Nasal Septum Hematoma: Sarit Levinsky Group M1656
Nasal Septum Hematoma: Sarit Levinsky Group M1656
Nasal Septum Hematoma: Sarit Levinsky Group M1656
Sarit Levinsky
Group M1656
• A nasal septal hematoma is a collection of blood within the septum of
the nose (between the nostrils) under the perichondrium. The
hematoma is formed from keisselbach’s plexus.
• Arise from ruptures in the small blood vessels in the nasal septum and
are largely secondary to trauma (in adults – high energy trauma, in
children – minor trauma)
• Broken nose
• Injury to the soft tissue of the area
• Surgery
• Taking blood thinning medication
• Harsh nose blowing
• Tumors
Important principles!
This condition occurs
more frequently in
In children suspect non
children since their
!– accidental trauma
septum is thicker and
!more flexible
Saddle nose
Nasal obstruction Septal necrosis Contiguous spread