Business Plan: Presented By: Umar Masood, Aqibullah

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Himalayan dec

Himalayan dec

Business Plan
Presented by:
Umar Masood,Aqibullah
We HimalayanDec is an Himalayan salt lamps exporter company

Who We are planning to work with biggest Ecommerce Platforms Such

as Amazon And Alibaba to showcase our countries special Product.

We Are Our salt products originally based on Pakistan’s Himalayan rock salt

that ensures customer satisfaction of owning pure Himalayan rock
salt items

01 Abstract Summary 04 Business Economics

02 About Company 05 Marketing

03 Target Market 06 Future Goals

HimalayanDec primary blends as an
important entity indulged
in wholesaler and exporting a large
collection of Himalayan Salt Products, Natural
Salt Lamps, Crystal Salt Lamps Pink Salt on
one of the best world top Ecommerce
Platforms and through Custom Bulk Orders.
We are thriving for quality and luxurious

Our Mission is to  bring  pink salt products

 originally based on Pakistan’s Himalayan
rock salt to worldwide .So We can make us a
call for the ideal Himalayan salt products of
About Company
We HimalayanDec is an Himalayan salt lamps exporter company We are planning to work with biggest
Ecommerce Platforms Such as Amazon And Alibaba to showcase our countries special Product.
Our salt products originally based on Pakistan’s Himalayan rock salt that ensures customer satisfaction of owning
pure Himalayan rock salt items

Inventory Marketing GROWTH

Target Market
Home Décor Services
Retail, Mostly USA and Europe

Wholesale Distributers
Chinese and Indians Through

Physician & Medical

The Product has medical benefits so
can be sell to Physicians.
Initial Investment
Estimated 4 Million PKR
10 Lac for Production & Packing For 1k Product
6Lac For Marketing and Listing

4Lac Yearly Management Fee
10Lac For Wholesale Orders
10 Lac For Custom Orders

Profit Margin
Estimated at 40% After Shipping and
Marketing Expenses
Product sourced at $2 and Retailed for 16$

B r a d A s s e t Va l u e
Flipping the brand for More collaborations
with wholesalers and expedition to other
ecommerce platforms.
PPC Ads Through


Te l e m a r k e t i n g a n d
Email Marketing for
OUR Website
Thank You
A n y Q u e s ti o n s

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