Biochemistry ATHERO
Biochemistry ATHERO
Biochemistry ATHERO
• Atherosclerosis is a disease of large and medium-sized
muscular arteries and is characterized by:
– endothelial dysfunction
– vascular inflammation
– the buildup of lipids, cholesterol, calcium, and cellular debris
within the intima of the vessel wall
• It leads to the narrowing of arteries or complete
• Its main components are endothelial disfunction, lipid
deposition, inflammatory reaction in the vascular wall.
• Remodeling of vessel wall.
• Intense cross-talk between EC, VSMC, plasma-derived
inflammatory cells, lymphocytes (involves array of
chemokines, cytokines, growth factors).
Normal Blood Vessel Wall
• The lumen of healthy arterial wall is lined by confluent
layer of endothelial cells.
• Arterial endothelium repels cells and inhibits blood clotting.
• Endothelium controls important function:
1. the ability of blood vessels to dilatate (vasodilatation)
2. the ability of blood vessels to constrict (vasoconstriction)
• Endothelium regulates tissue and organ blood flow,
releases variety substances to control vasomotor tone:
– prostacyclines
– hyperpolarizing factor
– endothelin
– NO
Normal Blood Vessel Wall
• In the case of intact endothelium, the stimulus for
vasodilatation are:
– mechanical stimulation by blood flow
– catecholamines, bradykinin, platelets-released serotonin
stimulate specific receptors
• In the case of endothelium disfunction:
– direct vasoconstrictor action of the stimuli on the VSMC
outweighs the endothelium-dependent vasodilatator effect
– this action leads to paradoxial vasoconstriction
? glucose
SOD catalase/peroxidase
O2 ·O 2
H2O2 H2O + ½ O2
Signal molecules
MAPK, PTK, PTP, Ca2+, MMPs, ino channels
Cell growth/apoptosis fibrosis contraction/dilatation inflammation remodeling
Interplay between NADPH oxidase and other sources of ROS
• O2•− generated from NADPH oxidase can potentially influence ROS production by
other enzymatic sources of O2•− . For example, xanthine dehydrogenase is
converted into O2•− -generating xanthine oxidase through oxidation, which may
result in augmentation of O2•− production. Similarly, mitochondria are susceptible to
oxidative damage which can result in enhanced mitochondrial ROS production.
Finally, O2•− or ONOO•− can degrade the essential NOS cofactor H4B and thereby
promote NOS uncoupling, which leads to O2•− generation by the enzyme.
Scheme of the domain structure of the NOS dimer, showing cofactor and substrate binding
• Resident monocytes
acquire characteristics of
tissue macrophages.
• Macrophages express
scavenger receptors for
oxidized LDL,
internalized lipoprotein
particles. Macrophages
change to foam cells
(lipid droplets are
accumulated within the
• Foam cells secrete pro-
inflammatory cytokines.
• This process amplify
local inflammation and
Fom the review article: Libby P.: Inflammation in atherosclerosis. Nature 420, 2002: 868-874
Inflammation in atherosclerosis (T-
T-lymphocytes enter the intima facilitated by VCAM-1 and trio chemokines- IP-10
(inducible protein-1), Mig (monokine induced by interferon-and I-TAC
(interferon-inducibleT-cells -chemoattractant). Trio chemokines bind to CXCR3
chemokine receptor expressed by T-cells in the atherogenic lesion.
Fom the review article: Libby P.: Inflammation in atherosclerosis. Nature 420, 2002: 868-874
The process of atherogenesis – an
The process of atherogenesis
• Lipid entry into the arterial wall is a key process in
• Hypercholesterolemia – factor for VCAM-1 and MCP-1
• LDL and VLDL are most atherogenic, enter vascular wall
more easily.
• LDL – in plasma are protected against oxidation by vit.
E, ubiquinon, plasma antioxidants (-carotene, vit. C).
• Out of plasma, LDL phospholipides and fatty acids
The process of atherogenesis
• Activated macrophages produce enzymes –
lipoxygenases, myeloperoxidase, NADPH oxidase.
• Oxidized LDL are cytotoxic to endothelial cells, mitogenic
for macrophages.
• Oxidized LDL apolipoprotein apoB100 bind to the
scavenger receptor.
• Scavenger receptors are not subjected to regulation by
intracellular cholesterol level.
• Macrophages take up oxidized LDL, overload with lipids.
The process of atherogenesis
• Macrophages changed to foam cells.
• Foam cells ruptured (apoptosis).
• Lipid release to intima and their accumulation becomes centre of
atherosclerotic plaques.
• Plaque growth – periodically accelerated by a cycle of plaque
rupture and thrombosis.
• The lipid center and fibrous cap
are the main parts of a mature
atherosclerotic plaque.
• Plaque emerges from the
structurally changed vascular
•Macrophages secrete enzymes
degrade extracellular matrix of
the cap
• So-called vulnerable plaque
ruptures easily.
•The thrombus formed at the
rupture site.
The process of atherogenesis
The process of atherogenesis
• IFN- induces macrophage MMP expression.
• IFN- inhibits VSMC proliferation and collagen synthesis which
further weakening the cap.
• VSMC undergo apoptosis.
• After plaque rupture the area is exposed its interior to the blood.
• The interior of the plaque is highly thrombogenic – the small-
molecular-weight glycoprotein (tissue factor) initiates the extrinsic
clotting cascade.
• Tissue factor complexes with factor VII/VIIa, factor IX and X are
• Platelets are activated and thrombus forms quickly on the surface of
a ruptured plaque.
• Thrombus completely occludes the arterial lumen. It cause tissue
necrosis (myocardial infarction or brain stroke).
Cardiovascular risk and its assesment
• Plasma concentration of lipoproteins (LDL-cholesterol,
HDL-cholesterol, and triacylglycerols) – 5.2 mmol/L
(200 mg/dL) increases the risk.
• Risk factor recognition and reduction can reduce the incidence and
severity of atherosclerosis-related disease.
Figure 1. Production of nitric oxide (NO) by endothelial cells.
NO is produced by the action of eNOS on L-arginine. This reaction requires a
number of cofactors, including tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) and NADPH). Increased
intercellular Ca in response to vasodilator agonists or shear stress displaces the
inhibitor caveolin from CaM, activating eNOS. NO diffuses to vascular smooth
muscle and causes relaxation by activating GC, thereby increasing
intracellular cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP).
Figure 2. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) signaling.
eNOS is composed of 2 globular protein modules (reductase
and oxygenase domains) connected via a flexible protein strand.