Computer Vision and Image Processing
Computer Vision and Image Processing
Computer Vision and Image Processing
What is digital image processing?
• is defined as the use of computerized algorithms for the
analysis of image with respect to an application.
• Deals with processing digital images by means of a digital
– It is a subfield of signals and systems but focus particularly
on images.
• Main focus: developing a computer system that is able to
perform processing on an image.
• The input of that system is a digital image and the system
process that image using efficient algorithms, and gives an
image as an output.
• Example: Adobe photoshop
How it works?
Signal processing
• Signal processing is a discipline in electrical engineering
and in mathematics that deals with analysis and
processing of analog and digital signals , and deals with
storing , filtering , and other operations on signals.
• These signals include transmission signals , sound or
voice signals , image signals , and other signals e.t.c.
• Out of all these signals , the field that deals with the type
of signals for which the input is an image and the output
is also an image is done in image processing.
• It can be further divided into analog image processing
and digital image processing.
1. Analog image processing
• Analog image processing is done on analog signals.
• It includes processing on two dimensional analog signals.
• In this type of processing, the images are manipulated by
electrical means by varying the electrical signal.
• The common example include is the television image.
• Digital image processing has dominated over analog image
processing with the passage of time due its wider range of
What is digital Image?
How a digital image is formed?
• Machine/computer vision
• Computer graphics
• Artificial intelligence
• Signal processing
Computer vision
There are many types of computer vision that are used
in different ways:
• Image segmentation partitions an image into multiple regions
or pieces to be examined separately.
• Object detection identifies a specific object in an image.
• Advanced object detection recognizes many objects in a single
– a football field,
– an offensive player,
– a defensive
– a ball and so on. T
– these models use an X, Y coordinate to create a bounding
box and identify everything inside the box.
• Facial recognition is an advanced type of object detection that
not only recognizes a human face in an image but identifies a
specific individual.
• Edge detection is a technique used to identify the outside edge
of an object or landscape to better identify what is in the image.
• Pattern detection is a process of recognizing repeated shapes,
colors and other visual indicators in images.
• Image classification groups images into different categories.
• Feature matching is a type of pattern detection that matches
similarities in images to help classify them.
Applications of computer vision
Applications of Digital Image Processing
Image Correction, Sharpening, and Resolution Correction
• Often, we wish we could make old images better. And that
possible nowadays.
• Zooming, sharpening, edge detection, high dynamic range edits
all fall under this category.
• All these steps help in enhancing the image. Most editing
software and Image correction code can do these things easily.
Medical Technology :
• In the medical field, Image Processing is used for various tasks
like PET scan, X-Ray Imaging, Medical CT, UV imaging, Cancer
Cell Image processing, and much more.
• The introduction of Image Processing to the medical technology
field has greatly improved the diagnostics process.
• The image on the left is the original image. The image on the right
is the processed image.
• We can see that the processed image is far better and can be used 20
Computer / Machine Vision :
• One of the most interesting and useful applications of Image
Processing is in Computer Vision.
• Computer Vision is used to make the computer see, identify
things, and process the whole environment as a whole.
• An important use of CV is Self Driving cars, Drones etc.
• CV helps in obstacle detection, path recognition, &
understanding the environment.
• This is how typical Computer Vision works for Car Autopilots.
The computer takes in live footage and analyses other cars, the
road, and other obstacles.
Pattern recognition:
• Pattern recognition is a part of Image Processing that involves
AI and Machine Learning.
• Image processing is used to find out various patterns and
aspects in images.
• Pattern Recognition is used for Handwriting analysis, Image
recognition, Computer-aided medical diagnosis, and much
Video Processing:
• Video is basically a fast movement of images.
• Various image processing techniques are used in Video
• Some methods of Video Processing are noise removal, image
stabilization, frame rate conversion, detail enhancement, and
much more.
Reading assignment
• how the three dimension in physical world can
be converted in to two dimensional image?
• Define the process of capturing an image on
digital camera? Elaborate it with the working
principles of human eye.