Fctalent Development Lecture 1 - People Resourcing

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People Resourcing and Talent Planning:

HRM in Practice
Fourth Edition

Stephen Pilbeam
and Marjorie Corbridge

Adapted from Publisher Slides and FrancisClaudius
Topic 1
Chapter 1
People Resourcing: the
changing world of work and
contemporary human resource

Adapted from Publisher Slides and FrancisClaudius

1.Changes in the world of work

2.Human Resource Management ( HRM )

3.The changing role of the HR professional

4.HR Strategy and People Resourcing – the fundamentals

5.Adding Value through HR practices.

• People resourcing is the part of human resource
management (HRM) which focuses on the recruitment
and release of individuals from organizations, as well
as the management of their performance and potential
while employed by the organization

• You will be introduce the important themes of the nature

of human resource management , the reconfiguration of
the role of the HR specialist , including the rise of the HR
business partner and relationship between HR strategy
and business performance

Contingent Approach
• A contingent approach to talent planning and people
resourcing is proposed with the aims of enabling
managers to make informed choices about people
resourcing activities

• HR professional have to apply thoughtful approaches to

their job in order to make a contribution to the survival ,
profitability , vision and strategic goals of their

An integrated approach to people resourcing

Figure 1.1 An integrated approach to people resourcing

Adapted from Publisher Slides and FrancisClaudius
Changes in the world of work
• The competitive environment is a major driver of change in the world
of work
– The pressures on organizations to add value , achieve sustained
competitive advantages, and respond and adapt quickly and
flexibly to new challenges and opportunities are relentless.

• Customer orientation , product differentiation and service

support will require new forms of organization

• New methods of working and organizing work

• Private sector mantras are about sustainable competitive

advantage, add value , core competencies and strategic capability

• For Public sector the driving force has been ‘best value’ and cuts in
public spending

Changes in the world of work: A Summary

Exhibit 1.1 Changes in the world of work: a summary

Adapted from Publisher Slides and FrancisClaudius
A continuum of personnel
management activity

Figure 1.2 A continuum of personnel management activity

Adapted from Publisher Slides and FrancisClaudius
Five key elements emerging from the
HRM philosophy
1. The strategic integration of HR management with corporate strategy

2. The devolution of HR activities to line managers

3. The pursuit of employee commitment

4. Extending worker flexibility

5. The active management of corporate culture.

Adapted from Publisher Slides and FrancisClaudius
Five key elements emerging from the
HRM philosophy
1. The strategic integration of HR management with corporate
 Aim of strategic integration is to achieve a close relationship between business
strategy and HR strategy and also to ensure the HR activities are mutually

 The HR management is therefore directly concerned with the managerial needs

and not primarily with the needs of employees

2. The devolution of HR activities to line managers

 The devolution rationale is that HR management is critical to effective business
performance and therefore needs to be enacted by empowered line managers
who are responsible for coordinating and directing all resources, including
human resources, towards organisational success

 Responsibilities for HR activities, such as recruitment and selection, reward,

grievance and discipline, line managing diversity and so on are devolved to line
managers who exercise greater autonomy and authority
Adapted from Publisher Slides and FrancisClaudius
Five key elements emerging from the
HRM philosophy
3. The pursuit of employee commitment
 This is pursed on the assumption that committed employees will willingly
engage with corporate goals and work flexibility to achieve them

 The requirement for committed employee is also evident in the quality

movement with its emphasis on employee identification with corporate
values, the pursuit of continuous improvement and excellence, and the
need for high individual performance levels

4. Extending worker flexibility

 Based on the idea that adaptive organizations need adaptive workers, this
requires workers to be flexible about the ‘what’, ‘how’, ‘when’, and ‘why’ of
performing work in order that activity can be managerially directed towards
the achievement of organizational objectives

 Flexibility occurs in many interrelated forms , such as functional ,

numerical , temporal and financial ,etc

Adapted from Publisher Slides and FrancisClaudius
Five key elements emerging from the
HRM philosophy
5. The active management of corporate culture.
 Managing corporate culture means creating shared values and a sense
of purpose.

 The creation of these shared values and the communication of the

corporate vision are invariably dependent on strong, often charismatic

 The adherence to corporate values by employees is encouraged through

the reward strategy and supported by HR Policies which communicate the
cultural values desired by management and indeed limit ‘deviant’ worker

Adapted from Publisher Slides and FrancisClaudius
The Changing Role of the HR Professional

• HR business partnership
– In the essence the philosophy of a business partner HR role
concerns being a business manager first and a functional HR
specialist second

• HR professionals should focus on what HR delivers in terms of

results that enrich the organization's value to customers, investors
and employees

• Advocated to creating a new role that focuses not on traditional

HR activities , but on business outcomes

The Changing Role of the HR Professional
• HR could deliver organization excellence in four ways
1. HR should become a partner with senior and line managers in
strategy execution

2. HR should become an expert in the ways HR work is organized

and executed

3. HR should become a champion for employees , representing

employee concerns to senior management and working to
increase employee commitment to the organisation and their
ability to deliver business results

4. HR should become an agent of continuous transformation,

shaping processes and a culture that together improve an
organization’s capacity for change
HR Behaviours

Exhibit 1.2 HR behaviours 17

Adapted from Publisher Slides and FrancisClaudius
Criteria for HR Success
Three broad areas essential

1. Senior Management Support

• Attitude of senior managers towards the HR function

2. The alignment of HR and Organizational Strategy

• Integrating HR and business strategy is fundamental to
achieving business excellence

3. Line Management Support

• Devolution of HR activities to line is viewed with mixed reactions

• Line managers must be given the necessary training , support and

time to carry out HR activities
The Fundamentals of a Strategic
HR Approach
• Linking HR practices to the achievement of corporate strategy and
business objectives

• Deploying HR practices to lever employee contribution and

performance in a desired direction

• Linking HR practices to each other to create complementarities in the

pursuit of synergy and increased potency

• Aligning the HR function with the business, reinforcing managerial

prerogative and emphasising that organisations are employer and not
employee led

• A belief that proactive ‘good’ HR practices are critical to organisational

success and the ability to compete and survive; a ‘people make a
difference’ philosophy.
Adapted from Publisher Slides and FrancisClaudius
Adding value through HR Practices

HR practitioners have been known that well –

managed people will work better and thereby
influence the financial performance of the
organization in which they are employed but are
now under pressure to demonstrate they add
value and contribute to the bottom line

e-HR , The Three –Legged Model and The
Outsourcing of HR Activities
• For small to medium –sized business the potential of e-HR is
constrained, whereas in multi-site, multinational organizations we tend
to hear about in relation to e-HR

• e-HR is about using email, the internet and organizational intranets to

facilitate and mediate HR activities, as well as exploiting it as learning
and development medium

• e-HR tends to be linked to a restructuring of HR activities to include HR

shared services centres, where call centres provide HR services to
employees and managers, and may therefore be more appropriate to
use the term e-enabled HR

• This as led to the reconfiguration of HR activity in some organizations to

what has become known as the ‘three-legged model’
Three-legged model

Figure 1.3 Three-legged model

Adapted from Publisher Slides and FrancisClaudius
The three legs of HR
• Shared HR Services
– administrative and transactional HR activities, including employee
enquiries, which are call-centre and web-based.
– Business units ‘share’ the HR services with potential cost
benefits through economies of scale.

• HR Business Partners
– HR professionals focused on strategic development and change
management through working closely with senior managers and
business units.

• Centres of Excellence
– HR experts offer specific expertise and advice in HR activities such
as recruitment, reward, employee relations and learning and
development in order to provide specialist support to front line
managers, to business partners and to shared HR services.
Adapted from Publisher Slides and FrancisClaudius
HR Practitioners

• Must be aware of the evolving business needs and how

new ideas and good practice might fit those needs

• The shape of HRM in the 21st century has been

summarized with 10 key HRM themes

Ten key HRM themes (1 – 5)
1. An emergent body of research that good HR practices equals good

2. It is increasingly being recognised that people are the organisation’s

principal sustainable source of competitive advantage.

3. Technical HR competence is no longer enough, HR practices need to

add value in the pursuit of corporate objectives and organisational

4. HR policies and practices need to be aligned with corporate strategy

and with each other – vertical integration and internal coherence.

5. Compliance with employment law is essential but on its own it does

not add value to the organisation.
Adapted from Publisher Slides and FrancisClaudius
Ten key HRM themes (6 – 10)

6. Best practice HR needs to be applied contingently to fit the

organisation – there are no simple HR solutions.

7. Pro-activity in HR delivery is necessary rather than just reacting to


8. Outsourcing of HR activities.

9. Harnessing the potential of ‘shared services’ and

‘e-enabled HR’ may enable reconfiguration of HR delivery.

10.HR professionals perhaps need to be business managers first and

functional specialists second.

Adapted from Publisher Slides and FrancisClaudius
HRM in the twenty-first century?
HR Practitioners must be aware of the evolving business needs and how
new ideas and good practice might fit those needs

The shape of HRM in the 21st century is shown below and a summary of the
10 key HRM themes concluded

Exhibit 1.4 HRM in the twenty-first century?

Adapted from Publisher Slides and FrancisClaudius
Becoming World-Class HR

Three Main Components to achieving world-class HR

1. Employee Engagement

2. Aligning HR strategy to the business strategy

3. Investing in HR practices and processes that

make strategy happen

Tutorial Questions
1. List the areas we need to consider for effect people resourcing.

2. List the changes in the world of work.

3. What are five key elements that emerged out of the HRM

4. Differentiate between past HR role behaviors and future HR role


5. Describe the strategic HR approach.

6. What does the three-legged model covers?

7. List the ten key HRM theme.

8. What are three main components to achieve world-class HR?

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