Lecture # 0 Data - Structures - and - Algorithm

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Contact Information

 Instructor: Sarwar Shah Khan

 Email: [email protected]
Course Objectives

 Impart the basic concepts of data structures and

 Understand concepts about searching and sorting
 Understand basic concepts about stacks, queues, lists,
trees and graphs
 Understanding about writing algorithms and step by
step approach in solving problems with the help of
fundamental data structures
 Practice a variety of data structure and implement
with real time scenario
4 Introduction to Data Structure
A data structure is a particular way of storing and
organizing data in a computer so that it can be
used efficiently
Need for Data Structures
 Data structures organize data  more efficient
 More powerful computers  more complex
 More complex applications demand more
Organizing Data
 Any organization for a collection of records that
can be searched, processed in any order, or
 The choice of data structure and algorithm can
make the difference between a program
running in a few seconds or many days.
What is Data Structure?

 Data structure is a representation of data and the

operations allowed on that data.
 A data structure is a way to store and organize data
in order to facilitate the access and modifications.
 Data Structure is the method of representing of
logical relationships between individual data
elements related to the solution of a given problem.
Data Structures

 A data structure is a particular way of organizing data

in computer memory so that it can be used efficiently.

 Classification of Data Structure

 Data structure can be classified into two main categories:
Primitive & Non-Primitive
1. Primitive Data Structure
 Basic data types are known as primitive data structures.
Also called simple Data Structure e.g. integer, real,
Boolean, character etc.
Data Structures

2. Non-Primitive Data Structure

 The data types which are derived from primary data types are known as
non-primitive data structure. These are used to store group of values e.g.
array, structures, link list, stacks, queues etc.
 Non-Primitive data structure are further divided into two categories:
Linear & Non-Linear
 Linear Data Structure
 A data structure is said to be linear if its elements form a sequence i.e.
elements are attached with one another e.g. array, link list, stacks, queues
 Non-Linear Data Structure
 In non-linear data structure elements are not organized in a sequential
fashion. A data item can be attached to several other data elements e.g.
tree, graph etc.
Terms in Data Structures

 Interface
 Each data structure has an interface. Interface
represents the set of operations that a data structure
supports. An interface only provides the list of
supported operations, type of parameters they can
accept and return type of these operations.
 Implementation
 Implementation provides the internal representation
of a data structure. It also provides the definition of
algorithms used in the operation of data structure.

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Characteristics of Data Structure

 Correctness
 Data structure implementation should implement
its interface correctly.
 Time Complexity
 Running time or the execution time of operations
of data structure must be as small as possible.
 Space Complexity
 Memory usage of a data structure operation
should be as little as possible.

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Selecting a Data Structure
Select a data structure as follows:
1. Analyze the problem to determine the resource
constraints a solution must meet.
2. Determine the basic operations that must be supported.
Quantify the resource constraints for each operation.
3. Select the data structure that best meets these
Data Structure Philosophy
 Each data structure has costs and benefits.
 Rarely is one data structure better than another in all
 A data structure requires:
 space for each data item it stores,

 time to perform each basic operation,

 programming effort.
14 Introduction to Algorithms
A precise rule (or set of rules) specifying
how to solve some problem.

 An algorithm is a clearly defined set of instructions to be

followed to solve a problem. Algorithms are generally
created independent of underlying programming languages.
 From the data structure point of view, following are some
important categories of algorithms
 Search − Algorithm to search an item in a data structure
 Sort − Algorithm to sort items in a certain order
 Insert − Algorithm to insert item in a data structure
 Update − Algorithm to update an existing item in a data structure
 Delete − Algorithm to delete an existing item from a data

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Characteristics of an Algorithm

 Not all procedures can be called an algorithm. An algorithm

should have the following characteristics:
 Unambiguous − Algorithm should be clear and unambiguous.
Each of its steps (or phases), and their inputs/outputs should be
clear and must lead to only one meaning.
 Input − An algorithm should have 0 or more well-defined inputs.
 Output − An algorithm should have 1 or more well-defined
outputs, and should match the desired output.
 Finiteness − Algorithms must terminate after a finite number of
 Feasibility − Should be feasible with the available resources.
 Independent − An algorithm should have step-by-step directions,
which should be independent of any programming code.
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 Problem − Design an algorithm to add two

numbers and display the result.
 Step 1 – START
 Step 2 – declare three integers a, b & c
 Step 3 – define values of a & b
 Step 4 – add values of a & b
 Step 5 – store output of Step 4 to c
 Step 6 – print c
 Step 7 – STOP
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 Problem − Design an algorithm to add two numbers and

display the result.

 Step 1 – START ADD

 Step 2 – get values of a & b
 Step 3 – c  a + b
 Step 4 – display c
 Step 5 – STOP

 Second method is preferable in Data Structure and

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Why Study Algorithms?

 Algorithms solve problems

 Good choice: more efficient programs
 Bad choice: poor programs performance
 Example:
 Problem: Find the largest element ‘k’ out of ‘N’ integers
 Easy algorithms: sort all integers, then list the first or last
 Better algorithm: take first element then read through the list

 Different algorithms perform better on different inputs

 Input size also affect the performance.
Notion of Algorithm and Problem



Input “Computer” Output

Representation of an Algorithms

 An algorithm may be represented in different

 A description using English/other languages
 A real computer program, e.g. C++ or java
 A pseudo-code, C-like program, program-language-
like program.

 Program = algorithms + data structures

Basic Issues Related to Algorithms

 How to design algorithms

 How to express algorithms

 Proving correctness

 Efficiency (or complexity) analysis

 Theoretical analysis

 Empirical analysis

 Optimality
Algorithm Efficiency

 There are often many algorithms for a given

problem. How do we choose the best?
 Goals of program design:
 Algorithm is to be easy to understand, code, debug
 Algorithm makes efficient use of computer’s resources
 How to measure the efficiency?
 Empirical comparison (run the program)
 Asymptotic algorithm analysis (without running the
 Factors affecting running time (size of the input)
Best, Worst and Average Cases

 Not all inputs of a given size take the same time.

 Each algorithm has three cases:
 Best case:
 Worst Case:
 Average Case:
Example: Best, Worst and Average Cases

 Sequential search for ‘k’ in an array of ‘n’ integers:

 Best case: ‘k’ is the first element of the array.
 Worst case: the search must visit every element once.
This happens when the value being searched for is
either the last element in the list, or is not in the list
 Average case: on average, assuming the value searched
for is in the list and each list element is equally likely
to be the value searched for, the search visits only n/2
Abstract Data Type (ADT)

 An abstract data type (ADT) is a set of objects together with a set of

operations. Abstract data types are mathematical abstractions; nowhere
in an ADT’s definition is there any mention of how the set of
operations is implemented.
 An abstract data type (or ADT) is a class that has a defined set of
operations and values. In other words, you can create the starter motor
as an entire abstract data type, protecting all of the inner code from the
user. When the user wants to start the car, they can just execute the
start() function.
 Objects such as lists, stacks and queues along with their operations, can
be viewed as ADTs, just as Integers, Reals and Booleans are data types.
Integers, Reals and Booleans have operations associated with them, and
so they are also called ADTs.

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Fundamental Data Structures

Basic Data Structures

Linear Data Non-Linear Data Structures


Arrays Linked Stack Queues Graphs Trees Hash Tables

Lists s

Linked list

tree stack
Linear Data Structures

 A data structure is said to be linear if its elements

form a sequence or a linear list.
 Examples:
 Arrays
 Linked Lists
 Stacks
 Queues
Non-Linear Data Structures

 A data structure is said to be non-linear if its

elements does not form a sequence or a linear list.
 Examples:
 Trees
 Graphs
 Hash Tables
 Each element may be connected with two or more
other nodes or items in a non-linear arrangement.
Operations on Data Structures

 Traversal: Travel through the data structure

 Search: Traversal through the data structure for a given
 Insertion: Adding new elements to the data structure
 Deletion: Removing an element from the data structure
 Sorting: Arranging the elements in some type of order
 Merging: Combining two similar data structures into
32 Linear Data Structures
 Arrays
 Linked List
 Stacks
 Queues

 A sequence of n items of the same data type that are

stored contiguously in computer memory and made
accessible by specifying a value of the array’s index.
 Properties:
 fixed length (need preliminary reservation of memory)
 contiguous memory locations
 direct access
 Insert/delete

a[0] a[1] a[2] a[3] a[4] a[5] a[6] a[7] a[8] a[9]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Array a with 10 integer elements

Linked List

 A sequence of zero or more nodes each containing two kinds of

information: some data and one or more links called pointers to
other nodes of the linked list.
 Properties
 dynamic length
 arbitrary memory locations
 access by following links
 Insert/delete
 Types of Linked List
 Singly linked list (next pointer)

 Doubly linked list (next + previous pointers)


 A stack is a data structure that uses last-in, first-out

(LIFO) ordering and allows reading and writing on
the top element only.
 Properties
 insertion/deletion can be done only at the top
 Two operations
 Push (insertion)
 Pop (removal)

 Collection with access only to the item that has been

present the longest
 Properties
 Insertion/enqueue from the rear (back) and deletion/
dequeue from the front.
 Two operations
 Enqueue
 Dequeue

Front 20 30 10 60 57 29 Back
37 Non-Linear Data Structures
 Graphs
 Trees
 Hash Tables

 Formal definition: A graph G = <V, E> is defined by a

pair of two sets: a finite set V of items called vertices and a set
E of vertex pairs called edges.
 Undirected and directed graphs (digraphs).
 Complete, dense, and sparse graphs

Undirected Graph Directed Graph


 A Tree is a way of representing the

hierarchical nature of a structure in a
graphical form.
 Properties of trees
 Root Node
 Child Node
 Parent Node Unordered Tree
 Leaf Node
 Types
 Unordered Tree
 Binary Tree is an ordered tree data
structure in which each node has at most
two children.
Binary Tree
Hash Tables

 A hash table is a data structure that uses a hash

function to map identifying values, known as keys
(e.g., a person's name), to their associated values
(e.g., their telephone number).

 A data structure is a particular way of storing and organizing

data in a computer so that it can be used efficiently.
 Linear Data Structures
 Arrays
 Linked List
 Stacks
 Queues
 Non Linear Data Structures
 Graphs
 Trees
 Hash Tables

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