg
– h1=137.821 KJ/kg at po int 3 sup erheated
h3  3445.3
– s1=s2=0.4764 KJ/kg k
s3  7.0901
– v1=1.005 x 10-3
at po int 4
• so work done by
s3  s4  7.0901
pump will be
butat 0.2 Mpa s '  7.1271
– Wp = V (P2-P1)
 po int 4 is not sup erheated
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s 4  s f  x 4 s fg at 2 bar at po int 5
h5  h f  x5 h fg
7.0901  1.5301  x 4 5.5970
 504.7  0.88(2201.9)
x 4  0.9936
 2442.372 KJ / Kg
h4 h f  x 4 h fg
from mass balance
 504.7  0.9936 * 2201.9 . . .
m 4  m5  m6
 2692.398 .
5550  2500  m 6
h3  h4'
  0.9 .
h3  h4 8000kg / h  m6
h4 '  2767.6882 from energy balance
h4 m 4  h5 m5  h6 m6
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Cont… ºC
s6= sf + x6sfg

. .

h6 
h4 m 4  h 5 m 5 S6 = S7f + X7S7fg at 0.05 bar
2767.6882 * 5500  2442.372 * 2500

x7 = 0.8268
 2666.03 KJ / Kg
at po int 7 h7 = 504.7+ 0.8268(2201.9)
h6  h7 '
 ti  .
h6  h7 = 2325.34 KJ/Kg
but h6  h f  x6 h fg From
h6  h f 2666.03  504.7 h h
x6   ti  6 7 '  h7 '  2954.62
h fg 2201.9 h6  h7
 0.9816
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Cont… ºC

. . . .
a) wout  w hp  wlp  w pump
. . .
 m 4 (3445.3  2767.6882)  m 6 (2666.03  2325.34)  m1 (4.015
3724864.9  2725520  22082.5

Pout=6430302.4 KJ/Kg
=1.7862 MW……………..Ans.
b) efficiency
qA=m4 (h3 – h2)+m5*h5
Wnet 1.7862 MW
   ________
QPr im  Q Re h ________
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Tutorials cont…
2. Consider a steam power plant that operates on an ideal reheat–
regenerative Rankine cycle with one open feed water heater, one closed
feed water heater, and one re heater. Steam enters the turbine at 15 MPa
and 600°C and is condensed in the condenser at a pressure of 10 kPa.
Some steam is extracted from the turbine at 4 MPa for the closed feed
water heater, and the remaining steam is reheated at the same pressure to
600°C. The extracted steam is completely condensed in the heater and is
pumped to 15 MPa before it mixes with the feed water at the same
pressure. Steam for the open feed water heater is extracted from the low-
pressure turbine at a pressure of 0.5 MPa. Determine the fractions of
steam extracted from the turbine as well as the thermal efficiency of the
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• The enthalpies at the various states and
the pump work per unit mass of fluid
flowing through them are

wpump I,in = 0.49 kJ/kg

wpump II,in = 3.83 kJ/kg

wpump III,in =13.77 kJ/kg

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• The fractions of steam extracted are
determined from the mass and energy
balances of the feed water heaters:

yh10 + (1 – y)h4 = (1 – y) h5 + yh6

• Open feed water heater

= 0.1306
zh12 + (1 – y-z) h2 = (1 – y)h3

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• The enthalpy at state 8 is determined by applying the mass and energy
equations to the mixing chamber, which is assumed to be insulated:

(1)h8 = (1 – y)h5 + yh7

h8 = (1 - 0.17662) 1087.42 kJ/kg + 0.1766 (11101.22) kJ/kg

¿ 𝟏𝟎𝟖𝟗. 𝟖 𝐤𝐉/𝐤𝐠

= (13583.1 -1089.82) kJ/kg + (1- 0.17662) (3674.9 - 3155.02 kJ/kg)

= 2921.4 kJ/kg
𝑞𝑜𝑢𝑡 =(1 − 𝑦 – 𝑧 )(h 13 −h 1)

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𝑤 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏, 𝑜𝑢𝑡 =( h 9 −h 10 )+ (1 − 𝑦 ) ( h 11− h 12 )+(1− 𝑦 − 𝑧)(h12 − h13)

𝑤 𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝 ,𝑖𝑛=( 1− 𝑦 − 𝑧 ) 𝑤 𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝 𝐼 ,𝑖𝑛+ (1− 𝑦 ) 𝑤 𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝 𝐼𝐼 ,𝑖𝑛+ 𝑦𝑤 𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝 𝐼𝐼𝐼 ,𝑖𝑛

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End of the Chapter !

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