Test Construction - Quipper
Test Construction - Quipper
Test Construction - Quipper
“13% of students who fail
in class are caused by
faulty test questions”
The Philadelphia Trumpet
August 2005
• It is estimated that 90% of
all test questions asked are of
“Low level” - knowledge and
(Wilen, 1992)
• “Low level” doesn’t mean easy:
• Write an essay explaining the decline and
fall of the Roman Empire incorporating at
least five of the seven causes discussed in
class from the writings of Gibbon and
• “High level” doesn’t mean hard:
• Which movie did you like more, WALL-E or
Cars? Why?
Part I Part II
Principles in Test Review of Part I
“The evaluation of pupils’
progress is a major aspect of
the teacher’s job.“
Evaluating Educational Outcomes
(Oriondo & Antonio)
Explain the message of the comic strip.
The Purpose of Testing
To provide a record for assigning
To provide a learning experience for
To motivate students to learn.
To serve as a guide for further study.
The Purpose of Testing
To assess how well students are
achieving the stated goals of the lesson.
To provide the instructor with an
opportunity to reinforce the stated
objectives and highlight what is
important for students to remember.
Characteristics of Good Tests
Validity – the extent to which the
test measures what it intends to
Reliability – the consistency with
which a test measures what it is
supposed to measure
Usability – the test can be
administered with ease, clarity
and uniformity
Other Things to Consider
Scorability – easy to score
Interpretability – test results can
be properly interpreted and is a
major basis in making sound
educational decisions
Economical – the test can be
reused without compromising the
validity and reliability
“To be able to prepare a good
test, one has to have a
mastery of the subject
matter, knowledge of the
pupils to be tested, skill in
verbal expression and the
use of the different test
Evaluating Educational Outcomes
(Oriondo & Antonio)
5 Most Commonly used
Test Format
1. Multiple Choice
2. True or False
3. Matching Type
4. Fill-in the blanks (Sentence Completion)
5. Essay
Source: Turn-out of Test Questions in SSI (2003-2007)
General Steps in Test Construction
– the unit learning objectives or
– the unit content or major
concepts to be covered by the