Vector Mechanics For Engineers: Dynamics: Twelfth Edition
Vector Mechanics For Engineers: Dynamics: Twelfth Edition
Vector Mechanics For Engineers: Dynamics: Twelfth Edition
Twelfth Edition
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Chapter 12
Kinetics of Particles:
Newton’s Second Law
• Contents
Introduction Sample Problem 12.10
Newton’s Second Law of Motion Angular Momentum of a Particle
Linear Momentum of a Particle Equations of Motion in Radial &
Transverse Components
Systems of Units
Conservation of Angular Momentum
Equations of Motion
Newton’s Law of Gravitation
Dynamic Equilibrium
Sample Problem 12.12
Sample Problem 12.1
Trajectory of a Particle Under a
Sample Problem 12.3
Central Force
Sample Problem 12.5
Application to Space Mechanics
Sample Problem 12.6
Sample Problem 12.14
Sample Problem 12.7
Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion
F ma
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
• If the resultant force acting on a particle is not zero, the particle
will have an acceleration proportional to the magnitude of resultant
and in the direction of the resultant.
• Must be expressed with respect to a Newtonian (or inertial)
frame of reference, i.e., one that is not accelerating or rotating.
• This form of the equation is for a constant mass system.
• Newton’s second law F ma.
Fx i Fy j Fz k m axi a y j a z k
F x max F
y ma y F
z ma z
F x mx F
y my F
z mz
The free body diagram is the same as you have done in statics;
we will add the kinetic diagram in our dynamic analysis.
1. Isolate the body of interest (free body).
2. Draw your axis system (example: Cartesian, polar, path).
3. Add in applied forces (example: weight, 225 N pulling force).
4. Replace supports with forces (example: normal force).
5. Draw appropriate dimensions (usually angles for particles).
Put the inertial terms for the body of interest on the kinetic
1. Isolate the body of interest (free body).
2. Draw in the mass times acceleration of the particle; if
unknown, do this in the positive direction according to your
chosen axes.
F ma
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• Free Body Diagrams and Kinetic
Diagrams 3
1. Isolate body
2. Axes
3. Applied forces
4. Replace supports with forces
5. Dimensions (already drawn)
6. Kinetic diagram
1. Isolate body
2. Axes
3. Applied forces
4. Replace supports with forces
5. Dimensions
6. Kinetic diagram
• Resolve the equation of motion for the
block into two rectangular component
• Write the kinematic relationships for the
dependent motions and accelerations of
the blocks.
• Write the equations of motion for the
blocks and pulley.
• Combine the kinematic relationships
with the equations of motion to solve for
The two blocks shown start the accelerations and cord tension.
from rest. The horizontal
plane and the pulley are
frictionless, and the pulley is
assumed to be of negligible
mass. Determine the
acceleration of each block
and the tension in the cord.
F y mB a B :
m Bg-T2 =m Ba B
300 kg 9.81m s 2 -T2 = 300 kg a B
T2 =2940N- 300 kg a B
F y mC aC 0 :
T2 2T1 0
T1 100 kg a A
T2 =2940N- 300 kg a B
2940N- 300 kg 12 a A
T2 2T1 0
2940 N 150 kg a A 2 100 kg a A 0
a A 8.40 m s 2
aB 12 a A 4.20 m s 2
T1 100 kg a A 840 N
T2 2T1 1680 N
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• Sample Problem 12.3 4
• The block is constrained to slide down
the wedge. Therefore, their motions are
dependent. Express the acceleration of
block as the acceleration of wedge plus
the acceleration of the block relative to
the wedge.
Fx mB a x mB a A cos 30 a B A :
- mB g sin 30° = ( mB ) a A cos30° - aB A )
aB A = a A cos30° + g sin 30°
Fy m B a y mB a A sin 30 :
N1 - mB g cos30° = - ( mB ) a A sin 30°
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• Sample Problem 12.5 3
• Write the kinematic relationships for the
dependent motions and accelerations of the
• Draw the FBD and KD for each block
• Write the equations of motion for the
blocks and pulley.
• Combine the kinematic relationships with
the equations of motion to solve for the
accelerations and cord tension.
• Newton’s second law F ma.
• Resolve the equation of motion for the
bob into tangential and normal
• Solve the component equations for the
normal and tangential accelerations.
• Solve for the velocity in terms of the
normal acceleration.
The bob of a 2-m pendulum
describes an arc of a circle in a
vertical plane. If the tension in
the cord is 2.5 times the weight
of the bob for the position
shown, find the velocity and
accel-eration of the bob in that
• The car travels in a horizontal circular
path with a normal component of
acceleration directed toward the center
of the path. The forces acting on the
car are its weight and a normal reaction
from the road surface.
• Draw the FBD and KD for the collar.
• Write the equations of motion for the
• Determine kinematics of the collar.
The 3-kg collar B rests on the
frictionless arm AA′. The collar is • Combine the equations of motion
held in place by the rope attached with kinematic relationships and
to drum D and rotates about O in solve.
a horizontal plane. The linear
velocity of the collar B is
increasing according to v 0.2 t 2
where v is in m/s and t is in sec.
Find the tension in the rope and
the force of the bar on the collar
after 5 seconds if r = 0.4 m.
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• Group Problem Solving 6
N 187.5 N T 6.0 N
F ma r m r
F ma m r 2r
• Write the radial and transverse
equations of motion for the
• Integrate the radial equation to
find an expression for the radial
A block B of mass m can slide freely on velocity.
a frictionless arm OA which rotates in a • Substitute known information
horizontal plane at a constant rate 0 . into the transverse equation to
Knowing that B is released at a distance find an expression for the force
r0 from O, express as a function of r on the block.
v dv r dr
equations of motion for the r r 0
0 r0
vr2 02 r 2 r02
Fr m ar :
0 m r r 2 • Substitute known information into the
transverse equation to find an
F m a : F m r 2r expression for the force on the block.
F 2m 02 r 2 r02
and Think:
• Introducing radial and transverse components of force and
acceleration involves using components of velocity as well in
the computations. But this is still much simpler and more direct
than trying to use other coordinate systems.
• Even though the radial acceleration is zero, the collar
accelerates relative to the rod with acceleration .
• Draw the FBD and KD for the collar.
• Write the equations of motion for the
• Determine kinematics of the collar.
• Combine the equations of motion
with kinematic relationships and
The 3-kg collar B slides on the frictionless arm AA. The arm is attached to drum
D and rotates about O in a horizontal plane at the rate where and t are expressed
in rad/s and seconds, respectively. As the arm-drum assembly rotates, a
mechanism within the drum releases the cord so that the collar moves outward
from O with a constant speed of 0.5 m/s. Knowing that at t = 0, r = 0, determine
the time at which the tension in the cord is equal to the magnitude of the
horizontal force exerted on B by arm AA.
+Z S Fr = mar F mB a
&- rq&2 )
+^ - T = m(r& N m(r 2r )
r 5 m/s
Kinematics: find expressions for r and q r t
(0.75t ) rad/s
dr 0
0.5 dt
r (0.5t ) m
0.75 rad/s 2
r 0
Substitute values into ar , aθ
ar r r 2 0 [(0.5t ) m][(0.75t ) rad/s]2 (0.28125t 3 ) m/s 2
a r 2r [(0.5t ) m][0.75 rad/s 2 ] 2(0.5 m/s)[(0.75t ) rad/s]
(1.125t ) m/s 2
a) +e1 b) − e1 c) +e2 d) − e2
e) The forces are zero in the e1 and e2 directions
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• Concept Quiz 4
a) +e1 b) − e1 c) +e2 d) − e2
e) The forces are zero in the e1 and e2 directions
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• Angular Momentum of a Particle 1
F r
mar m r r 2
F ma m r 2r
• H O r mV moment of momentum or the
angular momentum of the particle about O.
• H O is perpendicular to plane containing r and mV
H O rmV sin i j k
rm v HO x y z
mr 2 mv x mv y mvz
• Derivative of angular momentum with respect to
H O r mV r mV V mV r ma
• It follows from Newton’s second law that the
sum of the moments about O of the forces acting
on the particle is equal to the rate of change of
the angular momentum of the particle about O.
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• Conservation of Angular Momentum 1
• Since the satellite is moving under a
central force, its angular momentum is
constant. Equate the angular momentum
at A and B and solve for the velocity at B.
m r r 2 Fr F
m r 2r F 0
h h2 d 2 1
2 and r 2
r r d 2 r
• After substituting into the radial equation of motion and simplifying,
d 2u F 1
u where u
d 2 mh 2u 2 r
d 2 mh 2u 2 r r2
d 2u GM
u constant
d 2 h2
• ellipse, 1 or C < GM / h 2 .
The radius vector is finite for q and is constant,
that is a circle, for ε < 0.
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• Application to Space Mechanics 3
vesc v0
where a 12 r0 r1
b r0 r1
1 GM
2 C cos
r h
398 1012 m3 s 2
1 GM 398 1012 m3 s 2 9 1
2 C 65.3 10
70.4 m2 s
r1 h m
h 70.4 109 m 2 s