Yarn Technology and Qu Ality
Yarn Technology and Qu Ality
Yarn Technology and Qu Ality
By Zhang Shangyong ,Wang Xungai
► Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Yarn Technology
► Chapter 2 Yarn Evenness
► Chapter 3 Fibre Preparations for Spinning
► Chapter 4 Yarn Spinning Systems
► Chapter 5 Yarn Technology Extension
Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Yar
n Technology
Weight of yarn
Direct yarn count
Given length
Length of yarn
Indirect yarn count
Given weight
Because a textile yarn is usually a very
slender assembly of tiny fibres, it is
conceivable that the weight of a yarn in a
given length will be very small while the
length of a yarn in a given weight will be
quite large.
Consequently, the yarn count figures would
get either incredibly small (direct system)
or large (indirect system) unless special
units are used. Over the years, many
different units have been used in different
sectors of the textile industry. This topic
describes these different units and the
conversions involved.
At the end of this topic you should be able to:
By definition,
1 dtex = 0.9 denier
What is the conversion factor between worsted
count (Nw) and tex ?
According to definition, one worsted count (Nw) =
one 560 yard hank per pound, or
1 560 yard
1 Nw
1 R
In commercial transactions, the mass to
invoice is worked out on the basis of an
agreed conventional regain level, not on the
actual regain of the yarns (or other textiles)
being traded. This is very important.
Because, in the absence of an agreed
conventional regain level, smart sellers may
take advantage of the moisture absorption
property of their textiles and rip the buyers
off with large quantity of water in their
The conventional regain levels, to be used
for calculation of the legal commercial mass,
have been established by national or
international standards. These commercial
regain values are purely arbitrary values
arrived at for commercial purposes for
interested parties, and they often vary from
fibre to fibre and from country to country.
In Australia, the conventional regain rates for
some fibres are given in Table 1.2
Table 1.2: Conventional regain rate for selected fibres
S-Twist Z-Twist
It is worth noting that twist direction affects fabric
properties. For example , This figure 2.3 shows two
identical twill-weave fabrics with the warp yarn of
different twist direction.
S twist Twill direction Z twist
(A) (B)
(Short arrows i ndicate direction of light
reflected from the warp and weft yarns)
Fabric A will be more lustrous than fabric B,
because light reflected by fibres in the warp and
weft is in the same direction. Fabric A will be softer
while fabric B firmer, because in Fabric B, the
surface fibres on the warp and weft in the region of
contact are aligned in the same direction and they
may ‘get stuck’ inside each other and reduce the
mobility of the intersection. Whereas for fabric A,
the surface fibres on the warp and weft in the
region of contact are crossed over, and they can
move about easily. The freedom of movement at
the yarn intersections is the key for fabric softness.
Self-locking effect (自锁效应 )
Fig. 2.5: Effect of twist level on the strength of staple (spun) yarn
More twist gives greater radial component to any
applied tension, so increases resistance of fibres to
slip and the strength of yarn increases as a
consequence. This is depicted by the ‘coherence
curve’ (连续性曲线 ) in figure 2.5.
d1 d2
1 L
Figure 2.6 Two yarns of the same twist level, but different surface twist angles
Twist factor (Twist multiplier) (捻系数 )
This is a very important factor that relates to the angle
of twist helix the surface fibres have in a yarn. As we
will see later, this factor is very important for a spinner
because of the following reasons:
• Like surface twist angle, it governs the yarn
• It is used to work out the twist to use in spinning,
in order to maintain the same surface twist angle
and similar yarn characteristics when the yarn count
is changed. The twist worked out from twist factor
is also needed for setting up the spinning machine.
Relate twist factor to twist angle
Because it is much easier to measure twist level in turns
per metre than twist angle, we should relate twist level
to twist angle.From figure 2.6, we get,
tan =
Also from figure 2.6, the height (pitch) of one turn of
twist is L. Since the twist level is normally specified as
the number of turns per metre, the twist level in one
metre of the yarn would be:
twist =
tan = d x twist (1)
We also know from experience that yarn diameter
is also very hard to measure, because textile
yarns by their very nature are soft and squashy.
On the other hand, yarn count is normally used
as we have discussed in the first topic of this
module. But we can relate yarn diameter to yarn
count using the expression below:
4 Tex x 10-3
Solve ford: d =
Lo - L f
% contraction = x 100 %
1 - C
Fig. 1.1: A perfectly even fibre assembly with uniform fibres and ‘butted’ fibre ends
While the first condition may be achievable with manu
factured staple fibres, natural fibres such as cotton an
d wool always exhibit variations in thickness along fibr
e length.
__ __ __ __
( x1 x) 2 ( x 2 x) 2 ..... ( x n x) 2
i x
( x ) 2
n 1 n 1
The coefficient of variation:
CV __
100% (1.3)
percentage mean deviation (known as the U
% value in textiles)
| x i x|
U n __
100 %
The CV thus calculated will be the measured CV, or ef
fective CV. It is the actual CV of the yarn concerned.
The U% value is listed here for completeness. Increas
ingly, it is the CV or CV% value that gets used for this
purpose. For a fault-free yarn with random variations
in thickness or linear density, the following relationshi
p exists between the U value and the CV value.
CV 1.25 U (1.3b)
Modern instrument, such as the Uster
Evenness Tester, can measure the U and CV
values of a fibre assembly at a high speed.
More on evenness measurement will be
discussed later.
Coming back to the concept of limiting irreg
ularity, we have said before this is the mini
mum irregularity that must be expected fro
m even an ideal yarn with random fibre end
s distribution. The limiting irregularity is als
o expressed as a CV value, denoted as CVli
m here. Early works in this area have derive
d the following very important expressions f
or the limiting irregularity of various yarns
with random fibre ends distribution.
(1) Limiting irregularity of an ideal yarn
without fibre variability:
CVlim (1.4)
where n is the average number of
fibres in yarn cross section.
(2)Limiting irregularity for an ideal yarn wit
h fibre variability:
100 1 0.0001 CV A
CVlim (1.5)
The fibre variability of synthetic staples may be ignored
and we can simply use equation (1.4) to calculate the l
imiting irregularity of a assembly of synthetic staple fib
CVlim ( synthetic staple) (1.6a)
Because of the small fibre variability in cotton, we can
not simply use equation (1.4) to work out the limiting i
regularity. Instead, the following equation is used to ca
lculate the limiting irregularity of cotton fibre assemblie
CV lim (1.6b)
Worked example:
A cotton yarn of 25s English cotton count (Ne) consist
s of cotton with a micronaire value of 4.1( )g inch
What is the limiting irregularity of this cotton yarn?
4.1 g 4.110 6 g 10 6 g 10 6 g 10 6 g g
1.61 1.61 2 1.61 5 0.161 0.161tex
inch 2.54 cm cm 10 m 10 1000 m 1000 m
Tb Pp 30 55
Tp 16.5 (tex )
100 100
Using equation (1.6), the average number of fi
bres in the polyester component (np) can be w
orked out as:
16.5 tex 165 dtex
np 66
2.5 dtex 2.5 dtex
Carded Combed Drawn slivers Roving Yarn
sliver sliver 1st & 2nd
CV I CV (1.13)
where: CVI = CV of all n slivers
n at the input to the dr
= Mean value of the CV values of all the
single slivers
___ CV1 CV2 .... CVn
n = number of doubled
n slivers.
Therefore, doubling always reduces the overall irregularity. T
his is not difficult to comprehend if you consider the large in
crease in the number of fibres in the cross section of the doub
led material. The doubled material is then subject to drafting,
which reduces its thickness. As long as the drawframe is func
tioning properly, and the output sliver is thicker than, or as th
ink as, the average thickness of the input slivers, the CV of th
e output sliver will be lower than the average CV of the input
slivers. This explains the decrease in measured CV from card
ing to drawing in Figure 1.2.
► Addition of irregularity
Solution :
The above problem can be graphically represented as:
Sliver 1
CVadd = ?
CVout = 3%
Sliver 8
CVave = 4%
First of all, we need to know the CV of the input materi
al (CVin). According to the law of doubling (equation 1.
13), this can be easily calculated:
1.4 (%)
n 8
3.In his classical book "Studies of quality in co
tton", published by Macmillan and Co., Limit
ed in 1928, W. Lawrence Balls described suc
h a paradox - the weaker the fibre, the stro
nger the yarn! Please explain this paradox,
using the information provided in this topic
Measurement and benchmarking
of yarn evenness( 纱线均匀度 )
Up till now we have used the term effective CV, actual
or measured CV of yarns. But how do we measure the
CV of a yarn or a fibre assembly and what do we do
with the measured results?
Singleoverall results
► Single overall results
Ratch setting
Eccentric front
bottom roller
Drafted material
Speed varies
with radius
Wave le ngth
(Roller circumference)
Eccentric back
bottom roller
Drafted material
Wave leng th
(Roller circumference x dra ft)
Because of roller eccentricity, the surface speed (v) o
f the eccentric roller varies as the radius of rotation
(r) varies (n, where n is the roller rpm). If the front b
ottom roller is eccentric, a larger radius of rotation
(R) will lead to higher roller surface speed, which mea
ns increased drafting, resulting in over draft or a thin
section in the drafted material. The opposite happens
with the smaller radius of rotation, and this cycle repe
ats for every complete revolution of the eccentric roll
er. As a result the wave length of the periodic variatio
n is exactly the same as the circumference of the offe
nding roller.
On the other hand, if the back bottom roller is eccentri
c and front rollers are fine, then at the larger radius of
rotation R), the back roller surface speed will be faster,
leading to a reduction in draft and hence a thicker sec
tion in the drafted material. The opposite is the case at
the smaller radius of rotation (r). Not only that, the per
iodic mass variation caused by the back eccentric roller
will be lengthened by a factor of the draft used. In oth
er words, the wave length of the periodic mass variatio
n caused by a back eccentric roller will be equal to the
roller circumference multiplied by a factor of draft, as i
ndicated in Figure 2.7.
Periodic mass variations in a yarn often res
ult in unwanted patterning in fabrics made
from such yarns. They also lead to increase
d ends down during spinning and subseque
nt processing. It is essential in yarn manufa
cture to prevent the occurrence of such ma
ss variations in slivers, rovings or yarns.
Furthermore, the presence of periodic or pra
ctically periodic mass variations in a fibre as
sembly does not necessarily result in signific
ant increases in the CV% value or in the ind
ex of irregularity.
So the CV% value or index of irregularity wi
ll not indicate the presence of those mass v
ariations. But how do we know if a fibre ass
embly has a drafting wave or periodic mass
variation then? This question leads us back t
o discussion on spectrograms.
Hypothetically, if a yarn has mass variations th
at resemble a sinusoidal wave as shown in Figu
re 2.8(a), then a mathematical (Fourier) transfo
rmation of such a mass variation signal will rev
eal the frequency (f) of such variation as a shar
p peak shown in Figure 2.8(b). For a signal that
is not as simple as just a sinusoidal wave, it has
been proven mathematically that it can be cons
tructed by superimposing a series of sinusoidal
waves of varying frequencies.
Therefore, if the original mass variation in the
yarn is of a more complex shape as shown in
Figure 2.8(c), then the same mathematical tr
ansformation will reveal the frequency of eac
h of its sinusoidal components as shown Figu
re 2.8(d). The different amplitude reflects th
e different ‘share’ of the respective compone
nt in the original signal.
Amplitude Amplitude
(a) (b)
Time f
Time f1 f2 f3 Frequency
Index of irregularity
Uster Statistics
Yarnspec (for worsted yarn only)
► Index of irregularity
Table 2.1 shows a classification of worsted yarns base
d on the index of irregularity of the yarn.
Table 2.1: Classification of worsted yarns based on th
e index of irregularity
Explain how drafting under each condition will affect the evenn
ess of the drafted sliver, and sketch and label the spectrogram
for each drafting condition.
2.A 50 tex worsted yarn of 100% wool is measured for its evenne
ss on the Uster evenness tester. If the CV of this yarn is 15%,
how good is this yarn in relation to world production of similar
Fibre preparation for
Short Staple Processing
Short staple fibres( 短纤维 ) refer to fibres less than 2 i
nches in length. Cotton is a typical example of short sta
ple fibre. The short staple system( 短纤维纺纱系统 ) is
used to process cotton mainly, cotton/polyester( 涤纶 )
blends are the next most commonly processed fibres o
n the short staple system. Other fibres, such as viscose
( 粘胶 ), are also processed occasionally using the syste
m. Short staple yarns make up the bulk of international
yarn market.
Ginning Cotton seed - Agricultural
by product
The process flow ch Baling, HVI Classing
Blow-room processes
yarn is shown in Fig (blend, open & clean)
ure Carding
1.1. Drawing
Lap forming
Drawing (x 2)
Ring spinning
Fibre opening/individualising
Fibre cleaning
Fibre mixing
Fibre aligning
Sliver forming
Understanding how a card achieves these objectives r
equires knowledge of its operating principle. Figure 1.
9 shows a diagram of a modern high performance fla
t-top card.
Fibres from the blow-room are supplied pneumaticall
y via pipe ducting (1) to the feed chute (2) of the card
. An evenly compressed fibre batt of about 500 – 900
ktex (g/m) is formed in the chute. A transport roller
(3) forwards fibres from this matt to the card’s feed de
vice (4), consisting of a feed roller and a feed plate. T
he licker-in or taker-in (5), covered with strong metal t
eeth, snatches fibres from the feed device, dislodges h
eavy impurities via the gaps of grid segments (6), and
carries the fibres to the main cylinder (8). The suction
ducts (7) carry away the dislodged impurities. The saw
tooth elements (or clothing elements) on the main cyli
nder (8), which has a higher surface speed than the ta
ker-in, strip the fibres off the taker-in (5) and carry th
em to the main carding zone between the cylinder (8)
and the flats (10) (hence the name ‘flat-top’ card).
The flats comprise some 80 – 120 carding bars comb
ined into a band moving on an endless path. Whe
n in the carding zone, the teeth on the carding bar
s and that on the main cylinder act together to rep
eatedly tear apart fibres into individual ones, to re
move neps (highly entangled fibres) and some imp
urities. As the ‘action’ carding bars emerge from th
e carding zone, a cleaning unit (11) strips fibres, n
eps and impurities from the bars, and the bars the
n return for further action in the carding zone. Ob
viously, the main carding zone is where most of th
e card’s objectives are achieved. Extra carding bar
s (9, 12) are also used to increase the level of fibr
e opening in carding. The underside of the main c
ylinder is enclosed by grids or cover plates (13).
Fibres coming out of the main carding zone are indiv
idualised and aligned. They are carried by the teeth
on the main cylinder to meet the teeth on the doffer
(14), which has a slower surface speed than the cyli
nder. The doffer snatches some (not all) fibres from
the cylinder surface and combines the fibres into a
web because of its substantially lower surface speed
relative to the main cylinder. Fibres not snatched by
the doffer continue to travel with the main cylinder.
These fibres are called “recycling fibres”. The recycli
ng fibres will soon meet with “fresh fibres” from the
taker-in and together these fibres are worked on in t
he main carding zone.
This is how fibre mixing is achieved in cardin
g. In fact, carding is the only process where
intimate mixing can be achieved. A fibre ma
y go around the main cylinder many times a
nd get mixed with many fresh fibres before i
t is finally removed by the doffer. The strippi
ng device (15) then removes the fibre web f
rom the doffer. The web is brought together
as a sliver and compressed by a pair of cale
nder rolls (16). Finally, the coiler (18) deposi
ts the sliver into a sliver can (17).
The carding action of a flat-top card like this is quite i
ntensive, and may cause considerable fibre damage a
nd breakage, particularly for long fibres. For this reas
on, flat-top card is not used to card long fibres such a
s wool. Carding also creates some neps, or highly ent
angled fibres. While carding is supposed to align and
straighten individual fibres, most fibres in a carded sli
ver have hooked ends. The reason for this will be disc
ussed later.
► Card clothing
The tern 'card clothing' refers to the large number of
pins or teeth covering the surfaces of various rollers on
the card. There are three major types of card clothing -
flexible fillet wire, semi-rigid wire, and metallic
sawtooth wire, as shown in figure 1.10 .
carding angle
Fibre length
Number of neps
Fibre alignment
Sliver evenness
(1) Fibre length
As mentioned earlier, the intensive carding action ca
uses considerable fibre damage and breakage, leadi
ng to reduction in fibre length and increase in short f
ibre content. Changes in mean fibre length before a
nd after carding has also been used to estimate the l
evel of fibre breakage in carding, using the formula
Mean fibre length before carding main fibre length after carding
% Fibre breakage
ean fibre length after carding
(2) Number of neps
► Neps are highly entangled fibres. Usually a nep contain
s ten or more fibres. It is a very serious problem in the
textile industry.
► The ease with which a fibre forms part of a nep is relat
ed to its bending rigidity. Immature cotton and fine fibr
es bend easily. They are prone to nep formation during
carding. Many neps often persist into the final fabrics.
Neps contain many immature cotton fibres, which have
less cellulosic materials than mature fibres. During fabri
c dyeing, they do not take up as much dye as the rest
of the fabric, causing a serious fabric fault known as “w
hite specks”.
► Closer card settings between adjacent surfaces, sharpe
r teeth, and higher doffer speed (reducing “recycling fi
bres”) can be used to reduce the number of neps in car
(3) Fibre alignment
Ideally, fibres in a carded sliver should be straight and
parallel. This is not quite the case. In a typical card sliv
er, the fibre configuration may be:
Main cylinder
1 - a fibre app roaching the doffer 5
2 - fibre leading end picked up by doffer
3 - fibre trailing end combed forward by cyli nder
4 - trailing hook fibre formed on differ
5 - the trailing hook persists to carded sliver
Fig. 1.12: Formation of trailing hooks in carding
CVbefore doubling
CVafter doubling
Measuring Break draf t
unit draf t
(for speed
Autolevelling System
Trailing hook i n the drafti ng zone Leading hook in the drafti ng zone
(straightens out easily) (does not straighten out easily)
100 100
Percentage noil or Tear 1
(tear 1) percentage noil
Top comb
Detaching lap
Combed sliver
Cylinder comb
(Circ ular comb)
Yarn imperfections
Yarn evenness
Yarn strength
5% 10% 15% 20% noil
Figure 1.22 The effect of percentage noil on yarn quality attributes
In a normal combing process for cotton, a percentage
noil between 10 to 20% is expected. Combing with a n
oil percentage below 10% is often referred to as upgra
ding combing, while combing with a noil percentage ab
out 20% is known as super combing. Super combing is
only used when superfine combed yarns are to be prod
Sliver can
(carded or
combed sli ver) Roving
Dr bobbin
Flyer nf
Intermediate Gillings
(usually 3)
Finishing Gillings
(usually 2)
(2 to 5)
Spinni ng
Figure 2.1 A typical worsted processing sequence for wool
Before wool processing can start, we need to first of all
source the raw wool. Sourcing the right raw wool is vital
and requires a good understanding between the raw wo
ol, wool top, worsted yarn and fabric. Even though raw
wool is the starting point for wool processing, the decisi
on to source a certain type of raw wool is governed by t
he intended end use of the fibre. Fabric requirements go
vern yarn requirements; yarn requirements govern top r
equirements, which in turn govern the raw wool specific
ations. This relationship is represented in Figure 2.2.
Fabric Requirements
Yarn Requirements
Top Requirements
- Hauteur
- CV of Hauteur
- Barbe
- Romaine
Hauteur and Barbe are two different measures of the a
verage fibre length. Their calculations may be explaine
d with the simple case of two fibres indicated in figure
2.3. The average length of these two fibres may be dif
ferent, depending on how we calculate it.
A1 A2
L1 Fibre 1 L2
Fibre 2
Figure 2.3 A simplified example for calculating the mean fibre length
L1 L 2
Numerical mean fibre length : L N
A1 L1 A2 L 2
Cross sec tion biased mean fibre length ( Hauteur) : H
A1 A2
Weight biased mean fibre length ( Barbe) :
( A1 L1) L1 ( A2 L 2) L 2 A1 L12 A2 L 2 2
( A1 L1) ( A2 L 2) A1 L1 A2 L 2
where is fibre density.
917 19.2
D2 ,
D 21 ( micron )
Now that the average fibre diameter is decided, the
appropriate Hauteur (mean fibre length) of the top is
needed. For this purpose, we may check previous rec
ord as to the likely Hauteur value for a given fibre dia
meter (micron) processed on our machinery. In the a
bsence of previous record, experience values given in
Table 2.3 can be used as a starting point.
From this Table, a Hauteur value of at least 68 to 6
9 mm is necessary for the 21 micron wool. If our m
achinery is in good condition, the minimum Hauteur
can be used. Otherwise, higher Hauteur values sho
uld be used to ensure efficient spinning. For the cur
rent example, we can set the Hauteur value at 70
By now we know that to spin a 2/52 Nm weaving yarn,
the top specifications should have an average micron
value of 21, and a Hauteur value of 70 mm. The next
step is to translate these values into raw wool specific
ations. Again determining the micron of the raw wool
is the first necessary step. In a typical top-making pro
cess, it is normal that the average fibre diameter incre
ases by about 0.3 micron after top-making, the reaso
n for this is briefly discussed in the section on combin
g. Again an individual mill's past performance should
be looked at in terms of diameter increase (occasional
ly, fibre diameter increase can be up to 1 micron). Ke
eping this in mind, the average diameter of the raw w
ool should be finer than that of the top.
We can use 20.7 micron for this example. Now that th
e average micron for the raw wool is determined, we n
eed to know other raw wool characteristics, such as st
aple length, staple strength etc. This is where the TEA
M formulae play an important role. Using the TEAM for
mulae, we can play with different combinations of valu
es for the parameters in the TEAM prediction formula f
or Hauteur, such as different staple length, staple stre
ngth, mid breaks etc, to get the right Hauteur value (7
0 mm in this example).
One possible combination is:
Mean fibre diameter (D): 20.7 micron (already determined)
Mean staple length (L): 87 mm
Mean staple strength (S): 40 N/tex
Vegetable matter base (V): 1%
Percentage of mid breaks: 50%
Using the TEAM formula for Hauteur,
Grease is a mixture of higher fatty acids (CnHmCOOH,
or RCOOH) and alcohols. There is about 2 - 15% free f
atty acid in raw grease. At pH > 9, free fatty acid can
be saponified (turned into soap by decomposition with
alkali). The Saponifying (soap making) process is indic
ated below:
Na2CO3 + 2H2O ---> 2NaOH + H2CO3
NaOH + RCOOH ---> H2O + RCOONa (soap!)
In relation to scouring greasy wool, we are looking at a
wool/liquor/air system as shown in figure 2.7 below
Figure 2.7 Wetting the wool fibre with a drop of liquor - the wool/liquor/air system
T wg - T wl
T wl = T wg + T gl * cos(180 ), cos = .
T gl
In the presence of detergent (surfactant) in the liquor, b
oth Twl and Tgl will be reduced. According to the above
equations, cosф should increase (and ф should decreas
e) when Twl and Tgl reduce. A gradually reducing ф wo
uld mean the grease is rolling up as droplets. When ф b
ecomes zero, the grease ball would come off the wool fi
bre easily with the help of liquor flow. When the grease
droplets are detached from the wool, they are surround
ed by surfactant molecules. The hydrophobic tails of the
surfactant molecules will stick to the grease, while the h
ydrophilic heads will stay in the liquor. In addition, the li
ke-charged hydrophobic heads on the surfaces of the gr
ease droplets will be mutually repulsive. This keeps the
grease droplets separate and suspended in the liquor, w
ithout aggregating and re-depositing back onto the fibre
The grease removal process can also be described wit
hout using the force balance equations given above.
When the scouring liquor containing surfactant molec
ules comes in contact with grease particles on fibre su
rface, the water-hating tails of surfactant molecules w
ill compete for places in the grease, because they do
n’t like water molecules in the liquor. The competition
gets tougher and tougher as more and more surfacta
nt molecules try to stick their tails into the oil. They o
nly way of easing the tension of competition is to crea
te more surface of grease, and the only way of doing
this is by breaking the grease apart and lifting the gre
ase away from fibre surface gradually.
Once removed from the fibre surface, the grease will be s
urrounded by the surfactant molecules with the tails insi
de the grease. In the mean time, the fibre surface origin
ally occupied by the grease will now be occupied by the
surfactant molecules, again with their tails sticking to the
fibres and heads inside the liquor. The like-charged head
s on the fibre surface and on the grease surface repel ea
ch other so they try to stay away from each other, thus
preventing the grease from being re-deposited on the fib
re surface. Similarly, the grease particles broken apart b
y the surfactant will stay apart as well. Therefore, after s
couring, the scouring liquor becomes an emulsion of sus
pended oil or grease particles, which can be easily remo
ved by rinsing. For this reason, aqueous scouring is also
known as emulsion scouring or aqueous emulsion scouri
ng. In other words, surfactant helps to emulsify the oil o
r grease to facilitate its removal. Similar principle applies
to house-hold washing.
The processes of grease or oil removal with surfactant
are illustrated below in Figure 2.9.
Water only With surfactant
Greasy Scoured
wool in wool to
Bo wl 1 Bowl 2 Bowl 3 Bowl 4 Bowl 5 Bowl 6
(De suint) (Scou r) (Scou r) (Scour) (Rin se) (Rin se) Fresh water in
Grease Recovery
Effluent Treatment
Figure 2.10 A 6-bowl aqueous scouring process
The first de-suint bowl is used to remove water-soluble
contaminants such as suint (or sheep sweat) from the
wool. The next three bowls contain hot water, detergen
t and alkali for grease removal, while the remaining two
bowls contain clean water for rinsing. Fibres are propell
ed through each bowl and there is a pair of squeeze roll
ers between the adjacent bowls. Because of the scale st
ructure on the wool surface, excessive agitation of wool
during scouring will lead to felting of wool, which in tur
n will lead to increased fibre damage during the subseq
uent processes, carding process in particular.
Fresh water is introduced from the last bowl for rinsing
, and flows backward to the scouring bowls ('counter-c
urrent' flow). The water temperature in the three scouri
ng bowls is usually set at about 55 to 60OC, with the te
mperature in the rinsing bowls set at about 45 to 50 OC
2.Scouring bowls
Three types of scouring bowls used in the industry are
given in figure 2.11.
Lot 2
(20 bales)
Opening Scouring
Lot 3
(15 bales)
Lot 4
(10 bales)
lattice Oil/water
(wool from spray
Wool to
storage bin
via pneumatic
Figure 2.15 A simple opener for scoured and dried wool
A mixture of processing oil and water is sprayed on to
the wool, preferably at the delivery end just before the
wool enters the pneumatic transport ducts to the
storage bins. The wool is allowed to stand for a
minimum of 12 hours in the bins to allow oil and water
to spread evenly throughout the wool before carding.
Insufficient moisture in the wool will cause static
problems during carding, while too much oil will cause
wool lapping on the card rollers.
► Roller-top card
Unlike the flat-top card used for carding cotton fibres
(or other staples of similar length to cotton), a roller-
top card is used for carding wool fibres. A simple roller-
top card is shown in figure 2.16.
In the simple card depicted in figure 2.16, the broken
line represents the flow of fibres. The incoming fibres
are first picked up or 'licked in' by the teeth of the lick
erin or takerin.
Burr stripper
work er
Feed Doffer
rollers comb
beater Stripper
Main cylinder
Feed Breast Doffer
(Sw if t)
rollers cylinder comb
Morel roller
Transfer (usually 2)
If the actual fresh fibre density is significantly higher t
han the theoretical fresh fibre density, considerable fib
re breakage may arise during carding. On the other ha
nd, if the actual fresh fibre density is kept below its the
oretical value, increasing the card production rate will
have little effect on the quality of the carded sliver. It i
s worth reiterating that the only way to confirm card p
erformance is to check the fibre length characteristics
on the Almeter and calculate combing yield and noil fig
ures at each different setting.
(3)Roller settings
The clearance between adjacent roller surfaces and the
relative surface speeds are important settings that
affect carding quality. The clearances gradually
decreases from the feed to delivery end of the card as
the fibre materials become thinner. The card
manufacturer will advise on the best settings for the
particular type of fibre being processed by its card.
Incorrect settings may reduce the mean fibre length,
and increase the number of neps in the carded sliver.
Can Can
1st Gill
The card produces fibres with a majority of trailing hooks. Whe
n the card sliver is deposited into a can and then taken out to f
eed the 1st gill, there is a reversal of fibre ends, so that the fibr
es entering the 1st gill have a majority of leading hooks. Becaus
e gilling straightens trailing hooks only, the fibres will emerge f
rom the 1st gill still with the leading hooks. Now the 1st gilled sli
ver is stored in a can and taken out again for the 2nd gilling ope
ration. The reversal of fibre ends mean that fibre entering the
2nd gill have a majority of trailing hooks, most of which are strai
ghtened during this 2nd gilling. So after the 2nd gilling, most fibre
s are straight except for a few which may still have some trailin
g hooks. After a further can storage and removal from the can,
the sliver now enters the 3rd gill with a few fibres with leading h
ooks, which can not be straightened and will persist to the 3rd g
illed sliver. But when the 3rd gilling sliver is stored in a can and t
aken out for combing, any remaining hooks in the sliver would
be trailing, which is fine as far as worsted combing is concerne
d. Feeding a worsted comb with leading hooks is likely to incre
ase fibre breakage during combing, as will be discussed in the f
ollowing section.
From figure 2.19, you may think that the 3rd gill has don
e nothing to the fibres. This is not quite true. In gilling
as in cotton drawing, there is a doubling function as wel
l. Many slivers are fed to a gill together, and there is a
doubling and blending function by each gill, which impr
oves the evenness of the gilled sliver.
After the 3rd gilling, the slivers are ready for combing. C
ombing is discussed next.
Worsted Combing( 精梳 )
► Objectives
Combing is a critical step in worsted processing. Simil
ar to cotton combing, worsted combing achieves the o
bjectives of:
f A’
Noil Setting N
(a) Fibre b eard in the combi ng zone BD com bed by circular com b and about to be
presented to the detachingrollers. DE is the ‘dead zone’ in front of the nipper,
where pi ns on the comb cylinder can n ot reach
(b) Fibre b eard advanced a distance ‘ f ’ by the feed mec hanism F. Fibres with ends
inside detaching zone AB rem oved to combed sli ver, their tail ends combed by
the top comb C
Figure 2.22 Geometrical model of fibre selection in worsted combing
This model shows that for fibres not held by the nippers, the co
mbing action of the circular comb will remove them as noils. The
se are the relatively short fibres, i.e. fibres shorter than the noil
setting (N). Longer but poorly aligned fibres not gripped by the
nippers will also be removed as noil. After the initial combing by
the circular comb, the fibre beard is fed forward a short distance
represented by 'f' in figure 2.22. Combed fibres with leading end
s reaching the detaching zone A'B (AB after feeding) will be pull
ed through the top comb by the detaching rollers and they will e
nd up in the combed sliver. If a fibre has its trailing end just grip
ped by the nippers and its leading end just reaching the detachi
ng zone A'B, this fibre will end up in the combed sliver, even tho
ugh its length is relatively short (slightly longer than N - f). On t
he other hand, if a relatively long fibre of length N is not gripped
by the nippers, it will end up as noil regardless of the fact that it
s leading end is well inside the detaching zone A'B. Therefore, it
is inevitable that a few fibres in the noil are longer than some fib
res in the combed sliver. This will be more so if the fibres are no
t well aligned before combing. This also highlights the importanc
e of pre-comb gillings and the necessity to straighten fibres befo
re combing.
For any fibre that is shorter than (N - f), there is no w
ay that this fibre will be able to get gripped by the nip
per and in the same time having its leading end inside
the detaching zone A'B, so this fibre will always end u
p in the noil.
► Objectives
The objectives of top finishing are:
Overlapping points
Reverse drafting
randomises fibre
ends in the
combed sliver
Figure 1.1
Diagram of a ring spinning system (Mathews & Hardingham
1994, p.9)
It consists of a roller drafting unit (罗拉牵伸系统,罗
拉牵伸装置) , a ring (钢领) and traveller (钢丝
圈) assembly, and a bobbin (筒管,筒子)
mounted on a spindle 锭子 (driven by a tape). A yarn
guide 导纱钩 (pigtail guide) is also used to guide the
yarn. To start ring spinning, a seed yarn 接头纱,引头
纱 (on an empty bobbin) is threaded through the traveller
and the pigtail guide. It is then brought to the nip of the
front rollers where a thin strand 须条 of fibres emerges
As the bobbin/spindle rotates, the seed yarn is twisted
and the twist flows upwards to trap the thin strand of
fibres emerging from the front rollers. A continuous
twisted strand of fibres (i.e. the yarn) is thus formed.
The newly formed yarn is wound up onto the bobbin. To
avoid the newly formed yarn being wound onto just one
spot of the bobbin, the ring rail 钢领板 oscillates
upwards and downwards during spinning to build up the
yarn package along the bobbin length.
The three basic steps of ring spinning, i.e. drafting 牵伸 ,
twisting 加捻 , and winding-on 卷绕 , are discussed below.
► Drafting
The roving 粗纱 is drafted by a roller drafting unit on the ring
frame 环锭细纱机 . Figure 1.2a shows the typical drafting
arrangement. They comprise three fluted bottom rollers 沟槽
下罗拉 (a), against which are pressed three top rollers 上罗拉
,胶辊 (b) that carry the pivoted weighting arm 摆动加压臂
,摆动加压杆 (c). The top rollers are driven via frictional contacts
by the bottom rollers, to which the drive is applied. The three
pairs of rollers form two drafting zones 牵伸区 . The break
draft zone 后牵伸区,预牵伸区 formed between the back and
middle pairs of rollers has a small draft only, and there is little
fibre control in this zone.
Figure 1.3 Front top roller without overhang (a) and with overhang
► Twisting 加捻
The essence of staple spinning 短纤维纺纱 is
about twist insertion. In ring spinning, twist 捻度,
捻回 is inserted into the thin strand of fibres
emerging from the front roller nip to form the yarn.
During ring spinning, the spindle is positively driven
by a belt or tape at a constant speed. The traveller
钢丝圈 is dragged around the ring 钢领 by the yarn
being wound onto the bobbin. The rotation of the
traveller allows the yarn between the traveller and
the pigtail guide 猪尾形导纱钩即导纱钩 to rotate at
the same speed. The persistence of vision will give us
the impression of a yarn balloon 气圈 as the yarn
rotates at a high speed. It is the rotating balloon that
inserts the actual twist into the yarn.
As twist is generated in the yarn balloon, it travels past
the yarn guide towards the front roller nip. But the
twist can not quite reach the nip line 钳口线 of the
front rollers, because the fibres emerging from the nip
have to be diverted inwards to be twisted around each
other. So a small triangle of fibres, without any twist, is
formed between the front roller nip and the fibre
convergence point as shown in figure 1.3. This triangle
is called the spinning triangle or twist triangle 加捻
三角区 . It is also known as the yarn formation zone.
Because there is no twist in this zone, it is a weak point
and ends-down 断头 most often occurs in this region.
For this reason, a large triangle is not desirable. The
height of the spinning triangle is affected by the
spinning geometry and the twist level in the yarn.
Overhang of front top roller and high twist will reduce
the height, hence the level of ends-down in spinning.
Because of air drag 空气阻力 on the yarn balloon
and friction between the traveller and ring, the yarn
balloon and the traveller rotate at a slower speed than
the spindle. As we will see shortly, the balloon speed
keeps changing as spinning continues. Theoretically,
we should use the balloon speed to work out the twist
level in the yarn. But this is obviously difficult because
of the changing speed of the balloon.
In practice, the nominal twist level in the yarn is
calculated using the constant spindle rotational
speed rather than the balloon speed. The
discrepancy arising from this approximation is quite
Figure 1.5 Formation of trailing hairs in the spinning triangle (Wang et al 1999)
The hairiness is a desirable feature of staple spun
yarns. But too much of it can be a costly nuisance.
The latest compact spinning 紧密纺,聚集纺
technology, released at the 1999 international textile
machinery exhibition in Paris, eliminates the spinning
triangle all together by using a modified drafting
arrangement to compact the fibres before twist is
inserted. The compact spun yarns are very smooth
with few protruding fibre ends.
► Twist variation within yarn package
We mentioned in the previous section that as the yarn
package builds up, the traveller adjusts its rotational
speed automatically. This would suggest that within a
yarn package, the twist level would be different. This
is true. But the difference is only marginal as the
following examples demonstrates.
(1) Cop 管纱,纬管,纡子 dimensions as in the diag
ram below
(2) Front roll delivery speed is 15 m/min
(3) Spindle speed is 10,000 rpm
Since the linear wind-on speed = winding rpm x
circumference of the wind-on point = front roll
delivery speed, we have:
Winding rpm at A = = 191 revs
x 2.5 x 10 -2
Winding rpm at B = = 80 revs
x 6 x 10 -2
Ignoring the effect of up and down movement of
ring rail, we have:
Traveller speed at A = 10,000 - 191 = 9,809 rpm
Traveller speed at B = 10,000 - 80 = 9,920 rpm
Twist at A = = 654 twists/m,
Twist at B = 662 twists/m
The difference in twist is about 1% only. If the effect
of added potential twist due to unwinding the yarn
axially (at the next process) is taken into account,
then at the minimum diameter A, more twists will be
added and at the maximum diameter B less twists will
be added thus bringing the twist levels more or less
equal at both points. Therefore, the effect of traveller
speed change (and cop build-up) on yarn twist is very
Physics of ring spinning
T cos (T + dT ) cos ( d ) 0
T sin Tc (T dT ) sin ( d ) 0
d (T cos ) = 0
d (T sin ) = - m ds y
If we assume the balloon is slim, i.e. , and yarn
tension (T) is constant and equals To (the tension at
the pigtail guide), we get the following balloon
R m 2
y= sin( x)
m 2 TO (1.2)
sin( H)
R (1.3)
m 2
sin( H)
2 2 TO
= = (1.4)
m 2 m
A sine curve 正弦曲线 can contain one or more
points where the curve crosses the axis, and these
crossing points are called nodes 节点 as shown in
figure 1.7.
m2 R
Tw = (1.5)
cos + ( cos - sin tan )
Again, the detailed derivation need not concern us here,
and we should focus on the following implications of
this equation.
(1) Wind-on tension increases with the square of the
spindle speed (). Since wind-on tension is directly
related to spinning tension in the yarn above the pigtail
guide, increasing the spindle rotational speed will
drastically increase the yarn tension, which may lead to
increased ends-down. This limits the maximum spindle
speed in ring spinning. If spindle speed is reduced to
reduce yarn tension, the production rates will drop.
Points (2), (3) & (4) mean that there is a limit to how
much yarn can fit onto the yarn package enclosed by
the ring.
The package capacity 管纱卷装容量 is approximately
proportional to (ring diameter)2, so a large ring
diameter is desirable for increased package capacity.
But in practice, the ring diameter is restricted by
considerations of the yarn tension, the minimum angle
of lead previously discussed, as well as other factors
such as power consumption 功率消耗 , spindle rpm,
and traveller speed limitations (see relationships
Max. spindle speed
Ring diameter
Figure 2.4 Formation of a twist zone inside the rotor groove (Deussen1993,
We now know that the rotation of the peeling-off
point inside the rotor groove inserts twist into the
fibres to form a rotor spun yarn. The peeling-off point
rotates with the rotor at a very high rotational speed
(i.e. over 100,000 rpm). In addition, by continuously
withdrawing the newly formed yarn from the rotor at
the yarn delivery speed, the peeling-off point also
moves relative to and in the same direction as the
rotor, at the same speed as the yarn withdrawal or
delivery speed. In other words, the real speed of the
peeling-off point is actually slightly faster than the
rotor speed, by an amount equal to the yarn delivery
speed. But the additional twist from this will be very
small compared with the twist from the rotor rotation.
The following example will demonstrate this point.
Suppose a rotor yarn is produced at 150 m/min by a
rotor at 120,000 rpm, and the diameter of inner groove
of the rotor is 30 mm. We wish to find out the actual
twist put into the yarn by the peeling-off point inside the
rotor groove.
This rpm is about 1.3% of the rotor RPM, and the twist
put into the yarn from this additional source will be
about 1.3% of the twist due to rotor rotation.
This example shows that for practical purpose, the
twist in a rotor spun yarn can be calculated from the
rotor rpm and yarn delivery speed, using the
equation below.
Rotor rpm
Yarn twist (tpm)
Yarn delivery speed (m / min)
Figure 3.2 A tapered yarn end in the nip of the spinning drums
It can be envisaged that fibres deposited at the thin
end of the taper will end up in the interior of the
final yarn, while fibre deposited at the thin end will
stay on the surface.
Drum diameter
Twist (tpm) Drum rpm Twisting efficiency
Yarn diameter
Because of the very large ratio between the drum and
yarn diameters, the rotational speed of the drums need
not be high, provided adequate twist efficiency is
achieved. The twist efficiency is reduced due to the
slippage between the yarn in the nip and the drum
surfaces. It is possible to have a twist efficiency as low
as 40%. But even allowing for this, friction spinning is
still the most efficient way of inserting twist to fibres,
because twist is directly applied to yarn end.
Figure 4.1 Schematic diagram of the fasciated yarn spinning system (Hunter 1978, p.16).
The feed sliver is drafted by a roller drafting unit (now shown
in full). The drafted fibres are presented as a flat bundle to the
aspirator and then pass the air jet twister (torque jet). Because
the fibre strand is nipped between the delivery rollers (on the
right) and the front drafting rollers (on the left), only false
twist is inserted into the fibre strand by the air jet twister. At
the air jet twister, the main bundle of fibres are false twisted,
but some fibres at the edges of the fibre ribbon will escape the
twisting effect to some extent.
As soon as the fibres emerge from the air jet, the
main bundle of fibres will untwist to cancel out the
false twist in the bundle. Because of the increased
fibre contact with the main bundle, the edge fibres
will also 'untwist' with the main bundle, and the
amount of untwisting is greater than the initial
false twist these edge fibres received from the air
jet. As a result, the net result is that the edge
fibres will be given a real twist in the opposite
direction to that of the original false twist. This
difference in twist direction is also depicted in
figure 4.1.
An important feature of this process the high rate of
twist, leading to much higher rate of yarn delivery
than the ring and rotor spinning systems. Roving
stage is also eliminated because the jet spinning
systems can spin directly from slivers. Jet spun yarns
are usually weaker than comparable ring spun yarns.
Figure 5.13: An air jet textured yarn with good texturing effect
Figure 5.14 shows example photos of dry and wet textured yarns,
while figure
5.15 shows a series of high-speed still photograph of yarn being
textured under wet conditions.
Fig. 5.14: Photos of dry and wet textured yarns (Demir & Behery,
1997, p.276)
Figure 5.15: High-speed still photograph of yarn being textured under
wet conditions (Demir & Behery, 1997, p.249)
As can be seen from figure 5.13, air jet textured yarn
closely resembles a spun yarn, with the protruding
loops mimicking surface hairs of a spun yarn. For this
reason, air jet textured yarns have found applications
in a wide range of products, such as jackets, shirts,
blouses, suits, outwear, furnishing fabrics etc.
► Air nozzles
Many different air jet texturing nozzles have been
developed and the development is continuing.
Figure 5.16: Core-effect textured yarn production (Demir & Behery, 1997, p.214)
The loops of air-jet textured yarn can also be broken
after textured with a loop breaker as shown in figure
5.17. In this process, the air textured yarn wraps
around several rolls in succession so that protruding
loops of the incoming yarn are rubbed by the
outgoing yarn and thereby broken up. The resultant
yarn is called a Texspun yarn (变形纱) , because
the free fibre ends of this textured yarn give the yarn
a very spun-like appearance.
Figure 5.17: A Texspun process
►Intermingling/Interlacing (交络纱)