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2.3. Sự liên tục hàm số

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3 Continuity
Continuity at x=2 Discontinuity at x=2

 
lim g ( x)  g (2) lim t ( x)  t (2)
x2  x2 
After this lesson, you will know
• 3 conditions for continuity at a point
• 3 types of discontinuity and their graphical
• Properties of continuous functions
• How to test for continuity or discontinuity on
an interval
• How to apply continuity to locate roots of a
Continuous vs. discontinuous curves

Jump Hole

Pole Hole
1. Continuity of a function at a point
A function f is continuos at a point x  c if the following 3
conditions are satisfied:
1. f (c) is defined;
2. lim f ( x) exists;
x c

3.lim f ( x)  f (c).
x c

A function that is not continuous at c is said to have

discontinuity at that point.
Example: Testing continuity
Test the continuity of each of the following functions at x = 1
Continuity theorem 1
If f is a polynomial, a rational function, a power function, a
trigonometric function, or an inverse trigonometric function,
then f is continuous at any number x  c for which f (c) is defined.

lim f ( x)  f (c)
x c

DIRECT SUBSTITUTION valid when c is in the domain

2. Operations with continuous
functions (Continuity theorem 2)
If f and g are functions that are continuous at x  c, then the
following functions are also continuous at x  c
Summary: Check for continuity at a
• Polynomials, rational functions,
trigonometric and inverse trigonometric
functions are continuous in their domain
(continuity theorem 1).
• Sum, difference, product, quotient and
composite of continuous functions are
continuous on the common domain
(continuity theorem 2)
Example: find points of continuity
Find points at which f is continuous
f ( x)  x  2 
x 1
Example: Use continuity theorem
Classify the function, find the domain and use continuity
theorem to find points at which the function is continuous
 x  2 if x  2
1. f ( x)  x  2 x  1
6. f ( x)=  2
 x  1 if x  2
2. f ( x)  2 x  1 7.f ( x)  sin x  tan x
2x 1
3. f ( x)  8.f ( x)  cos 1 x
4. f ( x)  (2 x  1)3 9.f ( x)  tan 1 x
| x| 1
5. f ( x)  10.f ( x)  x  2 
x x 1
Continuity on an interval
A function f is continuos on an interval (open, half-open,
or closed) if it is continuous at all points in this interval.
One-sided continuity
One-sided continuity Meaning
lim f ( x)  f (a )
Continuous at a on [a,b) xa

lim f ( x)  f (b)
x b
Continuous at b on (a,b]

Continuous from the left at 1

(left-hand limit at 1)
Continuous from the right at 3
(right-hand limit at 3)
The funtion f continuous at a point x= c if and only if
lim f ( x)  lim f ( x)  f (c)
x c x c
Continuity of piecewise-defined
Find points at which f is discontinuous
| x|  x  2 if x  2
1. f ( x)  2. f ( x)=  2
x  x  1 if x  2
Composite limit rule
If lim g ( x)  L and f is a function continuos at L, then
x c

lim f  g ( x)   f ( L)
x c

That is

lim f  g ( x)   f lim g ( x) 
x c  x c 
Example: composite limit rule
Evaluate the following limit
 x2 1 
lim sin  
x 1
 x 1 
Intermediate value theorem (IVT)
If f is a continuous function on the closed interval [ a, b] and L is
some number such that L is between f (a) and f (b), then there
exists at least one number c on (a, b) such that f (c)  L.

Root location theorem
If f is continuous on the closed interval [ a, b] and if f ( a)  f (b)  0,
then f (c)  0 for at least one number c on the open interval ( a, b).
Example: The existence of solution
Show that cos x  x3  x has at least one solution on the interval
  
 4 , 2 
Application of IVT: modeling problem
Use the intermediate value theorem to explain
why the hands of a clock coincide at least once
between 1 p.m. and 1:15 p.m.
Continuity on an interval
Interval Meaning
Open Continuous at each number a<x<b
(a,b) a b
Half-open Continuous on (a,b) and continuous
[a,b) at a a b
Half-open Continuous on (a,b) and continuous
(a,b] at b a b
Closed Continuous on (a,b) and continuous
[a,b] from the right at a, b
a b
Ex.: Testing for continuity on an interval
Find the intervals on which the given function is continuous.
Ex.: Testing for continuity on an
Find the intervals on which the given function is continuous.
Ex.: Testing for continuity on an interval
Find the intervals on which the given function is continuous.
Ex.: Testing for continuity on an interval
Find the intervals on which the given function is continuous.
Ex.: Testing for continuity on an
Find the intervals on which the given function is continuous.
Ex.: Testing for continuity on an interval
Find the intervals on which the given function is continuous.
Summary: Testing for continuity on an
• Find suspicious points (points outside the
domain, boundary points for piecewise-
defined functions)
• Test for continuity at suspicious points (3
• Draw the conclusion
Determine whether or not the given functions
are continuous on the prescribed interval
1 1
a. f ( x)  on [1,2] b. f ( x)  on [0,1]
x x
 x2 if 0  x  2 15  x 2 if -3<x  0
c. f ( x)   d. g( x)  
3x  1 if 2  x  5 2 x if 0<x  1
cos x  1
e. f ( x)  x sin x on (1, ) f. f ( x)  on [- ,  ]
Find constants a and b so that the given function
will be continuous for all x
 ax  4
 if x  2
f ( x)   x  2
b if x  2

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