Management: Organization Structure
Management: Organization Structure
Management: Organization Structure
Module 8:
Organization Structure
Study Question 1: What is organizing as a
management function?
Functional structures
People with similar skills and performing
similar tasks are grouped together into
formal work units.
Members work in their functional areas of
The authority is usually centralized in one
An organization with functional structure is
commonly described as a flat organization,
with everyone reporting to one senior
Figure 6.2 Functional structures in a business, branch bank,
and community hospital.
Study Question 2: What are the traditional types of
organization structures?
Potential disadvantages of
functional structures:
Functional Silos – Employees may
develop an extreme attachment to their
own group that impede coordination
within organization.
Study Question 2: What are the traditional types of
organization structures?
Divisional structures
Group together people who work on the
same product or process, serve similar
customers, and/or are located in the
same area or geographical region.
Study Question 2: What are the traditional types of
organization structures?
Improved coordination.
Clear points of responsibility.
Expertise focused on specific
customers, products, and regions.
Study Question 2: What are the traditional types of
organization structures?
Matrix structure
Combines functional and divisional structures
to gain advantages and minimize
disadvantages of each.
Used in:
Service industries
Professional fields
Non-profit sector
Multi-national corporations
Figure 6.4 Matrix structure in a small multi-project
business firm.
Study Question 2: What are the traditional types of
organization structures?
Team structures
Extensively use permanent and temporary teams
to solve problems, complete special projects, and
accomplish day-to-day tasks.
Often use cross-functional teams composed of
members from different functional departments.
Project teams are convened for a specific task or
project and disbanded once completed.
Study Question 3: What are the newer types of
organization structures?
Network structures
A central core that is linked through
networks of relationships with outside
contractors and suppliers of essential
Own only core components and use
strategic alliances or outsourcing to
provide other components.
Figure 6.5 A network structure for a Web-based
retail business.
Study Question 3: What are the newer types of
organization structures?
Supervisory relationships.
Communication channels.
Major subunits.
Levels of management.
Study Question 1: What is organizing as a
management function?
Informal structures
A “shadow” organization made up of the
unofficial, but often critical, working
relationships between organization members.
Potential advantages of informal structures:
Helping people accomplish their work.
Overcoming limits of formal structure.
Gaining access to interpersonal networks.
Informal learning.