NENA NG911 Arch For SDO Workshop

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NENA Next Generation 9-1-1


Brian Rosen
Senior Director, NeuStar
Chair, NENA Long Term
Definition WG
 NENA = North American Emergency Number
 Sets standards (among many other things) for
emergency calls in U.S./Canada
 Next Generation 9-1-1 project
– Complete overhaul of the entire 9-1-1 system
– Based on IP
– Includes changes to processes, funding, training, etc, etc
– The initial version of the technical standards part is known
as “i3”
i3 is based on IETF Emergency Call

 Endpoint (phone) “determines” its location by measurement

(e.g. GPS) or from the access network via a “Location
Configuration Protocol”
 Endpoint “maps” the location to the URI of the PSAP with a
new protocol, LoST
 Endpoint learns LOCAL dialstring (9-1-1, 1-1-2) from LoST
 Endpoint recognizes emergency call dialstring when dialed
 Call is marked with service urn (urn:service:sos)
 Call is sent to PSAP with mapped URI
 Location is “conveyed” with the call
 Call arrives at PSAP with location and call back info
 Works for all media (voice, video, text, IM, …)
Location Determination

 How location is actually figured out

 Measurement (GPS) or wiretrace or manual
 Can be done by the endpoint or the access
 Can be civic (street address) or geo
Location Configuration Protocols
 How the access network provides location
 Exchange an identifier of some kind, implicitly (e.g. what port
on the switch) or explicitly (e.g. MAC address, IP address) for
 Location can be civic or geo
 Current discussion on whether it can be a reference (e.g. URI)
which must be dereferenced by some other protocol, or must
be a value
 DHCP is an example LCP
 There is a “Layer 7” LCP in development
 LLDP-MED is another example of an LCP
Marking an Emergency Call
 Single global standard to denote an emergency call
(does not rely on local dialstrings)
 Uses a newly defined Service urn
 Local dialstring is detected, and call is then marked
with the service urn
 Single number countries (9-1-1) use urn:service:sos
 Number-per-service countries (1-1-6=police) use e.g.
 Extends to commercial location based routing, e.g.
 Normally endpoint does dialstring to service URN
translation, network can do it
Routing Emergency Calls
 Location to Service Translation = LoST
 Service URN + Location in, URI out
 A “Mapping” function
 Accepts civic/geo and service urn, returns URI, e.g.
SIP and/or XMPP URI of where to route the call
 Normal (SIP) routing of that URI
 LoST is global, distributed, and replicated
 Normally endpoint maps, network can do it
 LoST will also supply the dialstring(s) for a location
 LoST will also validate a civic location
Back to NENA i3

 All calls answered as IP calls at PSAP

 Implies gateways between older TDM
switches and PSAPs
 All calls routed with LoST
 Implies TN to location lookup prior to routing
 All calls arrive at PSAP with location and call
back address (can be URI or e.164)
Emergency Services IP Network
just 9-1-1
 A regular routed IP network
 DOES have (firewalled) connections to the Internet
 Conceived as LOCAL networks (e.g. County level)
interconnected with neighbors, perhaps a backbone
for efficiency
 Most local carriers will have private connections to
the local ESInet
 Option of using the Internet to introduce calls
Multi-Stage Routing

 Emergency Services Routing Proxies at edge

of ESInet onward route calls to PSAP
 Uses LoST with authentication
 User LoST query may return URI of ESRP
 ESRP will foreward to PSAP
 Could have more than one level of ESRP
More Data will be accepted
 Additional Information about the call
– Includes carrier contact info, subscriber class of service, etc
– Call marked with URI of a datastructure to be retrieved by the PSAP
– Also used for pointer to telematics data
 Additional Information about the caller
– Refers to the person, independent of home/office/mobile telephone
– Could be medical info, “in emergency, please contact”, …)
– Also a URI (anonymous), supplied by subscriber to carrier
 Additional Information about the location
– Comes from LoST
– Two calls from same location will have same info, regardless of caller or
– Could be floor plans, hazardous materials, surveillance video, …
i3 PSAPs will be multimedia
 Voice, Video, Text
 Will support a variety of codecs (but not all of them,
carriers don’t decide)
 Will support both IM and interactive (character at a
time codecs)
 Full Offer/Answer negotiation
 Will use codec choice to automatically engage relay
operators if needed
 Will use Language preference info to route calls to
appropriate call takers, and automatically engage
3rd Party Calls

 Used when user contacts a call center first

– Text/Video/IP Relay
– Telematics (OnStar)
– Central Alarm Monitoring
 Authorized 3rd parties can directly introduce
calls, routed by location of user, with all 3
parties conferenced at the PSAP
PSAPs use LoST to route to responders

 A PSAP will make LoST dips with caller’s

location to determine the responding police,
fire, ems, … services
 A different service urn
 Requires authentication
 Same underlying database
 This replaces the “ESN” of the current
Notes to endpoint vendors
 Read –phonebcp (will be draft-ietf-ecrit-phonebcp-00)
 Implement ALL OF a short list of LCPs
 Map location to PSAP URI and cache it
 Recognize local (and maybe home) dialstrings as emergency
 Mark emergency calls with service URN
 Try to update location and LoST mapping at call time, use
cached values if needed
 Several other SIP things to support PSAP operations on calls
 Support manual override of determined location, but make it
possible, not easy to use
Notes to Access Network Providers

 Need to choose one of the LCPs the phones will

implement and deploy it
 The only way to choose something not on the –
phonebcp list is to force every endpoint to do
something else
– But watch out for Ethernet connected phones behind a
router/switch with an uplink to your network; you may not be
able to control them
 Probably will be asked to supply a hint to a local
LoST service
 Validate (use LoST) civic locations when you put
them in your location server
Notes to Communications (e.g. VoIP)

 Prepare to route marked emergency calls to

 Prioritize marked emergency calls in softswitches
 Deploy connections to local ESInets
 Add the “Info about the call” URI with your contact
data, etc.
 Support Interactive Text & Video codecs all the way
through the system for the disabled

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