Presentation Vss
Presentation Vss
Presentation Vss
Muhammad Tayyab Najeeb 355-FBAS-BSIT/F18
Muhammad Shair Ali 360-FBAS-BSIT/F18
Shahid Siddique Khan 372-FBAS-BSIT/F18
Disadvantages of current scenario
• Technology was not designed keeping today in mind
• Massive scalability
• Virtualization
• Cloud computing
• Difficult to configure, add new features and debug(look at all devices)
What is Software-Defined
Networks (SDN)?
• (SDN) is an approach to networking that uses software-based controllers
or application programming interfaces (APIs) to communicate with
underlying hardware infrastructure and direct traffic on a network
• A single (logically centralized) control plane controls several forwarding
What is SDN cont.…...
• It is a framework to allow network administrators automatically and
dynamically manage and control a large number of network devices,
topology, traffic path and packet handling policies using high-level
languages and APIs.
• Management includes provisioning, operating, monitoring, optimizing,
and managing(fault, configuration, accounting, performance and security)
in a environment
Software defined network architecture
• A typical representation of SDN architecture comprises three layers: the application layer, the control layer
and the infrastructure layer. These layers communicate using northbound and southbound application
programming interfaces (APIs).
• SDN Application — Communicates network resources and network devices to the SDN controller through
the northbound interface (NBI).
• • SDN Controller — Translates the requirements from the SDN application layer to the SDN data paths. It
also provides the SDN applications with a central repository of network policies, a view of the networks and
network traffic.
• • SDN Datapath — Implements switches that move data packets on a network.
• • SDN API — Application program interfaces (APIs) provide both open and proprietary communication
between the SDN Controller and the routers of the network.
Software defined network architecture
Models of SDN
Open SDN: Network administrators use a protocol like OpenFlow to control the behavior of
virtual and physical switches at the data plane level.
SDN by APIs: Instead of using an open protocol, application programming interfaces control how
data moves through the network on each device.
SDN Overlay Model: Runs a virtual network on top of an existing hardware infrastructure,
creating dynamic tunnels to different on-premise and remote data centers. The virtual network
allocates bandwidth over a variety of channels and assigns devices to each channel, leaving the
physical network untouched.
• Hybrid SDN: This model combines software-defined networking with traditional networking
protocols in one environment to support different functions on a network. Standard networking
protocols continue to direct some traffic.
Software defined networking concepts
• Forwarding and control functions separated: By separating these functions it
is possible to control the forwarding side of the network to meet the changing
traffic flow requirements.
• Programmable: Not only is the network programmable, but the network control
can be directly programmed because the control is decoupled from the forwarding
• Central management: One of the key concepts of software defined networking
is that the network is controllable and software defined. This can only be achieved
if the management is achieved using a central management core.
• Programmatic configuration: software defined networking enables managers to configure,
manage, secure, and optimize network resources. This can be achieved very quickly using
automated programs which monitor the network performance and implement the changes
needed. In this way the data network can meet the ever changing demands placed upon it.
• Open standards usage: Data networks typically using network components from a variety
of vendors it is essential that all these elements can operate together. This can only be
achieved if common open standards are used. If open standards were not used, there would be
a host of different vendor specific interfaces that would not operate together. One of the key
open standards used within software defined networks is the Openflow standard.
Need for SDN-Virtualization
Use network resources withought worrying about
• Where it is physically located
• How much it is
• How it is organized etc
Need for SDN-Orchestration
• Should be able to control and manage thousands of devices with one
• Orchestration is the automated configuration, management, and
coordination of computer systems, applications, and services.
Orchestration helps IT to more easily manage complex tasks and
Need for SDN-Programmable
• Should be able to change behavior