Development in Teacher Education in Pakistan

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Development of Teacher

Education in Pakistan
Development of Education In Pakistan


Learning Outcomes
This lesson will enable the Students to:
 Describe the Development of Teacher Education in
 Learn about in-service and pre-service training in
 Identify type of teacher training institutes in Pakistan
Teachers in
Need of
Teaching Primary

Teachers in Teachers in
Teachers in
Elementary Secondary
Schools Schools

Teacher Teacher
Education Education References
Institutes Programs
Teacher Education System in Pakistan
Historical Background
During the British period an increased awareness of the need for
improvement in education system was made through the development of
Teacher’s Training Institutions. The prevailing teaching methods were more
mechanical and theoretical, restricted to textbook learning. Since 1947
communication of various programmes of teachers training have been in
practice, such as:
J.V. (Junior Vernacular) S.V. (Senior Vernacular)
C.T. (Certificate in Teaching) O.T. (Oriental Teacher)
B.T. (Bachelor in Teaching)
Why Do We Need Teacher Education

Without trainings, teachers are faced with greater difficulties

which hinder them in designing curriculum, planning syllabi,
teaching courses, organizing classrooms and analyzing learners‟
specific needs. Measures of pedagogical knowledge are summed
up as follows:  
 1. Knowledge of learning
 2. Teaching methods
 3. Curriculum design
Teacher Education in Pakistan
 "Teacher" is the core to achieve quality education Pakistan
pursues. The teaching force in Pakistan is 1.35m working in
government schools. Total teacher training institutions for pre-
service training are 275. Teacher training resource centers in the
districts are 300.

 In Pakistan teachers at the elementary and secondary levels are

mostly trained under a prescribed curriculum. They are recruited
on the bases of Professional Qualifications. In the college
Education & Universities most of the lecturers are untrained
with only academic qualifications.
Teacher Education Institutions
• Along with government institutes, there are also private teacher
training centers that train teachers with some pedagogical skills
and provide them professional certificates.
• English language teaching reform programs have been initiated
by the HEC to train English language teachers around the
• However, the objectives behind it is to meet international
standards and improve English language pedagogy (National
Curriculum Document, 2002; National Education Policy, 2009).
Overview of Teacher Education Training Institutions
 University of Education, Punjab
 Directorate of Staff Development (DSD), Punjab
 Bureau of Curriculum and Extension Wing, Sindh
 Provincial Institute of Teacher Education (PITE), Sindh
 College of Education, Sindh
 Directorate of Curriculum and Teacher Education (DCTE), KPK
 Regional Institutes of Teacher Education (RITES), KPK
 Provincial Institute of Teacher Education (PITE), KPK
 Bureau of Curriculum, Balochistan
 Provincial institute of Teacher Education (PITE), Balochistan
National Professional Standards
 The policy and planning wing Ministry of Education
Government of Pakistan Islamabad in 2009 framed ten
Standards for teacher Education. Each Standard has three parts
 Knowledge & Understanding (What Teacher Knows)
 Dispositions (Behavior / attitude / value)
 Performance (Skills)
National Professional Standards
 Standard 1: Subject matter Knowledge
 Standard 2: Human growth & Development
 Standard 3: Knowledge of Islamic ethical values / Social life Skills
 Standard 4: Instructional planning & Strategies
 Standard 5: Assessment
 Standard 6: Learning environment
 Standard 7: Effective communication & Proficient use of Information and
Communication Technologies
 Standard 8: Collaboration & Partnerships
 Standard 9: Continuous Professional Development & Code of Conduct
 Standard 10: Teaching of English as a second language
The Accreditation of Teacher
Education Programs
 To accredit Teacher Education programmes of all the
Public and Private Universities who offer Teacher
Education programme, the Government in 2009 &
the Higher Education Commission has constituted the
National Accreditation Council for Teacher Education
(NACTE), which is an autonomous body. The
conceptual framework of the standards for
Accreditation of Teacher Education is the following
The Accreditation of Teacher Education
 Standard 1: Curriculum & Instruction.
 Standard 2: Assessment & Evaluation System.
 Standard 3: Physical Infrastructure / Academic Facilities &

learning resource
 Standard 4: Human Resources.
 Standard 5: Finance & Management.
 Standard 6: Research & Scholarship.
 Standard 7: Community Links & outreach.
Criticism on Standards of Teacher

A large body of research shows that these training programs are

not without any Criticism that they are:
 1. Knowledge-based not application-based
 2. Interest to pass exams for certification
 3. Memorization to qualify the examination
 4. No extra qualification for trainer
In-Service and Pre-Service Training
All over the Pakistan, different types of pre-service and in-service
training programmes are in operation. Teachers can get training from:
 Conventional Teacher Training Programme

 Field-based Teacher Training Programme

 Distance Teacher Training Programme
 Education Extension Centre Programmes

 Refresher Training Course (RTC)

 Primary Teacher Orientation Course (PTOC) of Allama Iqbal Open

 Learning Modules Training of the Primary and Non-Formal

Education (PNE)
Pre-Service Training
There are three major programmes for Primary Teacher Training. These
 The conventional programme;
 The field-based training programme; and
 The distance education programme.

Each programme pursues different goals and targets; and different kinds
of teacher recruits.
In-service Training Programmes
 Education Extension Centres/Directorate of Staff Development
 Refresher Training Course (RTC)
 Primary Teacher Orientation Course (PTOC) of Allama Iqbal
Open University
 Primary and Non Formal Education (PNE)
 From the above discussion it is evident that teacher in the process of
teaching and learning plays a central and unique role in shaping
student’s personality towards social and moral development. Teachers
as a man of character, an architect and reflects the souls of men.

 The sole purpose is that teacher is the epitome of all virtues. All his
characters filter down to the students, inspiring them in the
transformation of desirable values. The teachers may be newly qualified
or experienced but his professional commitment, pedagogical
competence excellent in his subject speak high about his performance in
the classroom situation.
 In Pakistan teachers at the elementary and secondary levels are
mostly trained under a prescribed curriculum and they are recruited
on the bases of those qualifications
 (Professional Qualifications) but in the college Education &
Universities most of the lecturers are untrained with only academic
qualifications. But now Higher Education academics have been
established to train the in-service teachers with certain modules and
competences courses of Higher Education Commission in Pakistan.
It is expected that now onwards the quality teachers will provide
quality education to students.
Thank You for Listening!

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