Dams and Hydropower Plants in India

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Dams and hydropower

Plants in India:-
Dam, structure built across a stream, a river, or an
estuary to retain water. Dams are built to provide water
for human consumption, for irrigating arid and semiarid
lands, or for use in industrial processesHydro power is
electrical energy produced through the power of moving
water. ... In modern technology, hydropwer moves
turbines that pass on their energy to a generator which
then produces electric power. Hydropower is a type of
renewable energy, and once the power plant is
constructed it produces little to no waste.
Nagarjuna Sagar Dam
The Nagarjuna Sagar Dam is located in
the state of Telangana. It is India’s largest
Masonry Dams built till date. It is the
largest manmade lake in the world. It has
26 gates and is 1.55 km in length. It is
situated on the river Krishna.Height of
the Dam- 124mLength of the Dam- 4863
m (Total Lenght)Type of Dam- Masonry
DamThe reservoir capacity- 93,71,845
acre feetCapacity that is installed- 816
The Sardar Sarovar dam
The Sardar Sarovar Dam is located in the state
of Gujarat. It is the largest dam in the
Narmada Valley Project. This Dam is to benefit
the other neighbouring states of Madhya
Pradesh, Rajasthan and Maharashtra. It is
situated on the river Narmada River.Height of
the Dam- 163mLength of the Dam- 1210mType
of Dam- Gravity DamThe reservoir capacity-
77,00,000 acre-feetCapacity that is installed-
1450 Megawatt
The Hirakud dam
The Hirakud Dam is located in the state of
Orissa. It is the longest dam in India with a
total length of 25.79 km. It is also in the list
of the longest dams in the world. The
Hirakud Dam is situated on the river
Mahanadi.Height of the Dam- 61 mLength
of the Dam- 4.8 km (Main Dam)Type of
Dam- Composite DamThe reservoir
capacity- 47,79,965 acre feetCapacity that
is installed- 347.5 Megawatt
The Bhakra Nangal dam
The Bhakra Nangal Dam is located in the
state of Himachal Pradesh and Punjab. It is
the largest dam in India having a height of
225 metres and also in the second position
in the largest dams in all over Asia. It is
situated on the river Sutlej.Height of the
Dam- 226 mLength of the Dam- 520mType
of Dam- Concrete GravityThe reservoir
capacity- 75,01,775 acre feetCapacity that is
installed- 1325 Megawatt
The Tehri dam

The Tehri Dam is located in the state of

Uttarakhand. It is the highest Dam in India with
a height of 260.5 metres. It is also listed in the
top ten highest dams in the world. This Dam is
situated on the river Bhagirathi.Height of the
Dam- 260.5 mLength of the Dam- 575 mType of
Dam- Rock fillThe reservoir capacity- 21,00,000
acre feetCapacity that is installed- 1000
Types of dam:-
• Types of Dams:-Arch Dam: An arch dam is a concrete dam that is curved upstream in the plan. It is designed so that
the hydrostatic pressure (force of the water against it) presses against the arch, causing the arch to straighten
slightly and strengthening the structure as it pushes into its foundation or abutments. An arch dam is most suitable
for narrow canyons or gorges with steep walls of stable rock to support the structure and stresses.Gravity Dam:
Dams constructed from concrete or stone masonry are Gravity dams. They are designed to hold back water by using
only the weight of the material and its resistance against the foundation to oppose the horizontal pressure of water
pushing against it. These are designed in such a way that each section of the dam is stable and independent of other
section.Arch-Gravity Dam: This dam has the characteristics of both an arch dam and a gravity dam. It is a dam that
curves upstream in a narrowing curve that directs most of the water pressure against the canyon rock walls. The
inward compression of the dam by the water reduces the lateral (horizontal) force acting on the dam.Barrages: A
barrage is a type of low-head, diversion dam which consists of a number of large gates that can be opened or closed
to control the amount of water passing through. This allows the structure to regulate and stabilize river water
elevation upstream for use in irrigation and other systems.Embankment Dams: An embankment dam is a large
artificial dam. It is typically created by the placement and compaction of a complex semi-plastic mound of various
compositions of soil, sand, clay, or rock. It has a semi-pervious waterproof natural covering for its surface and a
dense, impervious core.Rock-Fills Dams: Rock-fill dams are embankments of compacted free-draining granular earth
with an impervious zone. The earth utilized often contains a high percentage of large particles, hence the term
“rock-fill”.Concrete-face rock-fill dams: A concrete-face rock-fill dam (CFRD) is a rock-fill dam with concrete slabs on
its upstream face. This design provides the concrete slab as an impervious wall to prevent leakage and also a
structure without concern for uplift pressure.Earth-fill dams: Earth-fill dams, also called earthen dams, rolled-earth
dams or simply earth dams, are constructed as a simple embankment of well-compacted earth. A homogeneous
rolled-earth dam is entirely constructed of one type of material but may contain a drain layer to collect seep water.
Facts about dam:-
• Facts about Hydroelectric Power plants in IndiaThe Koyna
Hydroelectric Project is the largest completed hydroelectric power
plant in India. It has a power capacity of 1960 MW.The first
hydroelectric power station was the Shivanasamudra hydroelectric
power station.Tehri Hydro Electric Power plant is the highest
hydroelectric power project in the country, also Tehri Dam is the
tallest one in India. Now, NTPC has taken over the project (Since
2019).Srisailam Hydro Power Plant is the third largest working project
in India.Nathpa Jhakri Hydroelectric Power Plant is the biggest
underground hydroelectric power project in the country.Sardar
Sarovar Dam is the world’s second-largest concrete dam
Thankyou and Hariom!
Presentation made by Shriya Mondal
From class 7E

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