Criteria 6 PPT EEE Updated

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Bapatla Engineering College:Bapatla

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

CRITERION6 Facilities and Technical Support 80 M

Submitted by:
Dr. J.Pardha Saradhi, Asst. Professor
Mr. K. Rajendra, Asst. Professor
Tier I Institute:
NO Criteria-6 Allocated
6.1 Adequate and well equipped laboratories, and technical manpower 40

6.2 Laboratories maintenance and overall ambiance 10

6.3 Safety measures in laboratories 10

6.4. Project laboratory 20

CRITERION6 Facilities and Technical Support 80

6.1 Adequate and well equipped laboratories, and technical manpower (40) -----(36)
S. No Name of the Laboratory
6.1 AdequateNo.
and wellof Namelaboratories,
equipped of the Weekly utilization
and technical manpowerstatus
(40) Technical Man Support
students Important (all the courses for
per setup Equipment's which the lab is utilized) Name of the Designation Qualification
(Batch technical staff

1 Electro Mechanics Lab-I 03 (30-35) 1. Power Network Electrical Machines Lab-II Kavuri.Vamsi Lab Attendant DEEE
analyzer (UNIPOWER (III rd year-Vth sem) Prahlad
make). (R18- Reg)
2. 100A, 220V DC Static (3hrs per week)
3. 3-Phase, 3KVA AC Machines Lab-I
Alternator 3KW DC (II nd year –IV th sem)
Compound Motor Set. (R14-Reg)
4. 3-Phase, 3.5KVA (3hrs per week)
Alternator 5HP DC  
Compound Motor Set. DC machines
5. 3-Phase, 5HP &Measurments Lab(DEEE)
Synchronous Motor (II nd Year-IIIrd Sem)
3KW DC Shunt (3hrs per week)
Generator Sets.  
6. 3-Phase, 5KVA  
Alternator 3.5KW DC  
Compound Motor Set.  
7. 3-Phase, 5KVA  
Alternator 5KW DC  
Compound Motor Set.  
8. 3KW, 3-Phase  
Induction Generator
Coupled to 3HP DC
Shunt Motor with DOL
& 4-Point Starter.
2 Electro Mechanics Lab 03 (30-35) 1.3-phase 3HP SCIM with eddy Electrical Machines Kavuri Vamsi Lab Attendant DEEE
– II current loading. Lab-I (IInd year –IV th Prahlad
2.3HP, D.C Compound motor sem)
with eddy current loading. (R18- Reg)
3.Lab Volt Electro Mechanical (3hrs per week)
Training System with Dissectible
Machine and Data Acquisition DC Machines Lab (II nd
and Management. year-III rd sem)
4.Motor winding kit. (R14-Reg)
5.7.5KW D.C Compound (3hrs per week)
generator – 10HP Induction
motor set. AC Machines Lab- II
(III rd year –V th sem)
6. 3HP, 220V D.C (R14-Reg)
Compound motor - 2KW (3hrs per week)
Compound generator
set. AC machines
7.3HP, 220V D.C Series motor - Laboratory-I Lab
2KW D.C Series generator set. (DEEE)
8.3HP, 220V D.C Shunt motor - (II nd Year-IV th Sem)
2KW D.C Shunt generator set. (3hrs per week)
9.3HP, 220V D.C Shunt motor
with brake drum. AC machines
Laboratory-II Lab
(III rd Year-V th Sem)
(3hrs per week)

3 Power Electronics Lab 03 (30-35) 1.Integrated Power Electronic Power Electronics lab Kamma. Veera Lab Technician DEEE
Fundamentals for NI-ELVIS, NI (III rd year-VI th sem) Sheker Rao
MY RIO (R18- Reg)
2.DSP Based Speed Control for 3- (3hrs per week)
Ph Induction Motor.
3.DSP Based Speed Control for Power Electronics Lab
BLDC Motor (IV th year –VII
4.Digital Oscilloscope (DSO), 1-
Phase Dual
Converter With 1HP DC Shunt th sem) (R14-Reg)
Motor Load With Circulating (3hrs per week)
5.Thyristor Module Based 3-Ph
Bridge Rectifier with R, RL Power Electronics
and Motor Load& Isolated Lab&PLC Laboratory
Transformers. (III rd Year-V th Sem)
6.Thyristor Module Based 1-Ph (3hrs per week)
Rectifier with R, RL and Motor
Load &
Isolated Transformers.
7.Mc Murray Bedford 1- Ph
Inverter with R, RL and Motor
8.IGBT Based 3-Ph Inverter with
R, RL and Motor Load.
9.Voltage Commutated Chopper
with R, RL and Motor Load.
4 Electrical 03 (30-35) 1.5 KV Insulation Tester. Measurement and Kavuri.Vamsi Lab Attendant DEEE
Measurements Lab 2.Cable Fault Locator. Instrumentation Lab Prahlad
3.1-Phase Energy meter Test (IInd year –IIIrd sem)
bench. (R18-Reg)
4.Hysteresis Loop Tracer Kit. (3hrs per week)
5.Transformer Oil Testing Kit.
6.Crompton DC Potentiometer. Electrical
7.Oscilloscopes Model 201 Model Measurements& Work
201FG. Shop Lab (III rd year-VI
th sem) (R14-Reg)
(3hrs per week)

5 Power Systems Lab 03 (30-35) 1.Relay testing system (Freja Power Systems Lab (IV D.Saratchandra Helper ITI
Win) th year – VII th sem) Babu
2.Intra red thermal imaging (R18 -Reg)
camera. (3hrs per week)
3.Numerical distance protection
Relay. Power Systems
4.Differential Relay.
5.IDMT over current Relay and Lab (IV th year – VIII th
testing Kit. sem) (R14-Reg)
6.under voltage/ over voltage (3hrs per week)
Relay and testing kit.
7.Differential Relay and testing Power Systems Lab
kit. (M.Tech sem-I)
3hrs per week)
8.Electrical power
transmission line training system.
9.Reactive power control using
changing transformer.

6 Control Systems Lab 03 (30-35) 1.Digital storage Oscilloscope Control System Lab Kamma. Veera Lab Technician DEEE
(DSO) (IIIrd year – VI th sem) Sheker Rao
2.Effect of P, PI, PD and PID (R18- Reg)
Controllers on (3hrs per week)
Second Order System
3.A.C Servo Motor Speed Torque Control Systems Lab (III
Characteristics rd year- VI th sem)
4.DC Position Control System (R14-Reg)
Temperature Control Using PID (3hrs per week)
5.Voltage Commutated Chopper
with R, RI and Motor Load

7 Micro Processors and 03 (30-35) 1. 8086 Microprocessor Trainer Microprocessors Pappana. Purna Lab Attendant DECE
Micro Controllers Lab Kit (MICRO 86 LCLCD) & Micro Aditya
2.8051 Microcontroller Trainer controllers Lab (III rd
Kit (MICRO 51 LCLCD) year –V th sem)
(R18- Reg)
(3hrs per week)
Microprocessor &
Micro controllers Lab
(III rd year –VI th sem)
(3hrs per week)
8 Electronic Devices Lab 03 (30-35) 1.1MHZ Function generator Electronics Lab (II nd Pappana. Purna Lab Attendant DECE
2.30MHZ Dual trace oscilloscope year –III rd sem) Aditya
3.Multiple DC power supply (R18 -Reg)
4.Breadboard Trainer kits (3hrs per week)

Digital Electronics Lab

(II nd year –IV th sem)
(R18 -Reg)
(3hrs per week)

Electronics Design Lab

(IV th year –VII th sem)
(R18- Reg)
(3hrs per week)

Electronics Lab-I (II nd

year –III rd sem)
(3hrs per week)

Electronics Lab- II
(III rd year –V th sem)
(3hrs per week)

Electronics Engineering
Lab- I
(II nd Year-III rd Sem)
(3hrs per week)

Electronics Engineering
Lab- II
(II nd Year-IV th Sem)
(3hrs per week)

Laboratory (DEEE)
(III rd Year-V th Sem)
(3hrs per week)

9 Computer Lab 03 (30-35) 1.HP model 2GB RAM, 500GB Circuit Theory Lab (I st Pappana. Purna Lab Attendant DECE
HDD, Athlon AMD Processor year -II nd sem) (R18 Aditya
Desktop PC’s. (20) Reg)
2.Mercury 8GB RAM 1TB I3 (3hrs per week)
Processor Desktop PC s. (25)
3.Frontech 2GB RAM, 500GB Simulation Lab (III rd
HDD, INTEL Core to Dual year –VI th sem)
Processor Desktop PC’s. (9) (R18- Reg)
(3hrs per week)
4.Intel 512MB RAM, 250GB HDD,
1.86GHz, INTEL Core to Dual Networks and
Processor Desktop PC (3) Simulation Lab (II nd
5.Intex 128MB RAM, year –III rd sem)
40GB HDD, Pentium Processor (R14-Reg)
Desktop PC (2) (3hrs per week)

Object Oriented
Programming Lab
(II nd year-IV th sem)
(3hrs per week)

Computer Simulation of
Electrical Systems Lab
(IV th year –VII th sem)
(3hrs per week)
Simulation Lab –
(M.Tech SEM-I)
(3hrs per week)
Simulation Lab –
(M.Tech Sem-II) (3hrs
per week)

C-Language Lab (DEEE)

(II nd Year-III rd Sem)
(3hrs per week)
10 Basic Electrical 03 (30-35) 1.Multiple DC power supply Basic Electrical S.Sudhakara Rao Helper ITI
Engineering Lab 2.Single phase, 230V/20A Loading &Electronics
Rheostats Engineering Lab I st
3.Single phase transformers Semester (6hrs per
4.Single phase auto transformers. week)
5.Regulated power supply And
(30V/5A) II nd Semesters
(3hrs per week)

11 Research and Advanced 03 (30-35) 1.3KW Solar-wind Power Power Systems Lab (IV Kamma. Veera Lab Technician DEEE
Power Systems Lab Generating System, th year – VII th sem) Sheker Rao
2.Over current and earth fault (R18 -Reg)
numerical (3hrs per week)
relay test kits
3.Infrared thermal image camera Power Systems Lab (IV
th year- VIII th sem)
(3hrs per week)

12 Electronics Design Lab -- Electronics Design Lab Pappana. Purna Lab Attendant DECE
(IV th year –VII th sem) Aditya
(R18- Reg)
(3hrs per week)
13 IOT Lab 1.Arduino with cable Both for Regular Lab& Pappana. Purna Lab Attendant DECE
2.Raspberry pi-3 with cable Project Work Aditya
3.4 Channel Relay Module
Bluetooth Module

4.Bipolar Stepper motor for DIY


5.0.96 inch OLED Display

6.Raspberry Pi 3

Additional facilities created for improving the quality of learning

6.1.1. Teaching aids– chalk/white-board, multimedia projectors, etc.
1 Chalk board 1-No in each class room
2 Multimedia projectors 10 Nos
3 Xerox machine 1 Nos
4 printers 3 Nos
5 Head sets 5 Nos
6 Web cams 5 Nos
7 Pen tablets 2 Nos
8 Learning resources (NPTEL, CD’s) One for each course
6.1.2. Acoustics, classroom, conditions of chairs/benches, air circulation, lighting exits, ambience, and
such other amenities/facilities
Class Room Number
All the doors and windows in the rooms are wide to
H-4 In Good Condition
receive daylight and aeration.
All the doors are sufficiently wide and available
DH-5 in adequate numbers, to evacuate people
DH-6 inside in case of emergency
H-21A The buildings are designed by professional architects,
H-24 who give utmost care in providing academic ambience in
Lecture Theatre the department.
/Seminar Hall
The sample snapshots of the class rooms are as shown in the following figures

6.1.3.Availability of individual faculty rooms.
Room Description Usage Shared/ Capacity Rooms Equipped with
Hall No. Size (Sq No of Exclusive
m) Rooms
Ground Floor 16.722 1 Faculty Rooms Shared 2 Fans, lights, Laptops
(Cabins) & PC with internet, Book Rack

Ground Floor 11.148 1 Shared 3 Fans, lights, Laptops

Faculty Rooms
(Cabins) &PC with internet, Book Rack

Ground Floor 13.378 2 Shared 6 Fans, lights, Laptops

Faculty Rooms
(Cabins) &PC with internet, Book Rack

Ground Floor 5.016 1 Faculty Rooms Shared 2 Fans, lights, Laptops

(Cabins) &PC with internet, Book Rack

I Floor 11.148 1 Faculty Rooms Shared 3 Fans, lights, Laptops

(Cabins) &PC with internet, Book Rack

I Floor 13.378 2 Faculty Rooms Shared 6 Fans, lights, Laptops

(Cabins) &PC with internet, Book Rack
I Floor 5.016 1 Shared 2 Fans, lights, Laptops
Faculty Rooms
&PC with internet, Book Rack
7.432 2 Lab (Cabins) Shared 4 Fans, lights, Laptops
Ground Floor
& PC with internet, Book Rack

6.1.4. Additional facilities created for the students:

Additional Reasons for creating Areas in which students are

S No Details Utilization expected to utilize
facilities facilities

1. Tutorial Classes Conducted for To improve problem solving Subjects opted by students
As needed
analytical courses skills for the students

2. Program Specific
Department Library text books and reference To provide additional As needed
support for Students
books, previous year Courses specified in Curriculum
question paper, Career
3. IEEE Xplore Books, Technical books,
Digital Library Courses specified in Curriculum
Journals, previous yearAs needed(IP Based
question paper, power pointaccess to students
inside the campus)
presentations,Video lectures,
Access to ASME

4. IP cameras To enhance the security of 12 Nos Security purpose

Surveillance the department

5. Television Smart LED TV To display the current events1 No Display the current activities and
and achievements of the achievements

6. Lift 6 passengers, For differently abled For regular usage To ensure that the differently
480 Kg abled students access the campus
hassle free.

7. Separate wash rooms in For student convenience For regular usage For maintaining hygiene in the
Wash rooms each floor for both boys department.
/girls and for staff
6.2 Laboratories maintenance and overall ambiance (10)------(08)
Electrical Machines Lab:
 Electrical Machines, Meters (voltmeter, Ammeter) are calibrated for every month by technicians.
 Total investment details, Major equipment and cost details are displayed.
 Chart boards for some of the experiments are displayed.
 List of experiment were displayed in the laboratory.
 Wirings are checked at regular intervals in order to avoid voltage fluctuations. Relays are serviced once in a year.
 Ageing of the machines are reduced by routine inspections.
 Cleaning of machines is carried out customarily.

Power system Simulation Lab:

 Computers and kits for experiments are serviced in order to avoid malware and other factors.
 LANs, WLANs are checked by networking team to have better performance
 Total investment details, Major equipment and cost details are displayed.
 Chart boards for some of the experiments are displayed.
 List of experiment were displayed in the laboratory
 Separate Login Registers are maintained for faculties and students. Air Conditioners are serviced habitually.
 Cleaning the Monitors and Laboratory regularly.
Power Electronics Lab:
 Trainer ICs and kits are serviced in Regular intervals.
 Soldering and Wirings are checked at regular intervals in order to avoid voltage fluctuations. Students’ projects and innovative works are set aside in Lab.
 Total investment details, Major equipment and cost details are displayed.
 Chart boards for some of the experiments are displayed.
 List of experiment were displayed in the laboratory
 Cleaning of the kits and workbenches are done oftentimes.
Control systems Lab:
 Controller kits are serviced regularly by qualified technicians. Instruments are calibrated at regular Intervals.
 Total investment details, Major equipment and cost details are displayed.
 Chart boards for some of the experiments are displayed.
 List of experiment were displayed in the laboratory
 Inspection of primary measuring elements like Sensors and Detectors are done periodically.
 Cleaning of the Kits and workbenches are done often times.
Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab:

 Semiconductor devices are checked and separated based on the working conditions. CRO, Amplifiers and other kits are maintained regularly.
 Soldering and Wirings are checked at regular intervals in order to avoid voltage fluctuations.
 Total investment details, Major equipment and cost details are displayed.
 Chart boards for some of the experiments are displayed.
 List of experiment were displayed in the laboratory
 Cleaning process is done at periodic intervals.
Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab:
Microprocessors and Microcontroller trainer kits are serviced at regular intervals. Peripheral Interfacing Devices are maintained periodically.

Maintenance of work benches and components are done at often times.

Total investment details, Major equipment and cost details are displayed.
Chart boards for some of the experiments are displayed.
List of experiment were displayed in the laboratory
Consumable/Non consumable Stock Registers, Breakdown Maintenance Register, Lab In charge files, Purchase orders, Bills, Quotations, Data sheets,
Lab Manuals and Project Reports are maintained regularly.

Overall Ambience:
1.The department enjoys the privilege of having spacious and well-equipped lab providing knowledge to students in the view of Industrial

2.The overall ambience is good enough for the students to excel in their practical applications. 3.The well-resourced laboratory in our
department motivates the students to be more innovative.
3.All laboratories are updated with sophisticated and modernized equipment’s to satisfy the curricular requirements.

4.All laboratories are well furnished with work benches and good ventilating facility. Modern Laboratories enable students and
researchers to keep abreast of emerging trends and applications.
5.The overall ambience of the laboratories is good enough to support R&D activities.
6..The Laboratory setup is well secured to students.
The sample snapshots of the laboratories

Table 6.2 Maintenance schedule of the laboratory
Sl. Task Performed By Jan Feb Mar AprMay JuneJuly Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
No Daily/Week
/ Monthly/
1 Lab cleaning Daily House keeping            
2 Multimeter checking Monthly Lab Technician            
3 Monthly Lab Technician            
MC &MI Voltmeters ,Ammeters &Helper
&Wattmeter’s ,wattmeter's testing
4 PE Experiment kit testing Half yearly Lab Technician  
5 Consumable purchasing Half yearly Department store  
6 Equipment purchasing (if any) Yearly Lab In-charge  
7 Fault Equipment servicing (if any) Half yearly Lab In charge/Lab  
8 Stock Verification Yearly Lab In-charge 
9 Scrap items issue (if any) Yearly Lab In-charge & Lab 

Overall ambience in all the labs are with good lighting facilities and air
6.3. Safety measures in laboratories (10)------(08)

Name of the Laboratory Safety Measures

Electrical Machines-1 Laboratory 1. Good housekeeping, using the right tools for the right jobs.
Electrical Machines-2 Laboratory 2. Insulation (rubber) pads on the floor.
Control Systems Laboratory
3. Fire extinguisher.
Power Electronics Laboratory
4. Avoiding hazards with fire extinguishers and safety alarms.
Power Systems Laboratory
5. Wearing proper footwear with skid resistance
Micro Processors and Micro Controllers Lab
Electronic Devices Lab 6. Keeping the lab area clean.

Computer Lab 7. Avoiding bulky, loose or trailing clothes and long loose hair.
Electrical Measurements Lab 8. Remove metal bracelets or watchstraps and also Aprons for
the students.
Basic Electrical Engineering Lab
Research and Advanced Power Systems Lab 9. First aid kits.

Electronics Design Lab 10. Emergency power off.

IOT Lab 11. Separate Earthing for Lab.

12. Emergency Exit.

6.4. Project laboratory (20) (Mention facilities & Utilization)

The students are given access to carry out their academic and research projects in the available
Table 6.4: Project Laboratories
S.L Name of the Facility Name of the Faculty
Software Purpose Qualification
No In charge

Machine Laboratory Electrical Machines UG and
Research B.E, M.Tech

Microcontroller Laboratory Proteus UG and B.E, M.Tech
, Keil Research

Simulation Laboratory MiPower, Pspice UG and B.E,
Mat Lab Research M.Tech
NO Criteria-6 Actual Estimated Write up
allocated marks
6.1 Adequate and well equipped laboratories, and 40 YES
technical manpower 36

6.2 Laboratories maintenance and overall ambiance 10 08 YES

6.3 Safety measures in laboratories 10 08 YES

6.4. Project laboratory 20 0

80 52 65%
Thank you

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