Capital vs. Revenue Income/Expenditure
Capital vs. Revenue Income/Expenditure
Capital vs. Revenue Income/Expenditure
The process of determining profit or loss made
involves matching of revenue and expenses.
This requires understanding the nature of
different types of income and expenditure,
receipts and payments.
Differentiating capital and revenue expenditure
is important to get a true and fair view of profit /
loss and financial position of a company
Revenue Recognition
Capital Revenue
Expenditure Expenditure
Incurred to obtain Incurred in the ordinary Revenue exp the
long-term benefit course of business Benefit of which extends
for the business, e.g. Transactions, the benefit of Beyond the current
acquisition of assets, which gets exhausted in the Accounting year.
or results in increasing same year in which it is e.g. R & D expenses.
Earning capacity of Incurred. e.g. Mfg. Costs, Advertisement Exp for
the business. Goods Purchased for resale, Introducing new products.
Admin. Exp.
Distinction between capital and revenue
Capital Expenditure
Revenue expenditure
For acquisition of fixed Day to day operations of
assets business
Enhancing earning capacity Maintaining the earning
of business capacity of business
Non-recurring nature Recurring nature
Accounting treatment: Accounting treatment:
A small part charged to P/L
Entirely charged to P/L
a/c and balance shown in
the B/S as an asset.
a/c of the relevant year
Deferred revenue expenditure
It is actually a revenue expenditure, the
benefit of which extends beyond one
accounting period e.g. preliminary
expenditure,Heavy advt. expenditure,R&D
Deferred revenue expenditure is spread
over the productive life, i.e. every year a
specific amount is debited to P/L a/c and
the balance(to the extent not written off)
are shown on the asset side of the
balance sheet.
Classification of Receipts
Capital Revenue
Receipts Receipts