Size and Mass in The Universe
Size and Mass in The Universe
Size and Mass in The Universe
the Universe
Mass Kilograms
Distance Meters
Time Seconds
Diameter Mass
7 1 Earth-Sun Distance
8 10 Saturn
9 100 Nearby Interstellar Space -
Pluto is at 37 AU
10 1,000 Interstellar Space
11 10,000 Interstellar Space
12 100,000 Interstellar Space - About
1/2 way to the nearest star!
13 1,000,000 Into the region of nearby stars
Size and Mass 12
Interstellar Space
Distances in Parsecs = 206265 AU
12 1 About the distance to the nearest star.
Typical of distances between individual stars 1 pc = 3(10^13)km.
Diameter of Sun = 1.4(10^6) km.
Mean separation of stars = 2(10^7) times their diameter.
13 10 Into nearby Interstellar space
14 100 Interstellar Space - Thickness of galactic
disk is of order 300 - 500 pc. Molecular
clouds (star forming regions) are also of
order 100 pc. Large star clusters are of
order this size.