Design of IIR Filters

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Design of IIR filters

• IIR filters are designed by considering all the infinite samples of the impulse response.
• The impulse response is obtained by taking inverse Fourier transform of ideal
frequency response.
• There are several techniques available for the design of digital filters having an infinite
duration unit impulse response.
• The popular methods for such filter design uses the technique of first designing the
digital filter in analog domain and then transforming the analog filter into an
equivalent digital filter because the analog filter design techniques are well developed.
• We discuss various methods of transforming an analog filter into a digital filter and
methods of designing digital filters.

Requirements for Transformation

For stability and causality of analog filter, the analog transfer function should satisfy
the following requirements:
• The Ha(s) should be a rational function of s, and the coefficients of s should be real.
• The poles should lie on the left half of s-plane.
• The number of zeros should be less than or equal to the number of poles.
For stability and causality of digital filter, the digital transfer function should satisfy
the following requirements:
• The H(z) should be a rational function of z and the coefficients of z should be real.
• The poles should lie inside the unit circle in z-plane.
• The number of zeros should be less than or equal to the number of poles.
The analog filter with transfer function Ha(s) is stable if all its poles lie in
the left half of the s-plane. Consequently for the conversion technique
to be effective, it should possess the following desirable properties:
• The imaginary axis in the s-plane should map into the unit circle in the
z-plane. Thus, there will be a direct relationship between the two
frequency variables in the two domains.
• The left half of the s-plane should map into the interior of the unit
circle centred at the origin in z-plane. Thus, a stable analog filter will
be converted to a stable digital filter.
Design of IIR Filter By Approximation of Derivatives
• The analog filter having the rational system function H(s) can also be described by the linear constant
coefficient differential equation.

• In this method of IIR filter design by approximation of derivatives, an analog filter is converted into a
digital filter by approximating the above differential equation into an equivalent difference equation.
• It can be observed that the mapping of the equation s = (1 – z–1)/T, takes the left half
plane of s-domain into the corresponding points inside the circle of radius 0.5 and
centre at z = 0.5.
• Also the right half of the s-plane is mapped outside the unit circle. Because of this, this
mapping results in a stable analog filter transformed into a stable digital filter.
• However, since the location of poles in the z-domain are confined to smaller
frequencies, this design method can be used only for transforming analog low-pass
filters and band pass filters which are having smaller resonant frequencies.
• This means that neither a high-pass filter nor a band-reject filter can be realized using
this technique.
Design of IIR Filter By Impulse Invariant Transformation

• In this technique, the desired impulse response of the digital filter is

obtained by uniformly sampling the impulse response of the
equivalent analog filter.
• The main idea behind this is to preserve the frequency response
characteristics of the analog filter.
• For the digital filter to possess the frequency response characteristics
of the corresponding analog filter, the sampling period T should be
sufficiently small (or the sampling frequency should be sufficiently
high) to minimize (or completely avoid) the effects of aliasing.
Design of FIR filters
• IIR filters are usually implemented using recursive structures
(feedback-poles and zeros) and FIR filters are usually implemented
using non-recursive structures (no feedback-only zeros).
• The response of the FIR filter depends only on the present and past
input samples,
• whereas for the IIR filter, the present response is a function of the
present and past values of the excitation as well as past values of the
Main advantages of FIR filters over IIR
• FIR filters are always stable.
• FIR filters with exactly linear phase can easily be designed.
• FIR filters can be realized in both recursive and non-recursive
• FIR filters are free of limit cycle oscillations, when implemented on a
finite word length digital system.
• Excellent design methods are available for various kinds of FIR filters.
The disadvantages of FIR filters are as
• The implementation of narrow transition band FIR filters is very costly,
as it requires considerably more arithmetic operations and hardware
components such as multipliers, adders and delay elements.
• Memory requirement and execution time are very high.
Characteristics of FIR filters with linear phase
Design Techniques for FIR Filters
• The well known methods of designing FIR filters are as follows:
1. Fourier series method
2. Window method
3. Frequency sampling method
4. Optimum filter design

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