Mangrove Ecosystem
Mangrove Ecosystem
Mangrove Ecosystem
I am
M angrove forests thrive near the
mouths of large rivers where river deltas
Characteristics of A provide lots of sediment (sand and
mangrove tree mud). Mangrove roots collect sediments
and slow the water's flow, helping to
Conditions in a protect the coastline and preventing
mangrove ecosystem erosion.
Ecosystem Module
Mark Dave Aguillon
I am
Characteristics of A
mangrove tree
Mangrove is from a Portuguese Evergreen plants with thick leathery
word for tree (mangue) and an leaves designed to minimize
English word for a stand of transpiration.
trees (grove)
Viviparous germination where the seed
Trees and shrubs that grow in germinates on the tree and falls down in
saline coastal habitats in the the germinating condition with a long
tropics and subtropics; radicle- characteristic of
Rhizophoraceae .
They grow in loose, wet soils, Root system has many unique types of
salt water, and are periodically roots.
submerged by tidal flows;
Mangrove snake
See my
Importance of
mangrove ecosystem