Deity Worship Seminar

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Deity Worship Seminar

SB 2.3.22
bhaRiYaTae Tae NaYaNae Nara<aa&
il/(r)aiNa ivZ<aaeNaR iNarq+aTaae Yae )
PaadaE Na*<aa& TaaE d]uMaJaNMa>aaJaaE
+ae}aai<a NaaNauv]JaTaae hreYaaŒ ))

The eyes which do not look at the symbolic

representations of the Personality of Godhead
Viñëu[His forms, name, quality, etc.] are like those
printed on the plumes of the peacock, and the legs
which do not move to the holy places [where the Lord is
remembered] are considered to be like tree trunks.
Especially for the householder devotees, the path of Deity
worship is strongly recommended. As far as possible, every
householder, by the direction of the spiritual master, must
install the Deity of Viñëu, forms like Rädhä-Kåñëa,
Lakñmé-Näräyaëa or Sétä-Räma especially, or any other
form of the Lord, like Nåsiàha, Varäha, Gaura-Nitäi,
Matsya, Kürma, çälagräma-çilä and many other forms of
Viñëu, like Trivikrama, Keçava, Acyuta, Väsudeva,
Näräyaëa and Dämodara, as recommended in the Vaiñëava-
tantras or Puräëas, and one's family should worship strictly
following the directions and regulations of arcana-vidhi.
Any member of the family who is above twelve years of
age should be initiated by a bona fide spiritual master, and
all the members of the household should be engaged in the
daily service of the Lord, beginning from morning (4 a.m.)
till night (10 p.m.) by performing maìgala-ärätrika,
niraïjana, arcana, püjä, kértana, çåìgära, bhoga-vaikäli,
sandhyä-ärätrika, päöha, bhoga (at night), çayana-ärätrika,
etc. Engagement in such worship of the Deity, under the
direction of a bona fide spiritual master, will greatly help
the householders to purify their very existence and make
rapid progress in spiritual knowledge. (SB 2.3.22 PPT)
I understand that some of our householder devotees are
ordering for Deities in India. But here is the point. The
point is that they "worship strictly, following the
direction and regulation of arcanä-vidhi." Don't make a
play. If you follow strictly the Deity worship method,
then you establish; otherwise, don't establish. It will be
offense. One who is able to manage... Just like we are
showing the example, how to worship Deity in the
temple. In the same way, if one can... The idea is, as here,
our devotees are engaged in the worship of the Deity,
similarly, a householder, when all the family members
are trained up how to worship the Deity, then they can
establish. Not that make a farce. Cleanliness, and the
rules and regulation, that must be.
- Çrémad-Bhägavatam 2.3.1, Los Angeles, May 19, 1972
Letter to: Himavati — Hawaii , 18 March, 1969

My Dear Himavati,
Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for
your letter dated February 21, 1969, along with the Deity
dress. It has come to me late on account of changing
places so quickly and the statement given by you in the
matter of worshiping the Deity is super excellent. Please
continue this system and Krishna will bestow upon you
all blessings. If one attains perfection in Deity worship,
that is called Arcana Siddhi. Arcana Siddhi means
simply by Deity worship one goes back to Godhead,
immediately after this life. So this Arcana Siddhi
program is given in the Narada Pancaratra especially for
the householders.
Householders cannot undergo strict disciplinary activities of
austerity, therefore for every householder the path of Arcana
Siddhi is very much recommended. According to Vedic
system, all householders are ordered to keep Deity at home
and follow strictly the worshipment process. That makes the
home pure, body pure, mind pure, and quickly promotes one
to the pure platform of spiritual life. The temple is also
specially meant for the householders. In India, in every town,
in every village, in every neighborhood, still there are Visnu
temples for the convenience of the surrounding householders.
So I am pleased that you are ideal householder. And you are
doing very nicely combined together husband and wife.
Please do it as you are doing and gradually Krishna will give
you all facility.
Regarding Vedanta Sutra tapes, please ask Hamsaduta to
send me the copies of transcription so that I can make
another tape. If I read the copy then it gives me impetus to
write further.
I am enclosing herewith one copy of letter from one German
gentleman. I could not read it. So will you send me the
English translation of this letter. And if possible you can
write to him that this letter has been received very late by
Swamiji Maharaja, so you acknowledge receipt of the letter
immediately. In the meantime, on receipt of the translation, I
shall reply.
Hope you are well,
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
What are the benefits of
Deity Worship
 Purification from material
 Transforming places into Holy Places
 To overcome non-devotional tendencies
 To steady the unsteady mind
 Engagement for all senses
 Detachment
5 most important limbs of
devotional service
 Abhigaman –
 Upadan –

 Yoga

 Ijya –

 Svadhyaya –
Six (shaddha) Shuddhi
 Sthana Shuddhi
 Dravya Shuddhu

 Atma Shuddhi –

 Chitta Shuddhi –

 Mantra Shuddhi –

 Murti Shuddhi –

 Jagannath – dry cloth

Vaisnava Achaman
• Procedure -
• Place - Clean
• Water – Clean, fresh without bubbles
• Prepare achaman water – om astraya phat
• Mudra -
• Mantra –
– om keshavaya namah
– om narayanaya namah
– om madhavaya namah
• Wash your hands, legs, face before any
Waking up the deities
• Offer obeisances to spiritual master and acarya,
take permission and blessing (dandavat)
• Ring bell with left hand, enter blissfully in
altar, right foot first
• Touch lotus feet of spiritual master and deity
and chant mantra, chant jai dhvani
• Offer paraphernalia
• Cleaning
• Darshan
Bhoga offering
 Perform acaman, clean altar, wash hand
 Prepare bhoga plate, place in front of
the deities
 Prokshan (Hare Krishna)
 Put Tulasi on the bhoga
 Chant mantra
 Request Lord to accept
Required paraphernalia
Why perform arati
Mood behind offering each upacara
How to purify each upacara
Upachara Upacare Lotus Lotus Lotus Whole
feet navel face Body
1 Incense Esa dhupa - - - 7
2 Lamps Esa dipa 4 2 3 7
3 Arghya Idam - - 3 7
4 Cloth Idam - - - 7
5 Flowers Etani - - - 7
6 Camara Esa - - - According
camara to time
7 Peacock Esa - - - According
Fan vyajana to time
 Take bath or become fresh
 Offer obeisances
 Remove the paraphernalia from the deities
 Clean the altar
 Change water
 Chant mantra
 Close curtain/ put of light

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