Light Calculation: Space Height Ratio (SHR) Is 1.25
Light Calculation: Space Height Ratio (SHR) Is 1.25
Light Calculation: Space Height Ratio (SHR) Is 1.25
The area is to be illuminated to a general level of 250 lux using twin lamp 32 watt CFL
luminaires with a SHR (SPACING TO MOUNTING HEIGHT RATIO ) of 1.25.
The lamps Maintenance Factor (MF) is 0.63 ,Utilization Factor is 0.69 and
space height ratio (SHR) is 1.25
Calculate Lumen per Fixtures: Lumens measure how much light you are getting from a
Lumen per Fixtures = Lumen Efficiency(Lumen per Watt) x each Fixture’s Watt
Lumen per Fixtures= 85 x 64 = 5440Lumen
Calculate No’s of Fixtures:
Required No of Fixtures = Required Lux x Room Area / MFxUFx Lumen per Fixture
Required No of Fixtures =(250x20x10) / (0.63×0.69×5440)
Required No of Fixtures =21 No’s